Persecution of People with Albinism

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Awareness poster against the prejudices of albinos in Africa
A kid with albinism

The persecution of people with albinism ( English Persecution of people with albinism ; sometimes abbreviated as PWA) is based on the belief that certain parts of the body of Albinist people can transmit magical powers. Such a superstition is particularly prevalent in some parts of the African Great Lakes region , and has been promoted and exploited by witch doctors and others who use such body parts as ingredients in rituals, potions and potions, claiming that their magic is useful to the practitioner Will bring prosperity ( muti or medicine murder).

As a result, people with albinism were persecuted, killed and dismembered, and graves of albinos were dug and desecrated. At the same time, people with albinism have also been ostracized and even killed for exactly the opposite reason, because they are believed to be cursed and bring bad luck. Persecution of people with albinism occurs primarily in sub-Saharan African communities , particularly among East Africans .

Albinism is a genetically inherited disorder that is very rare, affecting about one in twenty thousand people worldwide. Although rare in the western world , albinism is quite common in sub-Saharan Africa, likely as a result of consanguinity . Both parents, who may or may not be albinos themselves, must carry the gene if it is to be passed on to the child. Albinism occurs in both men and women and is not racially or ethnically specific. Statistics show that fifty percent of the albinistic people in Tanzania have a known albinistic relative, although very few understand or are informed about the medical and genetic causes of the disease. Many believe that it is a punishment from God or bad luck and that their "disease" could be contagious, which is often believed even by members of the medical and professional communities. These misunderstandings, coupled with the lack of education, are some of the main reasons that albinism is so persecuted. This lack of knowledge of people with albinism means that folk tales and superstitions in the name of witchcraft are taking the place of medical and scientific facts in the minds of many native Africans with and without albinism, which in turn has great implications for the social integration of Albinist people into the African Company has. Ninety-eight percent of albinos die by the age of forty for reasons that are easily preventable.

Current statistics on persecution of Albinist people

A report was released on April 1, 2014 by the office of the Canadian charity Under the Same Sun in Dar es Salaam , Tanzania. Titled " Reported Attacks of Persons with Albinism, " the document reviews 180 countries and lists 129 recent murders and 181 other attacks, all in 23 African countries. These attacks include mutilation, violence, desecration of graves and cases of asylum seekers.


In Tanzania, there is one albino for every 1,429 births, a much higher rate than any other nation. There are 6,977 officially registered albinos in Tanzania, according to Al-Shymaa Kway-Geer , an albino MP. However, it is believed that up to 17,000 are unregistered. A number of albinos have immigrated to the Dar es Salaam area because they feel safer in an urban environment. It is believed that Tanzania has the largest population of albinos in Africa. Albinos are particularly persecuted in Shinyanga and Mwanza , where witch doctors have promoted belief in the potentially magical and superstitious properties of albino body parts. There are other problems that arise from the lack of education about albinism. Fathers often suspect the albino child's mother of infidelity to a white man or that the child is the ghost of a European colonist. This can put an immense strain on families and relationships. An albino child is often viewed as a bad omen and treated as undesirable. Many albino children become victims of child murder because of these superstitious beliefs.


After 2015, when Tanzania adopted tougher measures against violence against albinos, Malawi has seen a "steep rise in killings", with 18 reported killings since November 2014, and the likely number of killings is higher because of missing people and unreported murders . President Peter Mutharika has set up a committee to investigate the situation. In addition, an immense number of graves of albinos have been robbed in Malawi in recent history. In 2017, police found at least 39 cases of albinos' bodies being illegally removed from their graves or body parts removed from their bodies. Another phenomenon that has also been observed is the surge in religious leaders, police and government officials charged and convicted of killing albinos in Malawi. As of 2018, there has been speculation that President Mutharika is taking steps to introduce the death penalty for convicted killers of albinos in order to significantly reduce the number of attacks perpetrated by terrifying and terrifying those who do so for business or religious reasons makes them far less acceptable to witch doctors and other people who follow superstitions. The death penalty does exist, but it has not been used since the government changeover to democracy in 1994, and convicts who receive the death penalty are instead served life imprisonment. The president sees this as an opportunity to tighten judicial control and to work to eradicate hate crimes committed against albinos.

