Crime scene: scraps

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title scum
Country of production Germany
original language German
Radio Bremen (RB)
length 88 minutes
classification Episode 562 ( List )
First broadcast April 4, 2004 on Das Erste
Director Thorsten Näter
script Thorsten Näter
production Radio Bremen film production
camera Achim Hasse
cut Birgit Hemmerling

Scrap is a television film by Thorsten Näter from the crime series Tatort on ARD and ORF . The film was produced by Radio Bremen and first broadcast on April 4, 2004. It is the 562nd crime scene episode. For detective chief inspector Inga Lürsen ( Sabine Postel ) it is her eleventh case, for detective inspector Nils Stedefreund ( Oliver Mommsen ) the sixth in which both investigate. In addition to Monica Bleibtreu and Hans-Uwe Bauer , Martina Schiesser and Michael Lott are the main guest stars of this episode.


The twelve-year-old Miriam Meinfeld is found dead in the Bremen district of Tenever . She has a strange sign between her thumb and forefinger. The girl had suspicious substances in her blood, the autopsy doctor also noticed an inexplicable number of broken bones, and Miriam had also been sexually abused several times in the past. Miriam's mother, Sigrid Meinfeld, expresses herself disparagingly to the inspectors Lürsen and Stedefreund towards the mentally handicapped who are housed in a home nearby and says that they should look for the perpetrator there. Miriam's family doctor says that he can as well as rule out abuse, it looks different. From Miriam's teacher, the investigating detective chief inspector Inga Lürsen learns that the girl was very withdrawn and very often injured. The suspicion of mistreatment had crossed her mind, but there was nothing specific. She shows pictures painted by Miriam to the Commissioner. All are kept in dark colors and appear threatening.

When Lürsen and her colleague Stedefreund start further investigations in a nearby pub, there is trouble. The residents gathered there are loudly outraged against the handicapped people who, in their opinion, are “scum”. Meanwhile, Stedefreund is looking for the sign Miriam had between thumb and forefinger. He comes across the librarian Karin Melzer, who wonders why he's only coming now. She thought Stedefreund was there because of the journalist Waltraud Löbing, who died in a car accident two years ago because she knew too much about these people . They were killed. This sign belongs to the Church of Satan . She does not believe that the police can actually do anything against these people , they are people with influence from above. She says that hardly anyone is willing to believe the victims because what they say is too monstrous. Waltraud Löbing deposited a copy of a video tape of her research with her. She would give it to him when he forgot who gave it to him.

Lürsen's conversation with Miriam's sister Svenja in her school is interrupted because her father appears with a lawyer. This has an insistent effect on the little one, so that she only remains silent. The drugs found in Miriam's body are said to have been bought by a resident of the home for the disabled. The home will then be searched. In Harald Markwart's room, the officials find drawings similar to those from Miriam's school, all of which contain the mark of Satan. When they find more things in a box, Stedefreund and Lürsen try to talk to Markwart. He has received close combat training and was an officer in the KSK , a special unit of the German armed forces . A serious head injury ended his career. Although Lürsen means to him that she doesn't believe that he has done anything to Miriam, she has to arrest him temporarily.

Stedefreund goes to Karin Melzer again, who only speaks to him under the premise that this conversation never took place. She implores the commissioner that these people are really bad and dangerous and that they believe they are above the law. They are people with power, money and enough influence that none of what they do gets outside. And they would have managed to cast off any compassion or compassion for other creatures. There are secret rituals , animal sacrifices and human sacrifices . These people are sadists and pedophiles who act out their inclinations under the guise of the Church.

Markwart has meanwhile been released again on the instructions of the Chief Public Prosecutor Mertens. The mob then penetrated the home and beat him up. At another meeting in a rest stop, Karin Melzer told Stedefreund and Lürsen that the order would get its victims from the poorest of the poor. The parents of the children affected were already victims and could only free themselves from this role by making their children into it. These people would have their own lawyers and doctors from their ranks would ensure that injuries due to occult acts would not even be made public, the victims would be pumped full of drugs so that they would be labeled "outwardly" as crazy. Melzer advises Lürsen and Stedefreund to “look for those who help.” Outside, she is run over by a car in cold blood. She can whisper to the inspector that she lied and that the girl from Waltraud Löbing's video is still alive. In the hospital, Lürsen accidentally sees Svenja out of the corner of his eye, who wants to visit Markwart, who is in the clinic after the mob attack. Markwart is her friend. She tells Inga that he always helped her and her sister. Miriam had taken the painkillers that Harald needed because of old injuries, he didn't want her to do that. When she is in the hospital corridor with the inspector, she sees a doctor and injures the inspector on the hand with a knife so that she can run away. She's obviously scared. The doctor tells the commissioners that he was unfortunately no longer able to help the admitted woman .

