Til Kiwe

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Jan Heinrich Tilman Kiwe (born as Eduard Heinrich Kiefer) , also: Til Kiver or Till Kiwe , (born June 7, 1910 in Aachen ; † November 30, 1995 in Munich ) was a German actor and voice actor .


Kiefer received singing lessons at the Conservatory in Aachen and graduated from high school in 1934. From 1934 to 1937 he studied ethnology in Cologne and Baltimore . He trained as an actor with Adolf Manz in Cologne and at the Studio of Dramatic Art in Baltimore.

Before the outbreak of the Second World War he took part in several trips to distant countries, including an expedition to Tibesti in 1938 . He participated in the war in Africa and was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross as a captain on May 18, 1943 .

After returning home from captivity, he changed his name and made his debut in Munich in 1946 as an actor at the experimental theater "Die Spieler". Kiwe worked in Munich until 1972 mainly at the Junge Theater, the Münchner Kammerspiele and the Bavarian State Theater . His roles included Ruprecht in Der zerbrochne Krug , Leander in Franz Grillparzer's Des Meeres und der Liebe Wellen , Eilif in Mother Courage , Jim in Die Glasmenagerie , John Rand in Gerhart Hauptmanns Schluck and Jau and Professor Higgins in Pygmalion . In addition, Kiwe appeared in several homeland films and repeatedly impersonated Wehrmacht officers in war films. For example, in It happened on July 20, he played Count Stauffenberg's adjutant , Werner von Haeften ; in Bernhard Wicki's war drama Die Brücke, in a supporting role, a captain and knight's cross who flee quickly from the approaching Americans in the last days of the war. In the night he fell over Gotenhafen , he embodied an SS officer. In the second part of the television classic On the Green Beach of the Spree ("The General") by Fritz Umgelter he was seen alongside Wolfgang Büttner , Hans Pössenbacher and Anneli Granget as Major Illing stationed at a division headquarters in Northern Norway .

In addition to his intensive occupation as an actor, Kiwe found time to work as an ethnologist. He continued his travels and in 1953/54 came to the Atacama Desert , the Easter Island and the Mato Grosso Plateau . Further trips took him to Sudan and again to Tibesti. He recorded his impressions for UNESCO as a producer and director in 17 documentary films, including desert, copper and the holy Carmen ; People, technology and modern weapons ; Ways out of the dark ; The Call of the Condor ; Aswan and its consequences as well as Pealstring of the Gods .

From 1972 Kiwe worked as a theater director and staged, among others, Der zerbrochne Krug , Pygmalion , Volpone and Do you think Konstanze behaves correctly? by William Somerset Maugham . He has been on television since 1956 and in 1963 played 39 episodes alongside Josef Dahmen as Commissioner Peters in the crime series Hafenpolizei . He also wrote several screenplays for television and film, including On the Roads to Rome (1959), Steel Cabinet SG 3 (1966), and Flood over Polesine (1967).

As voice actors he has loaned Errol Flynn , David Niven , Douglas Fairbanks Jr. or Jean Marais his voice and was at the same time a dubbing author and dubbing director. He was married and had a son and a daughter.

Til Kiwe died in Munich at the age of 85. He found his final resting place in the new south cemetery of the city.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b knerger.de: The grave of Til Kiwe
  2. Personal form on ww2gravestone.com
  3. Christoph J. Eppler: Mercenaries, skulls and soldiers. Critical remarks on military history from antiquity to Afghanistan. Herbert Utz Verlag, Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-8316-4674-6 , p. 436.