Traugott von Bötticher

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Christian Friedrich Traugott von Bötticher (born November 4, 1851 in Nordhausen , † October 20, 1931 in Bonn ) was a Prussian lieutenant general .



He was the son of Nordhausen merchant Wilhelm Karl Bötticher (1816-1884) and his second wife Caroline Bötticher (1823-1889). His father belonged to the old Nordhausen noble family of the Boetticher family . His older brother was the Prussian major general Wilhelm von Bötticher (1845–1927).

Military career

After graduating from high school, on February 17, 1871, Bötticher joined the replacement battalion of the 2nd Rhenish Infantry Regiment No. 28 of the Prussian Army as a one-year volunteer, as his brother had served six years earlier. There he was on 12 December 1872 to second lieutenant and on May 13, 1882 First Lieutenant promoted. From October 1, 1882 to July 21, 1885 he was assigned to the military academy and from May 1, 1886 for one year to service with the Great General Staff . His brother had successfully around the Prussian nobility recognition as early as on November 27, 1882 Heroldsamtsreskript for 1563 took place ennobling endeavor of the family who also Traugott further career as a staff officer facilitated.

On March 22, 1889 he was promoted to captain and appointed company commander. As such, Bötticher was transferred to the 6th East Prussian Infantry Regiment No. 43 on September 17, 1892 . Since January 27, 1895 he was listed there as a surplus major . On May 20, 1896, he switched to the 4th Posensches Infantry Regiment No. 59 as battalion commander , and three months later, on August 18, 1896, in the same function in the 6th Westphalian Infantry Regiment No. 55 , where he initially the VI. Battalion and later commanded the 2nd Battalion.

While being promoted to colonel at the same time , Bötticher became the commander of the infantry regiment “Margrave Karl” (7th Brandenburg) No. 60 in Weissenburg on April 24, 1904 . On February 18, 1908, he was assigned to lead the 23rd Infantry Brigade in Gleiwitz . On March 21, 1908, he was promoted to major general and appointed commander of this brigade . Bötticher was released from this position on February 14, 1910 and, in approval of his resignation request, was put up for disposition with the statutory pension . He still received the character of Lieutenant General and was awarded the star for the Order of the Crown, 2nd class on July 3, 1913 .

During the First World War Bötticher was reused as a ZD officer and served from May 26 to August 28, 1915 as the commander of the 80th Infantry Brigade in Bonn .


Traugott von Bötticher was married to Laura Böddinghaus (* 1869) on December 29, 1886. The marriage resulted in the children Margarete (* 1885), Elisabeth (* 1894) and Hans Hermann (* 1895).


  • Hans Hermann von Boetticher, Oskar Pusch: Peter Bötticher and his time: a chancellor life in the age of the Reformation: Chancellor of the county of Hohnstein a. Harz 1550–1566 and Prince Bishop. Halberstadter Stiftskanzler 1567-1585 , Research Center East Central Europe, 1975, p. 95.
  • Max Kürner: Officer master list of the Royal Prussian Infantry Regiment Margrave Karl (7th Brandenburgisches) No. 60 from July 1, 1860 to October 1, 1905. ES Mittler & Sohn . Berlin 1905. p. 195.
  • OHErnst-Adolf von Mansberg: List of officers of the royal Prussian infantry regiment. Berlin 1900, p. 224.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. ^ OH Ernst-Adolf von Mansberg: List of officers of the royal Prussian infantry regiment. Berlin 1900, p. 224.
  3. ^ Military weekly paper. No. 24 of February 20, 1908. p. 514.
  4. ^ Military weekly paper. No. 25 of February 22, 1910. p. 558.
  5. ^ Military weekly paper. No. 88 of July 5, 1913. S. 2005.
  6. Dermot Bradley (Ed.), Günter Wegner: Occupation of the German Army 1815-1939. Volume 1: The higher command posts 1815-1939. Biblio Publishing House. Osnabrück 1990. ISBN 3-7648-1780-1 . P. 304.
  7. German Officer Association (Ed.): Honor ranking list of the former German Army. ES Mittler & Sohn. Berlin 1926. p. 696.
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