Bohumil Sucharda

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Bohumil Sucharda (born April 20, 1914 in Tuhaň ; † February 2009 ) was a Czechoslovak economist, politician and finance minister (from January 1967 to September 1969).

Political career

From 1937 to 1950 Bohumil Sucharda held various managerial positions in Czechoslovak and international scientific institutions, and from 1948 to 1950 he was one of the managing directors of the IMF . From 1951 he held various positions in the Ministry of Finance, from 1962 as Deputy Minister of the Central Commission for People's Control and Statistics and as Minister of the same institution from November 1965 to January 1967 in the Jozef Lenárt government ; In the same government he was Minister of Finance and held this position in the Oldřich Černík I and Oldřich Černík II governments until September 1969.

Sucharda, as the right-hand man of the then Finance Minister Jaroslav Kabeš, played an important role in the preparation and implementation of the Czechoslovak currency reform of 1953. The consequence of this currency reform , which destroyed the savings of the population, was the exclusion of Czechoslovakia (due to the deliberate violation of the notification obligation) the IMF 1954.

Sucharda was a member of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ). From his party functions, only his membership in the Central Control and Revision Commission of the KSČ (1962–1970) is to be mentioned.

Sucharda lost all its functions in 1970 during the period of so-called normalization . He lectured at the University of Economics in Prague (1970–1971), after which he worked as an economics specialist in the Státní banka československá until 1979 . After 1990 he was advisor to the Economic Council of the Federal Government of Czechoslovakia. He was considered an expert in the field of currency forecasting and international currency relations.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Životopisy ministrů 1918–2004 (part 5), in: Author collective: Historie Ministerstva financí 1918–2004 , compilation of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, online at: / ...
  2. Bohumil Sucharda - osmašedesátník, nikoli reformní , report by the Český rozhlas radio station, April 17, 2014, online at: / ...
  3. Vývoj bankovnictví na území ČR od roku 1945 , Bankovní institut vysoká škola Praha, Prague 2012, online at: / ...
  4. Ing. Bohumil Sucharda , short profile in the party newspaper Rudé Právo on the day of his inauguration, April 10, 1968, page 2, digitized by Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR (Institute for Czech Literature of the Academy of Sciences), online at: archiv.ucl / ...
  5. Nejvyšší funkcionáři komunistické strany 1945 - 1989 , overview of the highest officials of the Communist Party, online at: / ...

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