Stepan Stepanowitsch Pimenow

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Stepan Stepanowitsch Pimenow ( Self-Portrait , 1830s, Museum of the Russian Art Academy )

Stepan Stepanovich Pimenov ( Russian Степан Степанович Пименов ; born January 4, jul. / 15. January  1784 greg. In St. Petersburg , † March 22 jul. / 3. April  1833 greg. ) Was a Russian sculptor of classicism and university teachers .


Pimenow, son of the government secretary Stepan Afanassjewitsch Pimenow, studied 1795-1803 at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts with Mikhail Ivanovich Koslowski and Ivan Prokofievich Prokofiev . In 1801 he received his first silver medal and in 1802 his first gold medal for a bas-relief with Jupiter and Mercury visiting Philemon and Baucis as pilgrims . In the autumn of 1803, the Great Gold Medal followed for his program to kill the two Varangian Christians who refused to worship Perun . Pimenow graduated with a first class certificate, a sword and the title of 14th grade artist.

Pimenow taught sculpture at the Academy of Arts from 1809 (from 1814 as a professor) until 1830. At the same time, he headed the sculpture department of the Imperial Porcelain Manufactory in St. Petersburg , where vases , dishes and statuettes were made from his models . In 1815 he created 16 statues for the tower, the main facade and the pavilions on the bank for the Admiralty built by Andrejan Dmitrijewitsch Sakharov . 1819–1820 Pimenow, Iwan Petrowitsch Martos , Wassili Iwanowitsch Demut-Malinowski and Prokofjew made plaster bas-reliefs for the vaulted ceiling of the new cast-iron staircase of the Academy of Arts. Pimenov's bas-relief represented the painting .

Pimenov had a daughter and two sons. The eldest son Nikolai also became a sculptor.

Pimenov was buried in the Smolensk Cemetery in St. Petersburg . In 1936 he was reburied in the necropolis of the masters of the arts in the Tikhvin cemetery at the Alexander Nevsky monastery .


Individual evidence

  1. Murzim.Ru: СТЕПАН СТЕПАНОВИЧ ПИМЕНОВ (accessed July 19, 2018).
  2. Great Soviet Encyclopedia : Пименов Степан Степанович.
  3. Биографии. История жизни великих людей: Пименов Степан Степанович (accessed July 19, 2018).
  4. Necropolis of the St. Alexander Nevsky Lavra of the Holy Trinity: Пименов Степан Степанович (accessed July 19, 2018).