Serthri Rinpoche

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Tibetan name
Wylie transliteration :
gser khri rin po che
Chinese name
Simplified :
赛 赤 活佛
Pinyin :
Saichi huofo

Serthri Rinpoche ( Tib. Gser khri rin po che ) is an important incarnation number of the Gelugpa -Klosters Lamo Dechen (Tib. La mo bde chen ) and the Kumbum Monastery in Amdo (Qinghai). He was one of the seven great Hutuktus during the Qing period in the capital Beijing. The 1st Serthri Rinpoche, Ngawang Lodrö Gyatsho ( ngag dbang blo gros rgya mtsho ; 1635–1688), was the teacher of Ngawang Lobsang Chöden ( Ngag dbang bLo bzang Chos ldan ; 1642–1714) and Cangkya Rölpe Dorje ( lcang sk i rdo rje ; 1717–1786) and was elected Ganden Thripa ( dga 'ldan khri pa ) in 1683 . The most famous personality in the series was the 2nd Serthri Rinpoche Lobsang Tenpe Nyima ( blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma ; 1689–1762).

The current representative is Chökyi Lodrö Gyatsho ( chos kyi blo gros rgya mtsho ).

List of Serthri Rinpoches

# Life dates Surname
1. 1635 - 1688 Ngawang Lodrö Gyatsho (ngag dbang blo gros rgya mtsho)
2. 1689 - 1762 Lobsang Tenpe Nyima (blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma)
3. 1763 - 1772 Jamyang Tendzin Thrinle Gyatsho ('jam dbyangs bstan' dzin 'phrin las rgya mtsho)
4th 1773 - approx. 1819 Ngawang Thubten Thrinle Gyatsho (ngag dbang thub bstan 'phrin las rgya mtsho)
5. ? - approx. 1846 Ngawang Thubten Tenpe Nyima (ngag dbang thub bstan bstan pa'i nyi ma)
6th 1847 - 1902 Lobsang Thubten Gyatsho (blo bzang thub bstan rgya mtsho)
7th 1904 - 1932 Gendün Lungtog Nyima (dge 'dun lung rtogs nyi ma)
8th. 1933 - Lobsang Tenpe Gyeltshen (blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan)
9. 1969 - Chökyi Lodrö Gyatsho (chos kyi blo gros rgya mtsho)

See also


  • Isabelle Charleux, Marie-Dominique Even & Gaëlle Lacaze: " Un document mongol sur l'intronisation du IXe Dalai lama (PDF; 2.8 MB)"
  • sangs rgyas rin chen: "lA mo bde chen dgon pa'i sku phyags gser khri rin po che'i sku phreng rim byon gyi lo rgyus mdo bsdus ngo sprod zhu ba." mdo smad zhib 'jug 7, 1999, no. 1: 108–118 (based on )

reference books

  • Zangzu da cidian . Lanzhou 2003 (Saichi huofo xitong / gser khri sku phreng rim byon )

Web links

References and footnotes

  1. Chinese Saichi huofo 赛 赤 活佛
  2. The word Serthri means "golden throne".
  3. Chinese Lamo Dechen si 拉莫德钦 寺, in Jainca County (Tib. Gcan tsha ), Qinghai .
  4. Qinghai diqu zhuyao huofo . - According to this text, the first three representatives were appointed retrospectively, so today the 4th is usually counted as No. 1 (see e.g. in Zangzu da cidian ), but there is also the other count up to 12, see e.g. B. 《膜拜 青海 塔尔寺 赛 赤 • 确 吉洛 智 嘉措 活佛》
  5. ^ Zangzu da cidian , p. 660
  6. ^ Zangzu da cidian , p. 659
  7. ^ Zangzu da cidian , p. 660
  8. cf. Page no longer available , search in web archives: Saichi Luosang Danbai Nima@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /
  9. Chin. Queji Luozhi Jiacuo 确 吉洛 智 嘉措; see also 青海 塔尔寺 管委会 副 主任 赛 赤 • 确 吉洛 智 嘉措 ( memento of the original from October 30, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked . Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. & 赛 赤 • 确 吉洛 智 嘉措 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  10. Chinese Awang Luozhu Jiacuo 阿旺 罗哲 嘉措
  11. Chinese Luosang Danbei Nima 罗桑丹贝 尼玛
  12. Chinese Jiayang Danzeng Chilie Jiacuo 加 央 丹增 赤 列 嘉措
  13. Chinese Awang Tudeng Wangqiu Beidan Chilie Jiacuo 阿旺 图 登 旺秋 贝丹 赤 列 嘉措
  14. Chinese Awang Tudeng Danbei Nima 阿旺 图登丹贝尼玛
  15. Chinese Luosang Tudeng Jiacuo 罗桑图登 嘉措
  16. Chinese Gendun Longza Nima 根 敦隆朵尼玛
  17. Chinese Luosang Danbei Jianzan 罗桑丹贝 坚赞
  18. Chin. Queji Luozhi Jiacuo 确 吉洛 智 嘉措
Serthri Rinpoche (alternative names of the lemma)
Галдан-ширэту-хутухту; Galdan siregetü; gser khri rin po che; Saichi huofo 赛 赤 活佛 / 賽 赤 活佛; la mo gser khri hu thog thu; Serthri Rimpoche; Saichi hutuketu 赛 赤 呼图克图; Galdan siregetü qutuγtu, Galdan siregetü qutugtu; Galedan xilatu hutuketu 噶 勒丹 錫 埒 圖 呼圖克圖; Gandan xiletu hutuketu 甘丹錫 垺 圖 呼圖克圖, Lamo Sertri, lwa mo gser khri, (the "Golden Throne Holder of the Lamo Monastery"); dga 'ldan gser khri rin po che; dG'aldan Siregetii khutukhtu