Svetlana Makarovič

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Svetlana Makarovič at a lecture at the Philosophical Faculty in Ljubljana, May 31, 2006

Svetlana Makarovič (born January 1, 1939 in Maribor ) is a Slovenian poet , writer , actress and illustrator . In addition to her poetry and prose, her radio plays, puppet shows and dramas have made her one of the most famous authors in Slovenia. With over 300 individual works, including numerous stories for children and young people, she is one of the most productive Slovenian writers. In Slovenia she is also known for her controversial positions on social issues.


Svetlana Makarovič was born in Maribor, where she grew up with her parents Otilija and Abdon and her two brothers Gorazd and Jan. In Ljubljana she attended the Technical School for Education and then went to the Academy of Theater, Radio, Film and Television for acting training , where she graduated in 1968. She worked as an actress first at the Municipal Theater (Mestno gledališče) and then on drama . In the 1960s she studied psychology , pedagogy , ethnology and foreign languages. She played the piano in coffee houses and for some time worked as a secretary and as an educator for "children with special needs". In 1970 she started working as a freelance writer. In 1997 she officially retired.

Private life

Makarovič was never married and has no children. She canceled an already planned wedding at the last moment. She was in a relationship with the poet and playwright Gregor Strniša for the longest time . She lived as a writer in Jurklošter , Bohinjska Bela , Ljubljana and Žabja vas on the Sora ( Poljanska dolina ), among others . In 2012 she suffered a stroke and has since lived in a senior citizens' home in the city of Ljubljana for “deserving retired citizens” in the Ljubljana-Trnovo district, financed by the city.

Literary work


Makarovič began publishing poetry in magazines and newspapers in 1957. Her first poem V črnem tlaku ("In the black pavement") appeared in the magazine Mlada pota . More poems followed in the magazines Naša sodobnost , Tribuna , Problemi , Perspektive , Sodobnost and Dialog .

In 1964 her first volume of poetry, Somrak (The Twilight) was published, followed in 1968 by the collection of poems Kresna noč (The Night of the Summer Solstice). The Srčevec collections (1973) and the Izštevanja anthology (1977) are seen as the culmination of their creativity . She self-published her anthology Samost in 2002.

Children's books

In 1970 Svetlana Makarovič began to publish stories for children. The protagonists in these stories are mostly animals with a well thought-out character, with the archetypal motif of leaving home, the injured child and the orphaned child being repeatedly taken up (e.g. in Potepuh in nočna lučka and Zajec gre na luno ). The children's books are modern animal stories - including Pekarna Mišmaš (1974) and Sapramiška (1976) as well as the anthologies Take živalske (1973), Mačja preja (1992) and Veveriček posebne sorte (1994) - and fairy tales with a mythological main character - among them Škrat Kuzma dobi nagrado (1974) and Coprnica Zofka (1989) - as well as fantastic stories - including Kosovirja na leteči žlici (1974), Kam pa came, kosovirja? (1975) and Mi, kosovirji (1988).

The animals in their modern animal stories behave like humans and live in a non-idealized world in which egoists, rumors and envious people also live as well as adults who limit children in their playfulness, so that animals also experience sadness, loneliness and despair. Taboos are broken in their stories , such as elimination and sexuality.

A number of the children's stories have been included in the framework curriculum for Slovene in primary school. In 2011 these were Coprnica Zofka , Čuk na palici , Jazbec in ovčka , Jaz sem jež , Jutro , Kam pa kam, kosovirja? , Kosovirja na leteči žlici , Miška spi , Papagaj in sir , Pekarna Mišmaš , Pismo , Pod medvedovim dežnikom , Prašičkov koncert , Razvajeni vrabček , Sovica Oka , Volk in sedem kozličkov , Zajček gre na luno .

Socially critical positions

Svetlana Makarovič resigned from the Slovenian Writers' Association on the grounds that it was not based on quality. Although she had campaigned for the founding of a new, pluralistic literary magazine in 1980, she did not work with the Nova revija, which appeared in 1982 , as political and ideological issues would have displaced art in it. She had the publication of her works in anthologies and school books forbidden, as these would lead young people to reject literature due to their erotic and sinister content. In contrast to official politics in socialist Yugoslavia, she sees her works not as something that should be available to the whole people, but as the protected property of the author. She also refused to be included in an “anthology of Slovenian women authors”, since only gender and not quality is the yardstick here.

Svetlana Makarovič is featured in her collection of poems Pesmi o Sloveniji za tuje in domače goste (“Poems about Slovenia for foreign and domestic guests”, 1984), a travesty about Fran Levstik's Martin Krpan and in her collection of chansons Krizantemi na klavirju (Chrysanthemums on the piano , 1990) critically examines the image of the Slovenes, which they describe as "narrow-minded", "primitive", "double-faced", "submissive" and "inwardly aggressive and outwardly naive" and for which she created the word "Slovenceljni" .

