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The Trisanna between Ischgl and Kappl

The Trisanna between Ischgl and Kappl

Water code AT : 2-8-59-2
location Tyrol , Austria
River system Danube
Drain over Sanna  → Inn  → Danube  → Black Sea
origin The confluence of the Vermuntbach and the Jambach at Galtür
46 ° 58 ′ 12 ″  N , 10 ° 11 ′ 20 ″  E
Source height 1564  m above sea level A.
confluence at Tobadill with the Rosanna to Sanna Coordinates: 47 ° 7 '2 "  N , 10 ° 29' 25"  E 47 ° 7 '2 "  N , 10 ° 29' 25"  E
Mouth height 870  m above sea level A.
Height difference 694 m
Bottom slope 22 ‰
length 31.1 km
Catchment area 409.1 km²
Discharge at the level of the lake in Paznaun
A Eo : 255.4 km²
Location: 3.77 km above the mouth
NNQ (03/13/1988)
MNQ 1971–2010
MQ 1971–2010
Mq 1971–2010
MHQ 1971–2010
HHQ (08/23/2005)
220 l / s
1.72 m³ / s
8.81 m³ / s
34.5 l / (s km²)
73.8 m³ / s
282 m³ / s
Communities Galtür , Ischgl , Kappl , See
Driving on the lake steps in the lower reaches

The Trisanna is a river in Tyrol with a length of about 31 km that drains the Paznaun .


The Trisanna arises in Galtür from the confluence of the Vermuntbach and the Jambach , both of which come from the south of the main Alpine ridge . Sometimes the Vermuntbach (in Kleinvermunt ) with the Bieltalbach is seen as the upper reaches of the Trisanna, which is 46.1 km long.

The Trisanna flows in an easterly to north-easterly direction through the Paznaun between the three-thousanders of the Silvretta and the Samnaun group in the south and the equally high mountains of the Verwall group in the north.

The more important side valleys come from the right (south) from Silvretta and Samnaun:

The Paznaun is poorly structured on the left, with numerous steep trenches flowing into it.

At sea , the valley turns north and the Trisanna flows through a narrow gorge which the natural monument declared Gfäll (Trisannaklamm) before settling below Castle Wiesberg with from the punch valley coming Rosanna for Sanna combined. Shortly before the confluence of the Paznaun in the Stanzer Tal, the Trisanna bridge of the Arlbergbahn spans the valley.

The Sanna then flows on through Pians and flows into the Inn after a few kilometers at Landeck .

Catchment area

The natural catchment area of the Trisanna is 409.1 km². Part of the water volume from the tributaries of the Trisanna is diverted by illwerke vkw AG to the Silvretta reservoir and the Kops reservoir to generate electricity, reducing the hydrologically effective catchment area by 130 km².

The highest point in the catchment area is the southern Fluchthorn at 3399  m above sea level. A. In the catchment area of ​​the Trisanna there are 34 glaciers with a total area of ​​11.05 km², which corresponds to a degree of glaciation of 2.7% (as of 2002). Most of the glacier runoff is diverted into the reservoirs, only a small part remains under the Trisanna runoff regime.

Water flow

The mean discharge at the lake level in Paznaun is 8.81 m³ / s, which corresponds to a discharge rate of 34.5 l / s · km². The Trisanna has a nival runoff regime , which is dominated by the snowmelt in the higher elevations of the catchment area. The glaciers have little influence due to the diversions. The monthly mean of the month with the highest discharge, June, is 23.3 m³ / s, ten times that of the month with the lowest discharge, February, with 2.17 m³ / s.

2005 flood

The Trisanna area, along with Rosana, Inn and Lech, was hardest hit by the floods in August 2005 . Abundant rainfall in the catchment area and a high snowfall line led to the largest flood event recorded to date in August 2005. The maximum flow was 49.1 m³ / s at the Galtür-Au gauge and 282 m³ / s at the See gauge, and thus more than twice the maximum values ​​measured up to that point. The Trisanna stepped over long stretches over the banks, in some places, e.g. B. at Mathon , the entire valley floor was flooded, there the river has looked for a completely new bed. In total, an area of ​​about 1 km² was flooded and the Trisanna extended its course by about 472 m. The flood destroyed numerous bridges and flooded several districts up to three meters high. It destroyed almost a third of the B 188 Silvrettastraße , which, apart from the Silvretta High Alpine Road, which is only open and tolls in summer, is the only access to the towns in Paznaun. The tributaries, which also carried floods, carried 200,000 to 300,000 m³ of debris into the Trisanna.


The ecological condition of the Trisanna is classified as good to very good, in the settlement areas mostly as moderate. The river bed is unobstructed, the banks are built up in parts, in the local area of ​​Galtür and See. The Trisanna has water quality classes  I-II on the entire stretch .


Web links

Commons : Trisanna  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e TIRIS - Tyrolean spatial planning and information system
  2. a b Land Tirol: The Landeck / Sanna gauge (PDF; 487 kB)
  3. a b c d Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (ed.): Hydrographisches Jahrbuch von Österreich 2010. 118th volume. Vienna 2012, p. OG 90, PDF (12.6 MB) on (yearbook 2010)
  4. Land Tirol: Trisannaklamm natural monument ,
  5. Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (Ed.): Flood 2005 - Event documentation of the Federal Water Management Administration, the Forestry Service for Torrent and Avalanche Control and the Hydrographic Service. Vienna 2006 ( PDF; 5.2 MB  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  6. Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (ed.): Saprobiological water quality of the flowing waters of Austria. As of 2005. ( PDF; 1 MB ( Memento of the original from December 22, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. ) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /