Várzea Grande (Mato Grosso)

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Várzea Grande
Várzea Grande (Brazil)
Várzea Grande
Várzea Grande
Coordinates 16 °  S , 56 °  W Coordinates: 16 °  S , 56 °  W
coat of arms
coat of arms
Basic data
Country Brazil


Mato Grosso
height 190 m
surface 938,057 km²
Residents 282.009 (Ber. 2018)
density 0.3  Ew. / km²
Website www.varzeagrande.mt.gov.br
mayor Lucimar Sacre de Campos
Political party Democratas
City administration address Prefeitura Municipal de Várzea Grande

Palácio Julio Domingos de Campos Várzea Grande - MT

Post Code (CEP) 78110-000Template: Infobox location / maintenance / comment

Várzea Grande , officially Município de Várzea Grande , is a Brazilian city ​​in the state of Mato Grosso with 282,009 inhabitants.

The city forms a conurbation with the capital Mato Grossos, Cuiabá , and houses the international airport Aeroporto Internacional Marechal Rondon , which is almost exclusively served by domestic flights, but is also a hub for local traffic in the Midwest of Brazil.

sons and daughters of the town

Web links

Commons : Várzea Grande (Mato Grosso)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Postcode (zip code) of Várzea Grande on postcode.de.mapawi.com