Origins of myths and superstitions that cause persecution of people with albinism

African rituals and spiritual ideas about albinism have led to brutal killings and attacks on innocent men, women and especially children. These ideas have been around for many generations, but in recent years witch doctors have given misconceptions about the promise of wealth, success, and power when albino hair or limbs are used in a magic potion as part of witch practices. This has attracted public attention nationally and internationally as these crimes have been reported as crimes against human rights. "Child murder, kidnapping, amputations and beheadings, which are committed in order to procure treasured body parts for amulets which are then sold in an underground witch market" Hence, this causes great unrest and fear among the albino population, who must be protected and often in lives a state of loneliness just to protect their own lives and prevent them from being hunted like animals

In 2010, US Congressman Gerry Connolly passed a law to protect albinos and urged local governments to protect albinos. He stated, "With your help and the passing of this resolution today, we may be able to put an end to these terrible and heinous crimes."

It is clear that "the main driving forces underlying these profiling crimes are ignorance, myth, and superstition, such as the belief that people with albinism are superpowed or that their body parts bring happiness and health." It is well known that in Many communities, especially in Tanzania and parts of East Africa, have had superstitious views derived from ancient spiritual beliefs and reinforced by the local witch doctors, carried through centuries of ritual practices and mythical beliefs. This poses a serious threat to the lives of people with albinism as people believe that it will bring them wealth, power, success, or health depending on different interpretations. Senior law enforcement officials claim these body parts can be sold on the black market for up to $ 75,000 for a set of arms, legs, ears, and genitals of a person with albinism.Therefore, there have been a large number of albino murders in the past decade, in particular in Burundi and Tanzania, where more than seventy documented murders took place in 2007 and 150 parts of the body of albinos are said to have been hacked off. Now the killings are well over a hundred, with low conviction rates, and albinos continue to have limbs severed, leaving many crippled or severely mutilated, traumatized and tortured.

This threat to albinos has the potential to cause extreme trauma and stress in their daily lives that are already affected by the stress of their condition, affecting skin and eyesight, and leaving albinos in a constant state of insecurity and suspicion. According to Navi Pillay , the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the level of education of albinos is very low due to the social and educational exclusion that often occurs, leaving them with a lack of social and economic tools to lead a productive life. It is also "a common belief that albinos have low brain capacity and are unable to function at the same level as 'normal people'". As a result, their ability to learn is often poor because one hundred percent of albinos have some form of visual impairment and there are often insufficient educational institutions, learning resources, or financial resources to support children with impaired vision. This leads to widespread bullying, peer-to-peer exclusion, low self-esteem and self-esteem, and emotional and mental illness resulting from rejection by society and often family members who harbor superstitious myths about albinos. It is clear that regardless of what mythical or spiritual mantra a person pursues or believes in albinos, “almost all cultures in East Africa hold the general view, and some still hold the view, that albinos are less desirable beings who are less than humans ". For this reason, homesteads and schools such as the Buhangija Albino School have been created especially for albinos as a safe environment for learning, growing and permanent residence. Many children fear that they will ever return to their families, believing that even their closest relatives may kill them. Ukerewe Island is a key example of this featured in the film, which is home to a large community of people with albinism made up of 62 albinos who are most likely to remain in solitude and away from albino hunters.

The UN report, submitted as part of Human Rights Council resolution 23/13 of June 13, 2013, states that albinos are often viewed as "ghosts, not humans, who can be wiped off the world map." often persecuted as devils or people who are a bad omen or suffer from a curse. Some communities "believe that contact with them will bring misfortune, illness or death" Therefore, this is all about discrimination and mental and emotional persecution, including severe child bullying, marginalization and abandonment without brutal physical persecution comes.

However, the issues that have put the United Nations Human Rights Council in the spotlight are the medical and dismemberment killings of albinos, and the attacks and murder of those with albinism. Another myth that puts people with albinism at risk is the belief that "having sex with a woman or girl with albinism can cure HIV / AIDS" is believed that sacrificing albinos also "appeases the god of the mountain" when the fear of a volcanic eruption is possible, and it is believed that pulling the hair of albinos can bring good luck. It is also reported that "miners use the bones of people with albinism as amulets or bury them where they drill for gold." The attacks that occur usually lead to the death or serious mutilation of the albino, which according to the Human Rights Council in "some Cases may include organ trafficking, human trafficking and selling of children, child murder and abandonment of children ”.

