Urs Blöchlinger

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Urs Leo Blöchlinger (born June 4, 1954 in Wettingen ; † March 3, 1995 in Turgi ) was a Swiss jazz musician ( alto saxophone , sopranino , bass saxophone , flute ) and composer.

Live and act

Blöchlinger first learned to play guitar and trumpet as an autodidact before turning to the saxophone. He studied for a short time at the Swiss Jazz School in Bern (with Andy Scherrer , among others ), then switched to the Music Academy in Zurich, but dropped out shortly before graduation. He ran a multimedia cabaret with Christoph Baumann with the Jerry Dental Kollekdoof , founded his own trio (with Thomas Dürst, Thomas Hiestand), brought his own compositions to the Lekfek ensemble in 1982 and then founded groups such as Heilige Bimbam , Kuddeldaddeldu or Tettet . But he also played with Day & Taxi or Bermuda Viereck ; he also performed with George Gruntz , Carla Bley , Hans Koch , Werner Lüdi , Peter Schärli , John Wolf Brennan , Martin Schütz , Fredy Studer , Christy Doran and Hans Kennel .

Blöchlinger, who had been married to the pianist Valérie Portmann since 1981 , wrote multi-stylistic compositions between modern jazz and new music and also carried out experiments with improvisational concepts . He wrote theater and film music (“Paddy or the Lily on the Bottom of the Bottle”) and the 1991 musical “Der Kranich” in Bern (with a libretto by Hansjörg Schneider ), but also compositions for “ Schlieremer Chind ”. “The passionate border crosser and cheerful and melancholy avant-garde was restless between styles, between slapstick and an aesthetic of resistance.” At the age of forty, Blöchlinger committed suicide .

Discographic notes

Lexigraphic entries

Individual evidence

  1. Historical Lexicon of Switzerland

Web links