Richard Dvořák

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Richard Dvořák (born December 28, 1913 in Křešice , † May 13, 2009 in Prague ) was a Czechoslovak economist, politician, functionary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPC), diplomat, member of parliament and minister in some governments.

Life, political career

Dvořák attended a commercial academy and the Svobodná škola politických nauk (Free School for Political Science) in Prague. From 1937 to 1939 he worked in the foreign department of Česká banka (Czech Bank). As an active member of the Svaz přátel Sovětského svazu (Association of Friends of the USSR) and a sympathizer of the communist movement, he was arrested by the Gestapo in 1939 and imprisoned in Buchenwald concentration camp until 1945 .

As a deputy, Dvořák was a long member of the National Assembly of Czechoslovakia, to which he was elected in the elections of 1948, 1954 and 1964. His party career was just as successful: at the XI. At the CPC party congress, he became a candidate for the Central Committee, on the XII. At the CPC Congress he became a member of the Central Committee and on the XIII. At the KPTsch party congress, he was elected a member of the Central Control and Revision Commission of the KPTsch.

Richard Dvořák held the following government functions (in brackets: date of term of office as minister):

In addition, Dvořák was in diplomatic service from 1959 to 1963 as ambassador to the Soviet Union, from 1967 to 1971 as ambassador to India and Nepal and from 1971 to 1976 as ambassador to the GDR. After that he retired .:

Individual evidence

  1. Borys Lewytzkyj, Juliusz Stroynowski: Who's who in the Socialist Countries , KG Saur Pub., 1978, p. 139, online at: / ...
  2. Životopisy nových členů vlády ČSSR , report in Rudé právo of September 22, 1963, p. 2, online at:
  3. a b c Jindřich Dejmek: Diplomacie Československa , Part II - Biografický slovník československých diplomatů (1918–1992), Praha 2013, p. 315, quoted. to: DVOŘÁK Richard , portal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, online at: / ...
  4. Společná česko-slovenská digitální poslanecká knihovna , Digitální depozitář (Joint Czech-Slovak digital library of the National Assembly of the Czech Republic), lists of MPs, online at: 1948 , / ... / Election 1954 , 1964
  5. Funkcionári KSČ a KSS [KPTsch officials], compilation of the Ústav pamäti národa (Institute for National Memory), online at: Party congress , Party Congress , Party congress
  6. a b Životopisy ministrů 1918–2004 (part 5), in: Author collective: Historie Ministerstva financí 1918–2004 , compilation of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, online at: / ...