Action against persecution

In light of the escalating murders, President Kikwete publicly and repeatedly condemned witch doctors, their assistants and middlemen, and those commissioning them, including members of the police, for these murders. The victims also include children who were torn from their parents or kidnapped . The murderers and their accomplices use hair, arms, legs, skin, eyes, genitals and blood in rituals or for witch potions.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has published a preliminary report on discrimination against people with albinism.This report was presented as part of Human Rights Council resolution 23/13 of June 13, 2013. He affirmed that “States would take specific measures to protect and safeguard the rights to life and safety of people with albinism, their right not to be tortured and ill-treated and their access to adequate health care, employment, education and security Ensuring justice “Discrimination against albinos is often demonstrated by family members and relatives, particularly at birth, and abuse by society in general is widespread when there are serious problems of social exclusion and stigma. Resolution 23/13 declares the Human Rights Council's concern about "attacks on persons with albinism". Therefore, the Council encouraged the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to submit a report. Navi Pillay is the current United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. As a representative, she presented a message on March 11, 2014, in which she gave an overview of the current state of discrimination against persons with albinism and possible ways for changes and developments in the protection of albinos. "People with albinism have the right to live free of fear or harassment, discrimination, social exclusion, killing and dismemberment. This footage was released on March 13, 2014 to provide an overview of the current situation of albinos living in fear live to be murdered or captured for murder medicine and by witch doctors who believe in the magical potential of the hair and limbs of albinos.

Another key issue is the influence of public education to promote the elimination of the social stigma associated with albinos in a society that does not fully understand that albinism is not a curse or a spiritual ghost, but simply a skin disease . In Zimbabwe, albinos have been given the name sope, indicating that they are possessed by evil spirits, and in Tanzania they are known as nguruwe, which means "pig" or zeru, which means "ghost". The report discusses “the most serious human rights violations faced by people with albinism, with a focus on the ritual killings and attacks they are subjected to”. It also includes recommendations for action by the international community and Member States against people with albinism.

Future plans

The Secretary General of the International Union, Bekele Geleta , states that "Albinism is one of the most deplorable vulnerabilities ... and needs to be addressed immediately at the international level" This is a cry for international exposure and helps ensure that people with albinism are can be protected from inhuman killings and can be protected from the merciless hunters of albino body parts for their potions and spiritual medicine. "The main issues that should be addressed include education about skin cancer prevention, stigma and discrimination, and the speedy prosecution of albino hunters and their sponsors" It is therefore clear that albinos face many problems in their lives and on the basis of human rights must be protected, even if they look different and are different from any other race on earth. It is “imperative to educate the medical community and the general national and international public of the tragedies albinos face in order to protect them from skin cancer and ritual killings by those seeking fortune in secret markets that perpetuate witchcraft ".

The government has taken a number of measures to protect the albino population. The president ordered crackdown on witch doctors in the spring of 2008. In addition, an albino woman, Al-Shymaa Kway-Geer, was appointed MP, the first albino to hold such a position in the history of Tanzania . Police were also advised to draw up lists of albinos and give them special protection.

In order to thwart grave robbers , the graves of the albinists should be sealed with concrete. However, by October 2008, the killings had not subsided and although some suspects had been arrested, there was still no conviction. It was estimated that over 50 murders had occurred since March 2007, many of them in the mining and fishing communities near Lake Victoria, particularly in Mwanza , Shinyanga and Mara .

In January 2009 "Prime Minister Pinda declared war on the albino hunters, and in an effort to stop the trade in albino body parts, he had revoked the licenses of all witch doctors in the country who use the body parts in their black magic fetishes."

Convictions against albino hunters

The first ever conviction for killing an albino in Tanzania came on September 23, 2009 in the Kahama Supreme Court . This “groundbreaking verdict” was due to the fact that more than 50 murders were known at the time, and it was the first actual conviction. The conviction came after the murder and mutilation of a 14-year-old boy, Matatizo Dunia, who was attacked by three men in December 2008 in Bukombe district, Shinyanga region . The men carried Dunia out of his house late at night before brutally murdering him.