When Lürsen and Stedefreund go to the Meinfelds' apartment in search of Svenja, they find Sigrid and Bodo Meinfeld shot dead in their apartment. The children are not there. After she escaped from the clinic, Svenja was pulled into his car by Richard Brenner, the innkeeper. After viewing the files on Satanism , Lürsen and Stedefreund look to Gudrun Wehling from the video. She is barely responsive, she scratches a profile on a newspaper. As the commissioners later find out, it is that of the bar owner Brenner. Inga Lürsen and Stedefreund also determine that in 20 proceedings that had to do with Satanism, every one of them was suppressed by Chief Public Prosecutor Mertens. After Harald Markwart found out about the disappearance of Svenja and her six-year-old brother Björn on television, he managed to escape from the clinic and take the weapon of the policeman guarding him with him. First, Markwart switches Richard Brenner off. Drawings by the children tell Inga Lürsen that Markwart is probably in the Jepsen Villa . The vacant villa is rented by the law firm Lohmann und Partner, the lawyer who also appeared for Svenja's parents. In the villa, the members walk around with obscure masks and target the children, who are frightened in a corner. Markwart strikes one after the other with his weapon. Then he sits down with Svenja and Björn in a corner of the room and puts his arms around the children protectively. When Lürsen, Stedefreund and the SEK arrive and unmask the dead, they find the Chief Public Prosecutor Mertens, the Order's lawyer, the pediatrician and also the doctor from the clinic, who allegedly could not do anything for Karin Melzer, and other "honors". When Harald Markwart, who allows himself to be arrested without contradiction, is led away, the children rush to him and hug him, he was their only refuge.


Production notes, filming

The shooting took place from September 30th to November 4th 2003 in Bremen and the surrounding area. The production broadcaster was Radio Bremen (RB) in coproduction with Degeto Film .


The film refers to the documentaries Höllenleben - A multiple personality in search of traces (2001) and Höllenleben - The fight of the victims. Ritual Abuse in Germany (2003), both by Liz Wieskerstrauch .

The Church of Satan (CoS) actually exists, it was founded on April 30, 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey in San Francisco , its headquarters are now in New York City . She takes an atheistic point of view that there is no all-powerful, benevolent Creator God. The figure of Satan is interpreted as an archetype.

In the film, Monica Bleibtreu recites from Paul Celan's poem Nachtstrahl : “A beautiful boat is the coffin, carved in the woods of feelings. I also drove down the blood with him when I was younger than your Aug. Now you are young as a dead bird in the March snow, now he comes to you and sings his French song. You are light, you sleep to the end of my spring. I am lighter, I sing in front of strangers. ”The poem is included in Paul Celan's works Poppy and Memory .

In scraps there are 14 and thus the second most fatalities in a crime scene. The portrayal of violence and the high number of deaths caused numerous discussions in the media and politics.


The episode, read by Sabine Postel , is available as an audio CD, published on August 1, 2009 by Der Audioverlag.


Audience rating

When it was first broadcast on April 4, 2004, the film reached 7.96 million viewers, which corresponds to a market share of 22.60%.


The Catholic Satanism expert Matthias Neff , advisor for sects and ideology in the Diocese of Trier, praised the film in the Hamburger Abendblatt as “exciting and well researched. The successful crime thriller clearly shows the explosiveness and the inhuman backgrounds of Satanism. "

TV Spielfilm judged: “Controversial, but a crime scene highlight. [...] The Bremen “Tatort” received a lot of praise for dealing with the subject - only the end shocked many. “

Rainer Tittelbach ( ) said: “Many a viewer will not want to see“ satanic child abuse ”in“ Tatort ”. It won't change much for him that Thorsten Näter's “scrap” has become a very exciting crime thriller with a socially critical and enlightening habitus and without the slightest trace of voyeurism. Those who get involved - there is no escape for them. "


Scrap was nominated for the 1st German Television Crime Award 2005 . Monica Bleibtreu was also honored for her portrayal of the librarian Karin Melzer as best supporting actress at the 2005 TV detective award.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ritual abuse in Germany video. Retrieved January 4, 2014.
  2. The soul burns - approaching a multiple personality / documentary adS Retrieved November 21, 2017.
  3. Paul Celan Night Ray
  4. Spiegel Online: audience debate about 14 "crime scene" deaths , accessed on August 6, 2012.
  5. Christian Prenger: Powerful halo , in: Extradienst No. 7–9 / 2004 p. 38.
  6. Crime scene: Scrap - Sabine Postel reads the case
  7. ^ Crime scene: scrap quota
  8. Crime scene: Scrap at Spiegel de. Culture. Retrieved August 2, 2012.
  9. Tatort: ​​Scrap at TV feature film. Retrieved August 2, 2012.
  10. ^ Rainer Tittelbach : crime scene: scrap at Retrieved August 2, 2012.
  11. ^ Tatort: ​​Scrap at Retrieved August 2, 2012.