Crime scene: shadow

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title shadow
Country of production Germany
original language German
Radio Bremen (RB)
length 89 minutes
classification Episode 506 ( List )
First broadcast July 28, 2002 on First German Television
Director Thorsten Näter
script Thorsten Näter
production Annette Strelow
camera Michael Faust
cut Elke Schloo

Shadow is a television film from the crime series Tatort on ARD and ORF . The film was produced by Radio Bremen under the direction of Thorsten Näter and broadcast for the first time on July 28, 2002 in the program Das Erste . For Chief Detective Inga Lürsen ( Sabine Postel ) it is the 8th case in which she is investigating, and for Detective Stedefreund ( Oliver Mommsen ) it is the 3rd case that he has to solve together with Inga Lürsen.

This 506th Tatort episode confronts Inga Lürsen with her rebellious past, which causes her to have major problems with her own colleagues and the public prosecutor.


Chief Inspector Lürsen and her partner Stedefreund are called to the site of a corpse. Lürsen knows the man, whose name is Dieter Blohm, from earlier times when he was active as a political journalist and may now be back on the trail of an explosive case. From an entry in the diary of the victim, they take a planned meeting in the Bremen port area. There Lürsen becomes aware of Sören Feldmann, whom she also knows from her active time in the peace movement . When she and Stedefreund want to arrest him, the SEK appears completely unexpected and takes over the person who has just been arrested. The detectives are outraged that they have not been informed of the operation. But now Lürsen has to answer for her access to her superior and the public prosecutor, which is why she hunted a suspected terrorist on her own initiative. The prosecutor suspects her to be involved in the case and Lürsen is suspended.

Nevertheless, she continues to work on the case and remains secretly in touch with Stedefreund. She was the first to contact Armin Wulf, whom she also knew from earlier, in order to consult with him. Together with him, Blohm, Feldmann and many others, some of whom now hold high-ranking positions, she belonged to a group of RAF sympathizers. On the night Ulrike Meinhof died, they wanted to prevent only half-truths from appearing in the press and tried to prevent the "Weserexpress" from being published by blocking the gates. But the action escalated and a security guard was killed, which Feldmann later confessed to, but went into hiding abroad and evaded punishment. After being arrested after 26 years, he denies the murder.

Lürsen uses Blohm's funeral to meet with the members of the old group, as almost all of them appear at the funeral. Based on Blohm's diary entries with their names and sums of money, she asked them whether they were blackmailed by Blohm so that the "old stories" would not be known. They say yes, but they deny that they have anything to do with Blohm's death. Since Georg Berger is missing, she goes to Berlin, where he works as a member of parliament. With the help of his political influence, she manages to speak to Sören Feldmann. From him she learns that Blohm himself was blackmailed and that he wanted to find the blackmailer. Maybe he was actually on his trail and was killed as a result. She agreed with Georg Berger that he would respond to an open extortion letter.

In the meantime, Armin Wulf has found out that his son Gerhard has not worked for months and has kept this from him. He finds his own, earlier documents, the ransom notes and a reference to the place where the current extortion was handed over. Within sight of his son, he takes the money that Berger has deposited in a wastebasket. Lürsen observes the two via cameras, Armin Wulf is arrested. He confesses to the blackmail, the murder of Blohm and the murder of the security guard. After he hanged himself in his cell, however, Lürsen questioned Gerhard Wulf at the funeral. He admits that his father's notes gave him the idea of ​​blackmail because he had acute financial problems, his company had already gone bankrupt and he wanted to continue supporting his father. When the money was handed over with Blohm, there was an argument and he hit him, causing him to die. Lürsen has him arrested, but estimates that if he does not repeat the confession, he will be released because of his father's confession and because he took the money from the wastebasket.

Due to the successful conclusion of the case, Inga Lürsen is allowed to resume work.


The film was produced by Radio Bremen and Degeto and shot in Bremen, at the Bremen Six-Day Race , Berlin and the Bremen area.

The Bremen Tatort received a nomination for the TV Film Prize of the German Academy of Performing Arts and the Adolf Grimme Prize.

The star guest at the crime scene was James Bond actor Roger Moore, who played himself and appeared as a guest at the Bremen six-day race . Since this episode, Lürsen and Stedefreund are per you.


Audience ratings

The first broadcast of Schatten on July 28, 2002 was seen by a total of 5.39 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 23.0 percent for Das Erste .


The Berliner by choice rates the crime scene as: “'Shadow' is a 'crime scene' with many qualities and a lot of quality. It's amazing how precisely the characters are drawn and how smoothly the plot runs at the same time. So it works, good characters and a tight, largely flawless plot. Episode 506 is also beautifully filmed, still modern and technically flawless. Concerning some aspects, motives, the resolution one has to make compromises, even the figure of the Commissioner Lürsen is not easy to digest. Less because of her political past, but because she thinks she can take everything out of it - professionally and personally. There is a little lack of respect in the sense of taking other people seriously. But we now want to mitigate the high ideals that were steeled in the particularly hot political meltdown of the 70s. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b shadow production details and audience rating at, accessed on January 31, 2015.
  2. ^ Tatort: ​​Schatten Filming Locations at Internet Movie Database , accessed January 31, 2015.
  3. ^ Shadow - Tatort 506 Film review at, accessed on January 31, 2015.