One of them was later found in his possession with Dunia's leg. The rest of Dunia's body was hidden in the bushes. The men confessed to wanting to sell Dunia's body parts to a witch doctor, but their legal team had not foreseen the hanging death sentence the three men would receive.

Under The Same Sun Albinism , an activist organization based in Canada and Tanzania, praised the breakthrough, but founder Peter Ash commented: “It's a belief. There are 52 other families waiting for justice ”. Tanzanian Albino Society chairman Ernest Kimaya called for the execution to be made public to show others that the problem of killing albinos must be taken seriously.

This problem with witchcraft, and its power and influence, is that a witch doctor such as almost always "is revered by society as the ultimate truth." Most ancient tribes would have committed infanticide of an albino child if they viewed it as a bad omen, as practiced by the Sukuma , Digo, and Maasai . In some tribes, however, offerings were made to the albinos for the gods or for such purposes as potions, for which they are still offered today in the 21. “One of the most dangerous myths and at the heart of the recent attacks on the PWA is that their body parts are made into potions that bring happiness and fortune to their users ”.

In 2006, some of the first publicly reported murders were talked about in the media, such as the 34-year-old albino woman Arithi, who was murdered and sold with her arms and legs cut off. Some key cases in recent years first appeared in 2008 when a Tanzanian man tried to sell his albino wife to Congolese businessmen for a price of $ 3,000. Although the businessmen managed to escape arrest, Interpol was tasked with trying to track down these men. As a result, President Jakaya Kikewere ordered tightening the police and protecting them from prosecution, but due to the corruption, there is still evidence that even police officers are bribed and “bought” to turn a blind eye to certain crimes when they do receive a financial gain. Although, according to BBC News, one hundred and seventy witch doctors have been arrested for involvement in inhumane interactions and intentions with albinos.

Another example that happened when two mothers were attacked by gangs with machetes to get their albino children. The men broke into a refugee home known as the Lugufu camp in Kigoma while looking for the children; although the children were left untouched, the women were seriously injured. Another case uncovered by US Congressman Gerry Connolly was in November 2008 in Ruyigi, Burundi, where the case of a 6-year-old albino girl was uncovered who was shot and whose head and limbs were chopped off leaving only the dismembered torso was left.

Persecution Prevention Organizations

#### until here

Many organizations have been set up to help protect and support albinist communities. Films have also been produced to encourage, educate, and create an international understanding of the processes people with albinism face in a modern world that still revolves around ancient rituals and practices that lead to murder for medicine encourage. This violates all international human rights law, and therefore it is important that people with albinism are protected collectively. Organizations such as the National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation (NOAH), the Tanzania Albino Center (TAC), based in Arusha , Tanzania, have set themselves the goal of “improving the lives of albinos through educational and medical assistance so that they can be in the Society of their choice can live safely, accepted and prosperous ”. Other groups include Assisting Children in Need (ACN) and Under the Same Sun, where Ash, who has albinism himself, explains his aspirations and goal for the project: "I have a dream that one day in Africa there will be people with albinism will take their rightful place in all sectors of society and that the days of discrimination against people with albinism will be but a faint memory!

The International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) is an important part of the albino protection movement, which works to ensure that people with albinism in Burundi return safely to society “in an effort to reduce their vulnerability to hunters, skin cancer, and educational and social Minimize marginalization. ”In particular, the IFRC works to protect mothers and children who fear persecution, and to help them provide safe homes and shelter where children are afraid of attackers. By providing a special arena for the albinos, it ensures safety, protection and an environment of love, mutual understanding, all with albinism, and unity in the fight against persecution and discrimination. The Red Cross has made it very clear in its publications that the government must also take drastic steps to protect people with albinism in order to stop the persecution. They have stated that it is imperative that the government strive to "ensure effective legal protection for people with albinism, to use local administrative structures to locate and protect albinists in hiding, to carry out public anti-discrimination campaigns and to expand medical care for albinos in need".

