Robert Hirschfeld

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Robert Hirschfeld (born September 17, 1857 in Großmeseritsch , Moravia ; † April 2, 1914 in Salzburg ; pseudonym: LA Terne ) was an Austrian music teacher and music critic.


Robert Hirschfeld, son of a rabbi , studied law at the University of Vienna and musicology with Eduard Hanslick and received his doctorate in philosophy in 1883 with the work of Johan de Muris and his works . As early as 1882 he became a teacher of musical aesthetics at the Vienna Conservatory of the Society of Friends of Music . From 1890, Hirschfeld was a music critic for the Abendpost and theater advisor for the Neue Wiener Tagblatt and also wrote for the Wiener Zeitung , the Wiener Sonn- und Mondayzeitung , the Die Neue Freie Presse and the Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung , and as a correspondent for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . Since 1893 he has edited the program books for the concerts of the Vienna Philharmonic . He was a fan of the music of Richard Wagner , Anton Bruckner , Johannes Brahms and Hugo Wolf . Since 1913 as director of the music school at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, he reformed their curricula and directed the preparatory work for the music festival in Salzburg.



In 1930 the Hirschfeldweg in Vienna - Hietzing was named after him. Since Hirschfeld was of Jewish faith, after Austria's annexation to the German Reich from 1933 to 1945, the name was changed to Ambergerweg , which was reversed in 1947.


Robert Hirschfeld was married to the opera singer Emma (Emmy) Karlona (* December 12, 1868 in Berlin; †?).


Robert Hirschfeld founded the folk concerts with a classical program in the Volksbildungsverein , which he directed himself for eight years. In addition, in 1884 he initiated the Renaissance evenings to maintain a cappella singing and youth concerts. In 1900 he was one of the founders of the Wiener Concert-Verein . As a popular educator, he helped to bring classical music to broad sections of the population.

Hirschfeld was u. a. Member of the art commission of the Imperial and Royal Ministry of Culture and Education in Vienna , the Academy for Music and Performing Arts and, since 1898, of the Monuments of Music.



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