Thorsten Kingreen

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Thorsten Kingreen [Kingre: n] (* 13. May 1965 in Bremen ) is a German heads of state and administrative law , in particular Sozialrechtler , and on European Law from Regensburg .

Life and accomplishments

Kingreen grew up in Hagen . After graduating from high school in 1984 and doing basic military service in Rheine and Seeth ( North Friesland ), he studied law at the Philipps University in Marburg and at the University of Geneva . Kingreen passed his first state examination in 1992. He then became a research assistant at the Institute for Public Law at the Law Faculty in Marburg with Bodo Pieroth . With this he switched to the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster in 1993 . There Kingreen received his doctorate in law in 1995 with the top grade “summa cum laude” . The two-year legal preparatory service in the district of the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court and stations at the German Embassy in Tel Aviv and the German Representation Office for the Palestinian Territories in Jericho ended in June 1996 with the Second State Examination. Then Kingreen returned to the Pieroth Institute, where he worked as a research assistant . In 2001 the Faculty of Law in Münster completed his habilitation . He received the license to teach public law, European law and social law. After being appointed to Bielefeld University in 2002, Kingreen moved to Regensburg University the following year , where he has held the chair for public law, social law and health law ever since (as of October 2015). Before the Association of German Constitutional Law Teachers, Kingreen reported at the 2010 conference in Berlin on the subject of scarcity and equity in the healthcare system . In 2011, he turned down a call to the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich for a W3 professorship for public law, social law and business administration law.

Kingreen is married with three children.


Kingreen is the namesake of the so-called Nicholas decision , a decision of the Federal Constitutional Court of December 6, 2005.



  • The constitutional position of the illegitimate cohabitation in the area of ​​tension between freedom and equality rights , Münsterische contributions to jurisprudence vol. 97, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 1995, ISBN 3-428-08573-6 (dissertation)
  • The structure of the fundamental freedoms of European Community Law , Writings on European Law Vol. 56, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 1999, ISBN 3-428-09716-5
  • The welfare state principle in the European constitution. Influences under Community law on German statutory health insurance law , Jus Publicum Vol. 97, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2003, ISBN 3-16-147962-9 (Habilitation)
  • Personal and calendar working time restrictions. Constitutional limits to the cancellation of shop closing times. Writings of the Hans Böckler Foundation, Vol. 65, Baden-Baden, Nomos 2007, ISBN 978-3-8329-2351-8


  • Protection against competition in contract medical licensing law. A contribution to the trip to Jerusalem in health care , Die Verwaltung 36 (2003), pp. 33-66.
  • Family as a category of social law , Jurist newspaper (JZ) 2004, pp. 938–948.
  • Fundamental Freedoms , in: von Bogdandy, Armin / Bast, Jürgen (eds.), Principles of European Constitutional Law, 2006, pp. 549-584
  • The universalization of social rights in European Community law , European law (EuR), Supplement 1/2007, pp. 43–74.
  • The law of university medicine in university, health and constitutional reform processes , Wissenschaftsrecht (WissR) 40 (2007), pp. 283–311. Together with Minou Banafsche and Tibor Szabados

Lexicon contributions

  • European fundamental freedoms , in: J. Haustein / W. Heun / M. Honecker / M. Morlok / J. Wieland (eds.), Evangelisches Staatslexikon, 4th ed. 2006, Sp. 893–903
  • European fundamental rights , in: J. Haustein / W. Heun / M. Honecker / M. Morlok / J. Wieland (Ed.), Evangelisches Staatslexikon, 4th ed. 2006, Sp. 922–930


  1. ^ Association of German Constitutional Law Teachers / Next Conference ( Memento of the original from May 6, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Stefan Huster : A court rowed back: "Nikolaus" without a house . In: Verfassungsblog , May 14, 2017, accessed on September 10, 2018.
  3. BVerfG, decision of December 6, 2005 , Az. 1 BvR 347/98; BVerfGE 115, 25 .
  4. The reception extends beyond science to the daily newspapers, cf. For example: "By then the patient will be dead" . In: Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger , January 2, 2008.

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