Asante Mariamu is another organization formed after Mariamu Staford survived an anti-albino attack that is determined to ensure that there is "a speedy prosecution and conviction of their killers," thereby promoting justice for this story was submitted to the US House of Representatives in March 2010, where US Congressman Gerry Connolly was struck by this terrible story and "moved me to take action". He introduced a bill to tackle serious violence against people with albinism in East Africa and to bring justice and punishment to the perpetrators. In March 2010, he spoke in front of the house and urged his colleagues "to join me and Mariamu Stanford in drawing international attention to this terrible abuse of human rights." This law condemns any injury, murder or mutilation of persons with albinism and calls in particular on the local East African government, particularly in Tanzania and Burundi, "to take immediate measures to prevent further violence against persons with albinism". There are many others working to protect people with albinism from persecution and to provide adequate health care, sun protection, and learning opportunities to ensure that people with albinism are treated fairly and with all human rights, rather than being hunted like animals for fear of their lives become. Albino Awareness Day was also organized by Dr. Aisha Sethi , an Assistant Professor of Dermatology at the Pritzker School of Medicine, which is celebrated on May 4th each year. The President has also appointed Al-Shymaa Kway-Geer, himself a person with albinism, to be a member of parliament who wants to be a voice in the Tanzanian Parliament for the protection against persecution of persons with albinism in society and for facilities and support for their physical, medical and educational protection and its improvement.

Under the Same Sun (UTSS)

Under the Same Sun is a Tanzanian-based organization founded by Canada and based in Dar es Salaam, founded by Peter Ash in 2008 with a vision “through advocacy and education to advance the welfare of those who are often marginalized or misunderstood ". We are driven by the conviction that all human beings have an intrinsic value and that they are created in the image of God. "Therefore, they act according to moral and human rights values ​​to support the victims, thereby discriminating against and persecuting innocent people with albinism According to Under The Same Sun, eradicating attacks on people with albinism requires “focusing on eliminating addiction to witchcraft beliefs by increasing the provision of infrastructure such as schools and hospitals while also increasing the sense of it Fairness by improving the judicial system strengthens. ”Hence, it is necessary to regain their right to humane and fair treatment for people with albinism as functioning members of society who, while different and severely vulnerable, do not deserve to be murdered or in any way Way to get hurt because ancient myths claim that these people's sacrifices create a future benefit for another person.

Amnesty International (AI)

Amnesty International is a human rights organization founded in 1961 by Peter Benenson , a British lawyer and human rights activist. It has numerous offices in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. The goal of the organization is to help achieve freedom and success for all people worldwide. She has run several campaigns against the persecution and discrimination of people with albinism. Albinism in Malawi: Stop the Killings "is a campaign by the organization that was launched to" stop the ritual murders of people with albinism. "The organization also provides a wealth of information and statistical studies on albinism for other organizations, fighting for the same cause

Films about the persecution of albinism

The resulting films also help raise awareness and tell the stories of persecuted people with albinism, starting with In My Genes , a 2009 Kenyan documentary directed by Lupita Nyong'o (later a lead actor in the film Twelve Years a Slave from 2013). This was followed in 2010 by Canadian filmmaker Jean-François Méan's White and Black: Crimes of Color , who tells the story of Vicky Ntetema , a Tanzanian journalist who investigated the trade in albino body parts in Tanzania. This film became the cornerstone of an Under the Same Sun-sponsored national campaign to end the wave of violence. After the film was broadcast, the murder rate, which has been constant for three years, fell by 90%.

White Shadow , a 2013 German-Italian-Tanzanian feature film, written, produced and directed by Noaz Deshe , drew international attention to the topic, screened at various film festivals and won the prize for the lion of the future at the Venice Festival . Also in 2013 was In the Shadow of the Sun , a documentary filmed in Tanzania by Harry Freeland over the course of six years. It shows the struggles of Josephat Torner , a fighter for the demystification of superstition about albinist people and their use in witchcraft; and the juvenile Vedastus who hopes to survive the persecution of people with albinism into adulthood. And also The Beautiful Ones Are Born , an unreleased short film by one of the youngest Nigerian filmmakers Dami Taiwo .

Other African countries

As of June 2008, murders were reported in neighboring Kenya and possibly also in the Democratic Republic of the Congo .

