Thomas Pit

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Thomas Pit

Thomas Grube (* 1971 in Berlin ) is a German photographer , director and film producer .

Live and act

Thomas Grube studied political science , American studies and Eastern European studies at the Free University of Berlin as well as film and television economics at the "Konrad Wolf" University of Film and Television in Potsdam-Babelsberg . At the same time he worked as a director and producer.

In 1993 he founded his first production company, with which he made short films , reports and music films as an author , director and film producer . His first long film was Love is the Message in 1994 . The music film (with Sven Väth , WestBam , Kid Paul , Moby , Cosmic Baby, among others ) was released by Studio K7 and is a comprehensive documentation of the early techno generation to which he himself belonged. In 1996 Thomas Grube met his partner Uwe Dierks . Both were heavily inspired by the personality and music of the American composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein and shifted their focus to the genre of classical music . As directors and producers, they made various documentary and music films a.o. a. with the Berliner Philharmoniker Sir Simon Rattle , Claudio Abbado , Christoph Eschenbach , Anne Sophie Mutter , Li Yundi , Plácido Domingo , Lang Lang , Hilary Hahn .

In 1999 Thomas Grube and Uwe Dierks founded Boomtown Media GmbH & Co. KG in Berlin together with Andrea Thilo . Since then, Thomas Grube has made a large number of documentaries for television and cinema as a director and producer . For Warsaw Express he was nominated for the German Television Award in 2000. In 2004 he and Enrique Sánchez Lansch for the direction of Rhythm Is It! (World premiere Berlin International Film Festival 2004) the Bavarian Film Prize , in 2005 the German Film Prize , also for Rhythm Is It !. In February 2008, his film Trip to Asia (world premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival 2008) opened in German cinemas. Trip to Asia, the first feature film about the mysterious inner life of the Berliner Philharmoniker and its chief conductor Sir Simon Rattle , received the Tiempo del Historia Award for "Best Documentary" at the Valladolid International Film Festival in 2008 . Rhythm Is It! is one of the most successful documentary films in German cinema.

As a producer, Thomas Grube u. a. also for the documentary films Porgy and Me - In der Welt von Gershwin's Porgy and Bess (world premiere at Hof International Film Festival 2009), Friedensschlag - The Year of Decision (world premiere at Berlin International Film Festival 2010; PDF; 135 kB) by Gerardo Milsztein or Cinema Jenin - Die Story of a Dream (World Premiere International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam by Marcus Vetter 2011). The documentary film Friedensschlag , which started in German cinemas in 2010, received the German Camera Prize (“Best Documentary”) in the same year . The Cinema Jenin project was awarded the Peace Prize of German Film - Die Brücke 2011. The film also received the German Camera Prize 2012 and was released in German cinemas in June 2012 by Senator Film .

In 2014 he accompanied the organ virtuoso Cameron Carpenter on the path of the creation of his International Touring Organ . The film The Sound of my Life was released in 2014. From 2014 to 2016 he accompanied the 150th anniversary of the BASF Group in Europe, the USA, South America and India with the movie Experiment 150 . The world premiere of Experiment 150 took place in 2016 at the 12th Festival of German Films in Ludwigshafen.

In addition to his work as an author and director, Thomas Grube also makes commercials as a director and is responsible as a film producer in the production company BOOMTOWN MEDIA . Thomas Grube is a member of the German Film Academy .

honors and awards

Web links


  1. Information from the film portal
  2. a b c d Boomtownmedia: Thomas Grube. Retrieved September 7, 2015 .
  3. Information from the film portal
  4. Info from Arte ( Memento of the original from June 28, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. Information from BASF  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /