Snow White (1971)

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Original title Snow white
Country of production Switzerland
original language German
Publishing year 1971
length 25 minutes
Age rating FSK o. A.
Director Rudolf Jugert
script Heinz Bothe-Pelzer
production Ullstein AV

Snow White is a Swiss short fairy tale by Rudolf Jugert from 1971. It is based on the Grimm fairy tale of the same name, Snow White .


“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful in the whole country?” The vain queen asks her mirror day after day. He always replies: “Queen, you are the most beautiful in the whole country.” Shortly before the king awaits you, she again questions her mirror and is satisfied with his answer. Now she can calmly go before her husband, the king. The king then has a surprise in store for her that she doesn't like at all, he introduces her to his daughter “Snow White”. The Queen is very reserved to this news, and when the King tells her that she will like Snow White because everyone loves her, she obviously displeases it. When Snow White wants to greet the stepmother with a kiss, she withdraws to her private room on the excuse that she is not well. There she immediately asks her mirror, which this time doesn't give her the answer she was hoping for. He replies that she is the most beautiful here, but Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than her. Without wasting time, she lets the hunter come and orders him to go into the forest with Snow White and kill the girl there. To prove that he had carried out her order, he should bring her heart and liver to the girl. The hunter has to obey the orders of his queen and goes into the forest with the king's daughter. When they are deep enough in the forest, he wants to kill the girl. In the face of Snow White's plea to give her her life, since she is far away and will not come back, he cannot bring himself to end the young life of the king's daughter and lets her go with pity. He decides to kill a rookie and bring his heart and liver to the cruel queen.

On her escape, Snow White passes a small house. When no one responds to her knock, she enters and finds a set table. Sometimes she tries this and sometimes that little plate. Having grown tired, the young girl lies down in one of the seven beds after a short prayer to sleep.

In the evening the seven dwarfs who own the house come home from their work and all shout: "Who was sitting on my chair?", "Who ate from my plate?", "Who broke my bun?" , "Who took some of my vegetables?", "Who stabbed with my fork?", "Who cut with my knife?", "Who drank from my cup?", "Who was lying in my bed?" "In mine too ...", "in mine too ..." it sounds from seven throats. When they discover Snow White in the seventh bed, they look reverently at the beautiful girl. Snow White wakes up and looks into the astonished eyes of the dwarfs. You will be told how it came about that Snow White ended up with you. After the king's daughter has told everything, the dwarves offer her to stay with them, but in return she has to keep the house in order and relieve them of the work. They warn Snow White urgently not to open the door to anyone, as her stepmother will soon know that she is still alive.

In the meantime, the queen has asked her mirror again and, to her horror, receives the answer that Snow White above the mountains, with the seven dwarfs, is a thousand times more beautiful than she is. Indignant by the hunter's deception, the heartless woman decides to get Snow White out of the way, disguised as a shopkeeper. As soon as the dwarfs are out of the house, she knocks on Snow White's door and tells the girl that she needs a corset . She also wants to lace it up right away. She then pulls the ligaments together so tight that Snow White can no longer breathe and falls passed out on the floor. When they come home in the evening, the dwarfs find Snow White lying lifeless on the ground. You open the tightly laced corset and after a short time the girl opens her eyes.

When the queen questions her mirror hopefully, she gets the same answer as the last time. Angrily she shouts in the mirror: “No, no, no. Snow White has to die. ”The queen prepares an apple half with poison, disguises herself as a market woman and offers Snow White the red half. Since the girl hesitates, she bites into her half to prove that everything is fine with the apple. As soon as Snow White has bitten off, she stumbles and falls to the ground. Her stepmother storms triumphantly into the hut and cheers: “Lips, red as blood, hair, as black as ebony and skin as white as snow. But now you're dead, Snow White, dead! ”When the Queen asked her mirror that evening, she got the answer she had hoped for, that she was the most beautiful in the whole country. The dwarfs can't help Snow White this time and stand sadly around her coffin. They do not want to cover the beautiful girl with dark earth and decide to build a glass lid for the coffin. When they have finished their work and are keeping watch at the coffin, a prince comes by. He reads the sign on the coffin: “This is where Snow White rests. She had to die because she was too beautiful. ”The prince is so enchanted by Snow White's beauty that he can convince the dwarfs that they have to leave Snow White to him. While transporting the coffin, one of the prince's servants stumbles. The jolt causes Snow White to spit out the poisoned piece of apple and come to. The prince happily requests her hand and Snow White happily agrees.

In the castle, the wicked queen wonders about an invitation to a prince's wedding, but accepts it. When she questioned her mirror full of bad suspicion, it told her that she might be the most beautiful here, but that the young queen was a thousand times more beautiful than she was. When the stepmother comes to the wedding to see who is more beautiful than she is, the king's son forces her to slip into glowing shoes and dance in them. She spins a few times and then falls dead to the ground. Nothing stands in the way of the happiness of Snow White and the young prince.

Production notes

In 1971, Rudolf Jugert filmed a series of short films based on fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm on behalf of the Swiss television station DRS, including this adaptation of Snow White .

The seven dwarfs sing in the film, both when they get home from work and when they go there: We are the seven dwarfs, luck up, luck up, luck up! .

Maresa Hörbiger , who embodies Snow White, was also seen in Jugert's short fairy tale film series in Allerleirauh , where she also plays the title role.

The short fairy tale film was released by UllsteinAV on Super8 in color with light tone and in several editions on VHS video cassette.

Web links

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