Rainer Kaune

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Rainer Kaune

Rainer Kaune (* 1945 in Bückeburg , Lower Saxony ) is a German author, reciter , lecturer, educator and editor. He also published under his "secret" pseudonym Heinrich Berner .


After attending the primary and secondary school in Bückeburg, Kaune was an official of the “yellow” post from 1962 to 1969 at several places of work, including in Stadthagen , Hanover and Düsseldorf . He did his military service from 1965 to 1966 as a radar flight detector for the Air Force (stationed in: Lagerlechfeld / Upper Bavaria and Aurich / East Frisia ). From 1969 to 1972 a teaching degree followed in Hanover - after a previous "gifted special examination". His chosen fields of study were history, psychology and philosophy.

From 1972 to 2008 Kaune worked as a teacher in the Diepholz district . Important school locations for him were Sulingen , Affinghausen , Schwaförden and Scholen . In the meantime, from 1974 to 1977, he completed additional training in "Individual Psychology" at the Alfred Adler Institute in Delmenhorst . Kaune retired in summer 2008 and has only been active as an artist since then.

He has had an entry in Kürschner's German Literature Calendar since 1981 .

Since 1982 his place of residence has been Bassum ; he is married there too. His wife is a self-employed businesswoman in the watch and jewelry industry.


Kaune has worked and published a lot, especially in the areas of aphorisms , quotations , maxims and literary portraits. He has over 150 publications and numerous lecture tours in German-speaking countries as well as appearances on radio and television.

Works (selection)


Web links