Sabine Mitterecker

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Sabine Mitterecker, 2010

Sabine Mitterecker (born March 23, 1963 ) is an Austrian director and theater producer .


Sabine Mitterecker studied theater studies and Romance studies (French) at the University of Vienna . In the meantime she was already working as an assistant director and dramaturge . She completed her studies with a thesis on Samuel Beckett .

From 1991 she staged several world premieres at the Torturmtheater Sommerhausen under the direction of Veit Relin , translated from French ( Molière , Rousseau ), and said goodbye with the production of Molière 's Die Schelmenstreich des Scapin . after many years of collaboration with the Heppenheim Festival under the direction of Hans Richter .

After initial directing and project work in Frankfurt am Main, she founded an artist and media agency in Vienna together with the dramaturge and cultural manager Eva-Maria Schachenhofer .

Sabine Mitterecker has been producing, coproducing and directing under the label THEATER.punkt since 1999. For her first directorial work in Vienna, Nothing more beautiful by Oliver Bukowski with Alexandra Sommerfeld , Sabine Mitterecker was awarded the Nestroy Prize, which was awarded for the first time in 2000, in the "Best Off-Production" category.

Frost , her play version and staging of the first novel by Thomas Bernhard with Andreas Patton waspremieredat mumok in2009, resumed in 2010, awarded the Nestroy Prize and, after guest appearances at the Deichtorhallen Hamburg and the Tirol Panorama Innsbruck (2011), is still the Kunsthalle Krems (2012), the Shakespeare Theater Gdansk and the National Theater Tirana on tour.

SCHATTEN (Eurydike says) by Elfriede Jelinek was seen in two series of games in 2016 and 2017 in Vienna, then to Salzburg and invited to the Tyrol Easter Festival (2018)

In addition, directing work at the Schauspielhaus (Vienna) and the Vienna Volkstheater , Landestheater Linz , Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg , Styrian Autumn , Styriarte , Easter Festival Tyrol and National Theater Tirana, including numerous world premieres.

In the 2006 summer semester, Sabine Mitterecker was appointed Aigner Rollett visiting professor at the Karl Franzens University in Graz . She is a member of the supervisory board of the Austrian artists' cooperative SMartAt .

Currently: Rechnitz by Elfriede Jelinek in coproduction with Sarajevski Ratni Teatar (War Theater in Sarajevo, SARTR), and the Croatian National Theater in Mostar .

Sabine Mitterecker is married and has one son.

Productions (selection)

  • 2000: Nothing more beautiful (by Oliver Bukowski, Austrian premiere at Theater.Punkt, dietheater Konzerthaus Wien). Nestroy Prize 2000 (Best Off-Production)
  • 2000: Vagina monologues (by Eve Ensler , Austrian premiere, Schauspielhaus Wien)
  • 2000: Guests (by Oliver Bukowski, Austrian premiere, Theater.Punkt, dietheater Künstlerhaus Wien )
  • Push up 1–3 (by Roland Schimmelpfennig, 2002, Austrian premiere theater. Point in coproduction with the Volkstheater Wien.) Nestroy Prize 2002 for Roland Schimmelpfennig (author prize)
  • Hilda (by Marie NDiaye , 2003, German-language premiere, Theater Drachengasse , Vienna)
  • Psychosis 4.48 (by Sarah Kane , 2003, Landestheater Linz)
  • Antigone (by Sophocles , 2003, Landestheater Linz)
  • Heldenplatz (by Thomas Bernhard, 2004, Landestheater Linz)
  • At the finish (by Thomas Bernhard, 2006, Landestheater Linz)
  • The Torn One (by Johann Nepomuk Nestroy , 2007, Landestheater Linz)
  • Migratory birds (by Natascha Gangl, 2008, world premiere commissioned by the University of Graz )
  • Frost (by Thomas Bernhard, 2009, Theater.Punkt, MUMOK Vienna, adaptation and direction of the novel, revival MUMOK, 2010, Tirol Panorama Innsbruck and in the Deichtorhallen Hamburg, 2011, Kunsthalle Krems, 2012)
  • Harper Regan (by Simon Stephens , 2011, theater guest performances Kempf)
  • Kleist! Do I want that? (based on Heinrich von Kleist , Theater.Punkt, Vienna Art Office)
  • U5 (from Pol Sax , 2012 Kasemattentheater in co-production with the Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, adaptation of the 2009 with the Luxembourg Literature Prize Servais Prize winning novel and directed)
  • 2014: On the beautiful view of Ödön von Horváth , in coproduction with the Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg and Kasemattentheater, Schauspielhaus Wien and Grand Théâtre Luxembourg
  • 2016: SCHATTEN (Eurydike says) by Elfriede Jelinek, F23 Vienna
  • 2017: Revival SCHATTEN (Eurydice says) , guest performance Odeion Salzburg
  • 2018: Adaptation of SCHATTEN (Eurydike says) in Salzlager Hall as part of Innsbruck International Biennial of the arts and Easter Festival Tirol . First performance by Werner Schwab The Presidents in Albanian at the Teatri Kombetar Eksperimental “Kujtim Spahivogli” in Tirana / Albania and in the Rabenhof Theater in Vienna
  • 2019: Happy days from Samuel Beckett , Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman Vienna