In October 2008, the AFP reported on the further expansion of the killing of albinos to the Ruyigi region of Burundi. Body parts of the victims are then smuggled into Tanzania, where they are used in witch doctor rituals and potions. The albinos have become “a commodity,” commented Nicodeme Gahimbare in Ruyigi, who has set up a local safe haven in his fortified house.

Cases of eSwatini were also reported by 2010 .

South Africa


The oculocutaneous albinism, OCA2 is the most common genotype of albinism inherited disorders in the Bantu -Population of southern Africa. It occurs with a frequency of 1: 4000. The Sotho incidence in northern South Africa is highest with a ratio of 1: 1500 in newborns. With a frequency of 1: 1900 among the black population, albinism is the largest cause of childhood vision problems in northern South Africa. However, statistics on albinism in South Africa are largely incomplete. Studies cited by the World Health Organization in 2006 report that 1 in 4,000 were born with albinism, compared to about 1 in 20,000 worldwide.

The South African human geneticist Trefor Jenkins has made an enormous contribution to the understanding of the social and cultural milieu of albinism, the medical risks and implications as well as to the elucidation of the molecular basis and the etiology of OCA2 in southern Africa.

Skin cancer

Children with albinism in rural areas are exposed to high levels of ultraviolet light in the absence of proper protective equipment, resulting in skin damage. Only 12% of public schools provided sunscreens with SPF15 for children with albinism. The squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck is the most common type of skin cancer in African patients with albinism. Non-melanoma cancers, namely basal and squamous cell carcinomas, which are typically rare in black populations, are common among the vulnerable group living with albinism. A South African study of 111 participants with OCA found that 23% of those participants developed skin cancer, with the head area being the most commonly affected area. Many people from rural areas such as the Eastern Cape with albinism are not aware of the precautionary measures to protect their skin. Dr. Willie Visser, director of the Department of Dermatology at Stellenbosch University and Tygerberg Hospital , said that white South Africans did not develop skin cancer until they were 60 years old, while most albinos did not develop skin cancer until they were 20 years old. Government health facilities are required to provide albinos with sunscreen on a monthly basis, but this need is not always met due to inventory levels and a lack of knowledge on the part of health workers.

Racial classification

Racial appearance and ancestry played a key role in racial classification during apartheid . In addition, various sociological and psychological factors give skin color its diverse connotations. Skin color has traditionally been a direct indicator of identifying racial and racial differences. Traditional definitions of race suggest that race and color are inextricably linked, because in people with albinism, race and color are not related. Although color and race are used interchangeably, they remain independent grounds of discrimination. People with albinism should be protected from unfair discrimination based on their race and skin color. People who live with albinism face discrimination, stigma, and prejudice based on their skin color and race. Discrimination based on skin color can be interracial or intra-racial. Scott argues that a new category of skin color should be proposed because current racial classifications do not adequately protect people living with albinism. Mswela argues that additional divisions and classifications of the breed will compound the problems associated with the breed.


The difference in appearance of the albinistic child leads to socialization and adaptation problems. The pronounced phenotypic difference between black (African) people with albinism and the rest of the population leads to barriers to social integration and thus to ostracism. South Africans living with albinism are among the most vulnerable groups in the country and there is little serious attempt to protect these citizens from human rights abuses, violent crimes and threats. The level of violent crime against people with albinism is not as high as in other African countries, but an increase in violent crime against people with albinism has been noted. Their sensitivity to sunlight, which limits their level of participation in outdoor activities, contributes to the physical and social isolation of children with albinism. Following the Constitutional Court's ruling on the Carmichele case against the Minister of Security and Security , the government was given an obligation and responsibility to protect those at risk. The Carmichele litigation creates a strategy to initiate a precautionary lawsuit against the state based on the allegation that the state has a duty to protect people with albinism from acts of violence. The South African government has declared September the month for raising awareness for albinism. Thando Hopa, is a 24-year-old prosecutor and role model living with albinism. She is one of the few black albino models and albinism activists in the world.


Many African communities rely on traditional explanations of albinism rather than the biomedical explanation. This often leads to negative socialization of the individual with albinism. People who live with albinism are often referred to as derogatory names such as "inkawu", the Nguni term for white baboon, "isishawa", a Zulu translation of a cursed person, and "zeru zeru", which means "ghostly" , designated. The Swahili term “zeru” is also used frequently in Tanzania.

