Sønderjyske Motorvej

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / Maintenance / DK-E
Europavej E45 in Denmark
Sønderjyske Motorvej
Sønderjyske Motorvej
Course of the E 45
Basic data
Operator: Vejdirektoratet
Overall length: 97 km

Regions :

Course of the road
node MK Skærup E45
node MK Kolding E20
Junction (62)  Kolding Ø 170 176
Junction (63)  Bramdrupdam
node (64)  Kolding VestE20
Rest stop Rasteplads Hylkedal
Junction (65a)  Kolding S.P25
Junction (65b)  Vonsild
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty Symbol: touristSymbol: leftSymbol: left Christiansfeld UNESCO
Junction (66)  Christiansfeld
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty Symbol: touristSymbol: rightSymbol: right Christiansfeld UNESCO
Junction (67)  Haderslev N
Junction (68)  Vojens P47
Gas station Rest stop Serviceanlæg Ustrup
Junction (69)  Haderslev S 435
parking spot with toilet Rasteplads Øster Løgum
Junction (70a)  Symbol: Up Rødekro (from June 14, 2019)
Junction (70b)  Aabenraa N.P24
bridge Rødekro – Aabenraa railway line
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty Symbol: touristSymbol: rightSymbol: right Knivsbjerg-Knivsberg
parking spot with toilet Symbol: leftSymbol: left Rasteplads Årslev
Rest stop Symbol: rightSymbol: right Rasteplads Årslev
Junction (71)  Symbol: Up Aabenraa P41
Junction (72)  Aabenraa S.P42
node MK Kliplev
Junction (73)  Kliplev 481P8
bridge under the Sønderborg – Tinglev railway line
parking spot with toilet Rasteplads Oksekær
Junction (74)  Symbol: Up Kruså
Junction (75)  Bov 401
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty Symbol: touristSymbol: leftSymbol: left Frøslevlejren Fröslevlager
bridge Fredericia – Flensburg railway line
Junction (76)  Symbol: UpPadborg
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty Symbol: touristSymbol: rightSymbol: right Frøslevlejren Fröslevlager
Gas station Rest stop Serviceanlæg Padborg
Junction (76)  Symbol: DownPadborg
EU border crossing (1)  Ellund border crossing
Template: AB / Maintenance / NextDEGermany Continue  towards HamburgA7E45

The Sønderjyske Motorvej is a highway in southwestern Denmark and section of the E45 . It connects Flensburg with Danish cities such as Kolding , where it crosses Esbjergmotorvejen at the Kolding Vest motorway junction. As far as the Kolding motorway junction, it now runs together with the E20 , which then merges into Taulovmotorvejen, the extension of which crosses the Great Belt and connects the east of Denmark. The Sønderjyske Motorvej ends at the Skærup motorway junction, where, like the E45, it merges into the Østjyske Motorvej, which connects the north of Denmark and thus also important ferry ports. Thus, this motorway plays an important role not only for border traffic, but also in international freight and passenger traffic.

State of development

The motorway has two lanes along its entire length.


The road was built in eight stages. Construction began in 1970 near Kolding. In the years that followed, the autobahn was repeatedly lengthened; the last stage took place in 1984 near Christiansfeld.

See also