  • 2000: Nestroy Award in the Best Off-Production category for nothing more beautiful
  • 2010: Nestroy Award in the category Best Off-Production for Frost

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mitterecker, Sabine: Absurd - Spiel - Beckett (investigation into the theater of the absurd with special consideration of the play by Samuel Beckett) . Vienna, Univ., Dipl-Arb., 1990 . University Library Vienna, online catalog.
  2. ^ Molière: Scapin's picaresque pranks - Translator: Sabine Mitterecker . Website of the Merlin Verlag. Retrieved August 29, 2013.
  3. THEATER.punkt | Sabine Mitterecker website. Retrieved February 6, 2020.
  4. Ronald Pohl: As the queen in the prefabricated building in Der Standard , January 13, 2000.
  5. ^ Frost (2009) . Website MuseumsQuartier Wien. Retrieved December 27, 2016.
  6. ^ Frost (2010) . Website MuseumsQuartier Wien. Retrieved December 27, 2016.
  7. ^ Frost , Hamburg (2011) . Deichtorhallen website. Retrieved August 29, 2013.
  8. Margarete Affenzeller: Painter with natural compulsion . Der Standard October 27, 2011. Retrieved February 6, 2020.
  9. ^ Theater in the museum. In: December 10, 2012, accessed May 13, 2019 .
  10. Ronald Pohl: Thomas Bernhard's crazy painter on guest performance in Tirana . Der Standard December 20, 2019. Retrieved February 6, 2020.
  11. SHADOW (Eurydice says) Website THEATER.punkt | Sabine Mitterecker. Retrieved February 6, 2020.
  12. ^ "Shadows (Eurydice says)": Jelinek drama resumed Salzburger Nachrichten August 22, 2017. Retrieved February 6, 2020.
  13. Markus Schramek: Poison and Galle in the Ambulanz des Jenseits Tiroler Tageszeitung March 20, 2018. Retrieved February 6, 2020.
  14. SMartAt website: About SMartAt . Retrieved January 12, 2017.
  15. Cooperative. In: . Retrieved March 23, 2020.
  16. ^ Volkstheater Wien (ed.): Push up 1–3 a coproduction with Theater.Punkt , Austrian premiere on March 13, 2002, Forum U3.
  17. Theater Drachengasse (Ed.): Hilda German-language first performance January 7, 2003.
  18. Landestheater Linz (Ed.): Season 2003/04 Issue 2 - Premiere September 28, 2003, Kammerspiele.
  19. Landestheater Linz (Ed.): Season 2004/05 Issue 8 - Premiere December 5, 2004, Kammerspiele.
  20. Landestheater Linz (Ed.): Season 2005/06 Issue 14 - Premiere March 18, 2006, Kammerspiele.
  21. Natascha Gangl: Migratory Birds (2008). Website Kunstuniversität Graz. Retrieved August 30, 2013.
  22. Simon Stephens: Harper Regan (2011). Website theater guest performances Kempf. Retrieved September 1, 2014.
  23. Kleist! Do I want that? (2011). Reference to Retrieved August 30, 2013.
  24. ^ Pol Sax: U5 (2012). Website Luxemburger Tageblatt. Retrieved December 27, 2016.
  25. Ödön von Horváth: To the beautiful view website Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg. Retrieved December 27, 2016.
  26. ^ Shadows (2017). Website Theater.Punkt. Retrieved October 28, 2018.
  27. ^ Odeion Salzburg . Website. Retrieved October 28, 2018.
  28. Innsbruck International . Website. Retrieved October 28, 2018.
  29. ^ Shadows (Eurydike says) by Elfriede Jelinek - in a production by Sabine Mitterecker. In: . 2018, accessed November 7, 2019.
  30. ^ Three Albanian actresses, Radio Tirana International. Retrieved February 6, 2020.
  31. Happiness lies in the Albanian abortion FALTER 24/19 from June 12, 2019. Accessed on March 18, 2020.
  32. Happy days website THEATER.punkt. Retrieved March 18, 2020