Three people were convicted of the murder of 20-year-old Thandazile Mpunzi, including her 17-year-old boyfriend. The friend lured Mpunzi to an isolated area in the Phelandaba area of ​​Emanguzi in northern KwaZulu-Natal on the afternoon of August 1, 2015 . She was strangled, murdered and her body parts dismembered. They planned to sell Thandazile Mpunzi's body parts for a fortune. They claimed that a traditional healer told them they would get rich if they mixed Mpunzi's blood and body parts with "Muthi". Two of the accused pleaded guilty to the murder and were sentenced to 20 years in prison. Numerous reports of murdered and missing people with albinism are reported. The trade in albinistic body parts has become a lucrative business.

International response

On September 4, 2008, after the events related to the murder of albinos by three Tanzanian men were made public by the BBC and others, the European Parliament strongly condemned the killing of albinos in Tanzania. The US House of Representatives passed H. Resolution 1088, introduced by Rep. Gerry Connolly ( D , VA ) on February 22, 2010 by 418 to 1 votes. The resolution condemns the attacks and killings; it categorizes them as human rights violations and calls on the governments of Tanzania and Burundi to vigorously pursue such cases and conduct educational campaigns to combat the superstitious beliefs underlying the violent attacks.

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f History of Attacks against Persons with Albinism (PWA). (PDF) Under the Same Sun, July 15, 2013, accessed February 28, 2020 .
  2. ^ Judith Schühle: Medicine murder of people with albinism in Tanzania - how casino capitalism creates rumorscapes and occult economies. (PDF) (No longer available online.) In: 2016, archived from the original on January 25, 2016 ; accessed on February 28, 2020 .
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Andres E. Cruz-Inigo, Barry Ladizinski, Aisha Sethi: Albinism in Africa: Stigma, Slaughter and Awareness Campaigns . In: Dermatologic Clinics . tape 29 , no. 1 , 2011, ISSN  0733-8635 , p. 79-87 , doi : 10.1016 / j.det.2010.08.015 , PMID 21095532 ( ).
  4. Boots, a GSK company - Hats On For Skin Health. (No longer available online.) In:, 2014, archived from the original on May 7, 2014 ; accessed on February 28, 2020 .
  5. ^ T. Morton: Watu Kama Sisi : Reducing Skin Cancer, Stigma and Violence Against Albinos in the Mara Region . Under the Same Sun, Canada / Tanzania, 2014.
  6. ^ Reported Attacks of Persons with Albinism - Most Recent Attacks Included. (PDF) (No longer available online.) In: Under the Same Sun, Canada / Tanzania, 2014, archived from the original on May 7, 2014 ; accessed on February 28, 2020 .
  7. a b c d e f g Advocacy Report: Through Albino Eyes - The Plight of Albino People in Africa's Great Lakes Region and a Red Cross Response. (PDF) In: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2009, accessed February 28, 2020 .
  8. a b c Man 'tried to sell' albino wife . November 13, 2008 ( ).
  9. a b c d e Andrew Malone: The albino tribe butchered to feed a gruesome trade in 'magical' body parts. In: Mail Online, September 25, 2009, accessed February 29, 2020 .
  10. a b Albino people are being hunted for their body parts. In: June 7, 2016, Retrieved February 29, 2020 (American English).
  11. ^ The ritual murders of people with albinism in Malawi. In: Amnesty International UK, February 2, 2017, accessed February 29, 2020 .
  12. a b c d e US Congress passes new law against albinos torture, killings. (No longer available online.) In: This Day Reporter, March 16, 2010, archived from the original on May 7, 2014 ; accessed on February 29, 2020 .
  13. a b People with albinism have a right to live without fear of bullying and discrimination. UN Human Rights, March 13, 2014, accessed February 29, 2020 .
  14. ^ Kuster R, (2000) White skin, black souls. New African, p. 382
  15. a b LONG SYNOPSIS - In The Shadow Of The Sun. (No longer available online.) In: 2018, archived from the original on August 26, 2018 ; accessed on March 1, 2020 .
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