Valerian Nikolayevich Weber

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Valerian Nikolayevich Weber

Valerian Nikolayevich Weber ( Russian Валериан Николаевич Вебер ; born September 14 . Jul / 26. September  1871 greg. In St. Petersburg ; † 20th January 1940 in Leningrad ) was a Russian geologist , paleontologist , seismologist and university teachers .


Weber graduated from the St. Petersburg Mining Institute in 1897.

From 1900 Weber worked in the Geolkom (Geological Committee of the All-Russian Geological Institute) under Feodossi Nikolajewitsch Tschernyschow and after the dissolution of the Geolkom in 1929 (last director Dmitri Ivanovich Muschketow ) in the All-Russian Research Institute for Geological Prospection founded in 1930 (until his death). After the February Revolution in 1917 Weber became the first elected director of the Geolkom to succeed Karol Bohdanowicz , until after the October Revolution Alexander Karlowitsch became a master Geolkom director (1918–1921).

In 1920 Weber became a professor at the Petrograd Mining Institute. In 1923 he published his lecture on methods of geological prospection. The focus of his work was on the geological structure and mineral resources of Central Asia . In 1925 he and a group of like-minded scientists created a geological map of mountainous Turkestan . Weber identified oil - Arsenic - Lead - and coal - deposits . Weber's monograph on the island of Tscheleken on the east coast of the Caspian Sea was important . Weber was a recognized seismologist because of his earthquake studies ( Andijon (1902), Achalkalaki (1899), Şamaxı (1902)). He wrote important studies on the trilobites . In 1937 Weber became a doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences .

Weber was buried in Leningrad's Volkovo Cemetery at the literary bridges. His son Wassili Walerianowitsch Weber was a geologist and petroleum expert.


  • Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1939)

Individual evidence

  1. a b Могила В. Н. Вебера на Волковском кладбище (accessed February 14, 2018).
  2. Марковский А .: Валериан Николаевич Вебер . In: Записки Всероссийского минералогического общества. Вторая серия . tape 69 , no. 1 , 1940.
  3. Great Soviet Encyclopedia : Вебер, Валериан Николаевич.
  4. Полевой геологии (Методы геологической съёмки). (Полевая геология) . 3. Edition. Leningrad, Moscow 1937.
  5. Надгробие В. Н. Вебера (accessed February 14, 2018).