Ranveig Frøiland

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Ranveig Hjørdis Frøiland (born September 15, 1945 in Sund - † March 16, 2020 ) was a Norwegian politician of the Arbeiderpartiet (Ap). From December 1996 to October 1997 she was the energy minister of her country.


Frøiland was active in local politics from 1975. She sat in Fjell's local parliament from 1975 to 1987 and again from 2007 to 2011 . From 1983 to 1985 she was deputy mayor of the town. Between 1992 and 1996 and between 1999 and 2003 she served as the leader of the Labor Party in what was then the province of Hordaland .

Member of the Storting

In 1985 she moved into the Norwegian Parliament, the Storting , for the first time . There she represented the constituency of Hordaland until 2005 and she was initially a member of the Maritime and Fisheries Committee. She later sat on the Church and Education Committee, the Energy and Industry Committee, and the Finance Committee, among others. Between October 1993 and December 1996 she served as Vice-Chair of the Energy and Environment Committee. From March 2000 to September 2001 she served as chair of the Committee on Churches, Education and Research. In the period between October 2001 and September 2005, she was also a member of the parliamentary committee of her party.

Energy minister

On December 18, 1996, Frøiland was appointed Minister for Energy in the Jagland government. The Ministry was housed in the Ministry of Economics and Energy until the turn of the year , after which she was minister in the newly established Ministry of Oil and Energy until October 17, 1997 .

Between 2006 and 2009 she worked as a so-called Riksrevisorin, i.e. as head of the Norwegian Audit Office Riksrevisjonen . She died in March 2020 after suffering from cancer for a long time.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ranveig Frøiland he død. In: Bergens Tidende. March 16, 2020, accessed on March 16, 2020 (Norwegian Bokmål).
  2. Jonas Gahr Støre minnes Ranveig Frøiland: - Et Raust og ærlig medmenneske. Bergensavisen, March 17, 2020, accessed on March 28, 2020 (Norwegian).