Crime scene: white and blue sneakers

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title White and blue sneakers
Country of production Germany
original language German
Bavarian radio
length 77 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
classification Episode 30 ( List )
First broadcast June 24, 1973 on German television
Director Wolf Dietrich
script Herbert Rosendorfer ,
Niklas Frank
production Peter Hoheisel
camera Günter Haase
cut Karin Fischer

The White Blue Sneakers case is the 30th TV film in the crime series Tatort . Produced by Bayerischer Rundfunk, the episode was broadcast for the first time on June 24, 1973 on ARD's first program. It is the second case of Commissioner Veigl, portrayed by Gustl Bayrhammer .


An elderly woman's handbag is stolen from a homeless person in the Bogenhausen cemetery . Veigl takes on the case despite his vacation because he is upset about the robbery of the defenseless, poor pensioner. The old lady can testify that the perpetrator wore white and blue sneakers.

Veigl asks around a homeless shelter and learns that a man with white and blue sneakers has been seen there more often. At a meal for the homeless, Veigl and Lenz can finally provide the man. The homeless, Franz Sondermeier, has jewelry in his pocket that is not worth much, but Sondermeier probably doesn't know.

Veigl then goes on vacation to the Chiemsee, together with his colleague Liersdahl from Saarbrücken. Liersdahl reads Veigl an article about a break-in, which Veigl immediately connects with the jewelry seized at Sondermeier. Veigl drives with a local colleague out to the courtyard of the burglary victims, where he learns that the farm has meanwhile been sold because the burglar victim, an old lady, has meanwhile moved to the old people's home. The buyer is a certain Schilling from Munich, who never lived in the courtyard, but only cordoned it off.

Veigl also finds an old identity card at the place where Franz Sondermeier allegedly went on an excursion, which belonged to the deceased husband of the burglar victim. Sondermeier finally admits the robbery in the cemetery and the break-in into the courtyard of the old Stallwanger.

Lenz finds Schilling, Veigl seeks him out. Schilling lives in a small guesthouse, although he has bought the large farm on the Chiemsee. Schilling claims to have saved up the money to buy the farm. He does not give the reason why he leaves the yard empty and lives in a pension. Schilling has a fairly extensive criminal record, there is currently nothing against him. However, he gets nervous, speaks on the phone with friends from his criminal past and says that Veigl asked him about the farm and asks what he should do.

Meanwhile Veigl tries to obtain a search warrant from Schilling. At this time he is called by Schilling, who wants to meet him and give him information about the kidnapping case of the millionaire Schneck, in which Veigl has been investigating for a long time without success.

Schilling is being followed by people who want to kill him and does not appear at the agreed meeting with Veigl. In Schilling's pension room, Veigl finds that there has been a break-in and the room has been ransacked. Veigl finds a letter to Schilling that contains an advertisement about the sale of a farm. Veigl drives with the kidnapping victim Schneck, who had been blindfolded during the kidnapping trip, the alleged route back from his house to the farm that Schilling had bought.

Despite renovations, Schneck recognizes the main building of the courtyard from the knob of the banister as his hiding place, in which he had been held captive during his kidnapping.

Veigl quickly combines that Schilling must have acted as a front man for the old accomplices of his criminal past. Zimmermann, Schilling's former gang leader, was found alive in Buenos Aires via Interpol, but returned to Munich the day before. Veigl suspects that Zimmermann wants to collect the money from the kidnapping as the police are about to find out about him.

Veigl and Lenz are waiting for Zimmermann at the airport, but in vain because he landed in Zurich and took the train to Munich. Brettschneider believed in this variant and waited for it at the main train station, where he could arrest him.

Veigl fails, however, to adequately justify his suspicions before the judge, so that Zimmermann has to be released. Immediately after his release, Zimmermann goes to the bank to collect the money from the kidnapping. Lenz and Veigl follow him when he wants to leave the bank with a suitcase. Instead of money, the suitcase contains pieces of jewelry that Zimmermann allegedly inherited. Lenz wants to check the coat and finds out that Zimmermann has hidden the money there. After a short chase scene in the bank, Zimmermann is arrested with the money from the snail kidnapping.

After that, nothing stands in the way of continuing Veigl's holiday at the Chiemsee.


After “Münchner Kindl”, “White-Blue Sneakers” is also one of the few Tatort episodes in which there is not a single dead person. Also in this episode there is a special feature of the opening credits, the music of the opening credits continues during the first scene. In the typical end credits with the crosshairs, Veigl's vacation scenes with his dachshund Oswald am Chiemsee are recorded, which show the viewer that Veigl is now continuing the interrupted vacation. Wilfried Klaus , who later became the "Chief Inspector Schickl" from SOKO 5113 , plays a small role as a bank clerk at the counter. The scriptwriter of the episode, the well-known writer Herbert Rosendorfer , was himself a judge and let his professional experience flow into the script.

Web links

  1. ↑ Certificate of release for the crime scene: white-blue sneakers . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , July 2009 (PDF; test number: 118 880 V).