Administrative region of Hohensalza

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Administrative districts and counties in Reichsgau Wartheland (August 1943)

The administrative district of Hohensalza was an administrative district in the new Reichsgau Posen from 1939 to 1940 and an administrative district in the now renamed Reichsgau Wartheland from 1940 to 1945 . Today the area belongs to Poland .


The city of Hohensalza was designated as the seat of government . To the north, the district bordered the Reichsgau Danzig-West Prussia and East Prussia . In the east was the General Government . In the south was the administrative district Litzmannstadt and in the west was the administrative district Posen .


After the end of the Second World War , the area of ​​the administrative district fell to the People's Republic of Poland .

Administrative division

City districts

  1. Gniezno
  2. Hohensalza
  3. Leslau


  1. Old Burgundy
  2. Dietfurt (Wartheland)
  3. Eichenbrück
  4. Gniezno
  5. Hermannsbad (seat: Weichselstädt )
  6. Hohensalza
  7. Konin
  8. Kutno
  9. Leslau
  10. Mogilno
  11. Waldrode
  12. Warthbrücken

District President

1939–1944: Hans Burkhardt (1891–1948)
1944–1945: Wilhelm Albert (1898–1960) ( substitute )

Web links

  • Hohensalza administrative district Administrative history and the regional presidents on the website (Rolf Jehke), as of August 28, 2013.

Individual evidence

  1. - Reg.Bez. Hohensalza