Marcus Tatius

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Marcus Tatius , also (Marcus) Tatius Alpinus , probably Marcus Tach (?) (* Around 1509 in Zernez ; † July 12, 1562 in Freising ), was a Swiss humanist , translator and poet . In 1541 he was crowned Poeta laureatus .


Marcus Tatius came from a poor family in the Engadin , Canton of Graubünden . He got to the cathedral school in Chur through his father, who was a minor church servant in Zernez . At the recommendation of the Bishop of Chur Paul Ziegler , Marcus Tatius came to St. Peter in Munich as a student of Wolfgang Anemoecius (Wolfgang Winthauser) in the late 1520s . He made his living initially by making music and begging and then teaching Munich citizens' sons. In 1532 he became a tutor in the house of Raymund Fugger in Augsburg . His first work Progymnasmata also fell during this time . After Raymunds 1535 he took a job with Hieronymus Fugger .

In 1539/1540 he became a professor of poetry in Ingolstadt . In 1540 Tatius fell out of favor for unknown reasons and had to temporarily move to Strasbourg . In 1541 he was awarded the poet's crown . After Konrad Celtis (1487) and Jakob Locher (1497) he was the third Poeta laureatus at the University of Ingolstadt . After promotion to Doctor of Laws 1548/1550 he came as assessor to the Imperial Court in Speyer. In 1559 he became Chancellor of the Diocese of Freising (today the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising ). Marcus Tatius died in Freising in 1562. He was probably buried in the local Johanniskirche .


Marcus Tatius wrote occasional Latin poems and translated Latin works from late antiquity and the Renaissance into German .

  • Progymnasmata . Heinrich Steyner , Augsburg 1533.
  • Warhältige Hi vtori and beſchreybung / from the Troianiſchen war and destruction of the Stat Troie / by the highly respected historians / Dictyn Cretenſem / vñ Darem Phrygium / available in Greek ſprach beſchribē / thereafter Latin & cñ newlich by Marcum yetz Apart from Latin changed into Teütſch / previously never go / adorned with outwardly echoed figures. Heinrich Steyner, Augsburg 1536.
  • Polydorvs Vergilivs Vrbinas : From the inventors of the dyngen. [= De inventoribus rerum] How vnd by woelche / all things / names / all arts / handicrafts / also all other trades / sacred and secular things / als Policeyen / religions / medals / ceremonies / and different & c. concerned / from the mayſten / bit on the mynnſte / nothing left out / from the beginning of the world / bit on the more recent time / practiced by / by Polydorum Virgilium / by Vrbin / in eight books / usually in Latin / and now and again through Marcum Tatium Alpinū / green / vñ auf busy jñs Teütſch tranſferiert vñ splitted / erased with ſchoen figures throughout / useful for every menu and briefly twofold. Heinrich Steyner, Augsburg 1537 ( digitized ).
  • Ad Ferdinandvm Caesarem Semper Avgvstvm , Carmen . Rihel, Strasbourg 1540.
  • Nobilissimi Ornatissimiqve Ivvenis Ac Domini D. Osualdi from Ecche [presumably. Oswald von Eck , son of Leonhard von Eck ] in Volphs Ecche, et Rhand Ecche. & c. Et Annae à Binzenaue […] Virginis Epithalamion / M. Tatio Alpino Poeta Imperatorio authore. Ottmar, Augsburg 1544.


  • Petra Fochler: Fiction as History. The Trojan War in 16th Century German Literature . Diss. Würzburg 1989. Wiesbaden 1990 (= knowledge literature in the Middle Ages. Writings of the SFB 226 Würzburg / Eichstätt, 4), pp. 16–31.
  • Lothar Mundt: Scenes from the humanist life in Munich. Two poems by Marcus Tatius Alpinus. In: The letter kills - the spirit gives life . Festschrift for the 60th birthday of Hans-Gert Roloff. Edited by James Hardin et al. Jörg Jungmayr, Vol. 2. Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt a. M. 1992, pp. 1085-1116.
  • Gerhard Sieveking: The three Engadine humanists Gian Travers , Marcus Tatius Alpinus and Simon Lemnius . In: Bündnerisches Monatsblatt 1946, pp. 193–237.
  • Gerd Hit: The Ingolstadt poet professor. Marcus Tatius Alpinus: Poet Prince and his friends from the St. Peter School of Humanists.
  • Georg WestermayerTatius, Marcus . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 37, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1894, p. 415.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Gerd hits: The Ingolstadt poet professor. Marcus Tatius Alpinus: Poet prince and his friends from the St. Peter School of Humanists / Part 1 In: Historische Blätter 2013, issue 26 ( digitized version ).
  2. ^ Gerd hits: The Ingolstadt poet professor. Marcus Tatius Alpinus: Poet Prince and his friends from the St. Peter School of Humanists / Part 3 In: Historische Blätter 2013, issue 28 ( digitized version )