Controversial political positions

Svetlana Makarovič in front of the Ljubljana City Hall, August 2011

Svetlana Makarovič belonged 2011 to the citizens that the mayor of Ljubljana , Zoran Janković , the candidacy for Positive Slovenia in the Slovenian parliamentary election, 2011 persuaded, and in 2013 she voiced a half years after the re-election of Janković mayor that this "from Ljubljana a beautiful city. I'm not interested in where he got the money from, he could have stolen it from me. "

Svetlana Makarovič is openly against the Roman Catholic Church , she said in an interview: “There are things that you have to hate. In my opinion, the Catholic Church in Slovenia is something to hate. I see it as my civic duty. ”The Council of Catholic Laymen of Slovenia (Svet katoliških laikov Slovenije) filed charges of hate speech , but several criminal charges were not prosecuted. At a memorial event of the Slovenian Partisan Association on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Osvobodilna Fronta and the Battle of the Nanos , she said with a view to demands for the rehabilitation of Domobranzen : “Today and here there cannot and must not be reconciliation . Fascism and National Socialism only deserved our hatred. The servants of the occupier deserve not hatred, but our contempt. And that's what hurts the collaborators because they cannot be rehabilitated. "



  • Somrak , Cankarjeva založba, Ljubljana, 1964
  • Kresna noč , Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1968
  • Volčje jagode , Obzorja, Maribor, 1972
  • Srčevec , Cankarjeva založba, Ljubljana, 1973
  • Pelin žena , Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 1974
  • Vojskin čas , Založništvo Tržaškega tiska, Trst, 1974
  • Izštevanja , Cankarjeva založba, Ljubljana, 1977
  • Pesmi (besedila sodobnih jugoslovanskih pisateljev - Svetlana Makarovič, Niko Grafenauer, Tomaž Šalamun), 1979
  • Sosed gora , 1980
  • Pesmi o Sloveniji za tuje in domače goste , 1984
  • Svetlana Makarovič, France Mihelič - Pesmi Svetlane Makarovič in Risbe Franceta Miheliča, 1987
  • Krizantema na klavirju (šansonska besedila Svetlane Makarovič), 1990
  • Tisti čas , 1993
  • Bo žrl, bo žrt , 1998
  • Samost , 2002


  • Prekleti kadilci , Center za slovensko književnost, Ljubljana, 2001
  • S krempljem podčrtano , Center za slovensko književnost, Ljubljana, 2004
  • Saga o Hallgerd , 2010


  • Sovica Oka , 1972 (avtorica, uglasbitev pesmi in priredba)
  • Hiša tete Barbare , 1975 (avtorica)
  • Pekarna Mišmaš , 1974 (avtorica, priredba besedila)
  • Igra o letu , 1983 (avtorica)
  • Mačja prodajalna , 1984 (avtorica, glasba, vloga)
  • Mrtvec pride po ljubico , 1986 (avtorica)
  • Sapramiška , 1986 (avtorica, vloge / Sapramiška, Regica, teta Grizelda /, glasba)
  • Wed, kosovirji , 1988 (avtorica, priredba besedila)
  • Korenčkov Palček , 1989 (avtorica, vloge / Sapramiška, Kukavec, Regica, Belouška Jarmila /, glasba, likovna zasnova lutk)
  • Gal med lutkami , 1992 (avtorica, likovna zasnova lutk, glasba)
  • Medena pravljica , 1994 (režija, avtorica, vloge / Sapramiška, Regica, Zajček /, glasba, likovna zasnova lutk, likovna zasnova scen)
  • Kokoška Emilija , 1997 (režija, avtorica, vloga / kokoška Kika /, glasba, glasbeni aranžma)
  • Maček Mačkursson , 1997 (režija, prevod in priredba besedila, besedila songov in priredba islandskih glasbenih motivov, glasbena izvedba, vloge (Jartruda, Mačkursson, Gryla))
  • Tacamuca , 1998 (avtorica, glasba)

Children's poems

  • Maček Titi , 1980
  • Gal v galeriji , 1981
  • Dedek mraz že gre , 1982
  • Krokodilovo kosilo: pesnitev - grozovitev , 1983
  • Čuk na palici , 1986
  • Črni muc, kaj delaš? , 1987
  • Kaj bi miška rada? , 1987
  • Poprtnjački , 1988
  • Kaj lepega povej , 1993
  • Show strahow: pesnitev grozovitev , 1995
  • Veliki Kosovirski concert , 2001
  • Strahec v galeriji , 2003
  • Mačnice , 2006
  • Coprniški muc: pesnitev coprnitev , 2008

Children's and young people's literature

  • Kosovirja na leteči žlici , Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 1974
  • Came pa came, kosovirja? , Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 1975
  • Mačje leto , Svetlana, Ljubljana, 1987
  • Zajčkovo leto , Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1993
  • Mi, kosovirji , Miš, Dob pri Domžalah, 2009

Fairy tale collections

  • Miška spi , Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 1972
  • Take živalske , Borec, Ljubljana, 1973
  • Vrček se razbije , Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 1975
  • Glavni petelinček , Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 1976
  • Vrtirepov koledar: 1977 , Partizanska knjiga, Ljubljana, 1976
  • Pravljice iz mačje preje , Borec, Ljubljana, 1980
  • Mačja preja , Mladika, Ljubljana, 1992
  • Smetiščni muc in druge zgodbe , Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 1999
  • Svetlanine pravljice = Svetlana's fairytales , Miš, Dob pri Domžalah, 2008

picture books

Translations and edits

  • Picko in Packo , translation by Wilhelm Busch : Max and Moritz , Založništvo tržaškega tiska, 1980
  • Maček Mačkursson , translation by Jólakötturinn Hallveig Thorlacius, Mladinska knjiga, 1997
  • Strahopetko , translation by Ernst Jandl : Fünfter sein , Mladinska knjiga, 1999

Translations into other languages



Recognitions, prizes and awards


  • Honorary Citizen of the City of Ljubljana (2011)



  • Golden Order of the Republic of Slovenia for Merit (Zlati red za zasluge Republike Slovenije)


  • Silvija Borovnik: The elements of the fairytale in the poetry of Svetlana Makarovič. In: Vladimir Biti, Bernarda Katušić (ed.): Fairy tales in the South Slavic literatures. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2010. pp. 45ff.
  • Dragica Haramija, Pregled sodobne slovenske mladinske proze, Jezik in slovstvo, 2005, let. 50, številka 3-4
  • Enciklopedija Slovenije 6, Mladinska knjiga, 1992 catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Ilc, Andrej: Svetlana Makarovič, Slovenska sekcija IBBY, Ljubljana, 1998 catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Mag Darya Lavrenčič Vrabec (Center za mladinsko književnost in knjižničarstvo, Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana). Bibliografija knjižnih izdaj za otroke in mladino Svetlane Makarovic (iz knjige Svetlanine pravljice ) Miš, 2008 catalog entry in COBISS
  • Matjaž Hočevar: Bibliografija Svetlane Makarovič (iz knjige Bo žrl, bo žrt ), Založba Mladinska knjiga, 1998 catalog entry at Cobiss
  • Irena Novak-Popov, Milena Blažič, Marijan Rupert: Svet, svet Svetlana . Razstavna dvorana NUK, 2009 Catalog entry at Cobiss

Web links

Commons : Svetlana Makarovič  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  6. Midva , Naša sodobnost (1959) dLib
  7. Nokturno , Naša sodobnost (1959) DLIB
  8. Makarovič, Lirika mladih , Tribuna: list slovenskih študentov , 1963, letnik 13, št. 19, Tribuna str. 6 dLib
  9. Makarovič, Pesmi , Problemi: revija za kulturo in družbena vprašanja , 1962/1963, letnik 1, št. 2, str. 156 dLib
  10. Pesem Mlinska vešča , Sodobnost (1963-) dLib
  11. Enciklopedija Slovenije , 1992, entry Svetlana Makarovič .
  12. ^ Irena Novak-Popov, Milena Blažič and Marijan Rupert 2009.
  13. Haramija, 2005.
  14. ^ A b c Novak Popov, Irena: Ustvarjalnost kontroverzne umetnice Svetlane Makarovič Archived from the original on September 27, 2011. In: Slavistična revija . 54, No. 4, 2006, pp. 711-725. Retrieved July 21, 2015.
  15. Učni načrt za slovenščino
  16. Dan, ko so molčali Jankovićevi podporniki (SiOL, September 28, 2012)
  17. [Janković] je iz Ljubljane naredil prelepo mesto - me ne zanima, kje je dobil denar, zaradi mene ga je lahko tudi ukradel. Imam marsikaj, nimam pa duše . Žurnal24, December 7, 2013.
  18. So stvari, ki jih je treba sovražiti. Po mojem mnenju je katoliška Cerkev v Sloveniji nekaj, kar moraš sovražiti. Jaz to čutim kot svojo državljansko dolžnost.  » Nekatere stvari je treba sovražiti. «  Svetlana Makarovič:» Nekatere stvari je treba sovražiti « , Planet January 6, 2012.
  19. Odziv Sveta katoliških laikov Slovenije na intervju s Svetlano Makarovič, January 19, 2012
  20. Svetlane Makarovič ne bodo kazensko preganjali . Mladina , May 14, 2012
  21. Svetlane Makarovič ne bodo kazensko preganjali . May 14, 2012
  22. "Danes in tukaj Sprave ne more biti in je ne sme biti. Fašizem in nacifašizem si zaslužita le naše sovraštvo. Služinčad okupatorja pa si ne zasluži našega sovraštva Ampak samo prezir. In to je tisto kar kolaboracioniste boli, ker ne morejo biti rehabilitirani. " Jani Alič: Svetlana Makarovič: Sprave ne more in ne sme biti! Na Nanosu počastili spomin na nanoško bitko pred 69 leti in na 70. obletnico ustanovitve OF . Dnevnik, May 3, 2011.
  23. in Sepetu naziv častni meščan, Delo, 2011  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  24. sterijino pozorje 1968 ( Memento of 3 March 2016 Internet Archive ).
  25. Častna lista IBBY . Retrieved November 3, 2012.
  26. "Predsednik odlikoval Svetlano Makarovič" ( Memento from August 21, 2011 in the web archive ), May 5, 2009.