Walter Draeger

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Walter Draeger (born December 14, 1888 in Batzlow near Freienwalde ; † January 24, 1976 in Weimar ) was a German composer and teacher. He was a professor at the State University for Theater and Music Halle and the University of Music "Franz Liszt" Weimar . In 1955 he was one of the initiators of the first Halle Music Festival .


Walter Draeger was born in 1888 as the son of a teacher and organist in Batzlow near Freienwalde ( Oberbarnim district , Brandenburg province ). From 1898 he lived in Berlin, where he attended the Sophien-Gymnasium until the final exam . From 1908 to 1913 he studied history , Romance languages and musicology at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . In 1913, he was up there with the dissertation The old Lubeck municipal law and its sources to Dr. phil. PhD. The speakers for the work were Dietrich Schäfer and Michael Tangl . During his studies, he spent two years in Grenoble and Paris ( Sorbonne ) in France . Until 1944 he worked as a teacher at the Friedrichswerder Oberrealschule active in Berlin.

After the First World War he received musical training from Otto Taubmann at the State Academic University of Music in Berlin and from Franz Schreker . He emerged as a composer only after 1945. From 1949 to 1952 he taught music theory and composition at the Quedlinburg State Conservatory . In 1952 he moved to the State University for Theater and Music in Halle , where he was appointed professor in 1953 . From 1955 to 1963 he taught music theory and composition at the "Franz Liszt" Music Academy in Weimar . In 1958 he retired.

In terms of composition, Draeger devoted himself particularly to instrumental music . On the one hand, he dealt with the folk song . On the other hand, there is a connection “to traditional genres as well as a tendency towards classical thinking and the like. simple, transparent fracture ”(Grützner 2004). From 1925 his chamber music and song cycles were broadcast in the Funk-Hour Berlin . Most of the early works were destroyed in his Berlin apartment during the war in 1944. According to Gilbert Stöck, he "sometimes took a critical distance from some dogmas of socialist realism "; the composer pursued a neo-romantic style.

In 1951 he was elected to the central board of the Association of German Composers and Musicologists (VDK). In addition, he was a founding member and board member of the Halle working group in the VDK and as such, alongside Fritz Reuter , Walther Siegmund-Schultze , Gerhard Wohlgemuth and others, was one of the initiators of the 1. Hallische Musiktage held in 1955 . From 1956 to 1959 he was the first chairman of the Thuringia district association of the VDK.

Draeger was with Eva, geb. Hartmann, married and father of one son.


  • 1955: Art Prize of the City of Halle (for the song circle Doris and Damon )
  • 1970: Literature and Art Prize of the City of Weimar
  • Gold badge of honor from the Association of German Composers and Musicologists
  • Honorary member of the Association of German Composers and Musicologists

Works (selection)

Orchestral music

  • Sinfonietta for string instruments, 1947
  • Symphony , 1957
  • A serious foreplay , 1961
  • Suite based on motifs from the opera In Schilda the devil is loose , 1962
  • Suite for chamber string orchestra, 1962
  • Temperatures for 18 wind instruments, harp and double bass, 1964
  • Capriccio diabolico , 1972

Concert music

  • for flute and string orchestra, 1931
  • Small textbook on zoology for violin and small orchestra, 1937
  • for piano and orchestra, 1952
  • for violin and orchestra, 1956
  • for violoncello and orchestra, 1961

Chamber music

  • Divertimento for violin and piano, 1940
  • Introduction and Rondo for wind quartet, 1942
  • Old German dance and love songs for violin, viola and piano, 1942
  • Quartet for wind instruments, 1947
  • 3 string quartets, 1951; 1957; 1969
  • 3 miniatures for oboe and piano, 1956
  • Concertino for 5 wind instruments, 1962
  • Rondo Mainly Heiter for 5 wind instruments based on old German street calls and craft songs, 1963

Piano music

  • Concerto for 2 pianos, 1950
  • Quedlinburg piano book , 1950


  • The devil broke loose in Schilda , 1959/62

Vocal music

  • Anacreontic Rhapsody for baritone and small orchestra, 1938
  • Peasant legends for male choir and wind orchestra, 1948
  • Doris and Damon for soprano, oboe and orchestra, 1949
  • Eternal circle for soprano and orchestra, 1954
  • Zwiegesang for soprano, violin and piano, 1957
  • Love never stops for soprano and string quartet, 1960
  • In memoriam for voice and chamber orchestra, 1967

Fonts (selection)


  • Paul Frank, Wilhelm Altmann : Concise Tonkünstler Lexicon. For musicians and friends of music . Continued by Burchard Bulling, Florian Noetzel, Helmut Rösner. Second part: additions and extensions since 1937 . Volume 1: A-K . 15th edition, Heinrichshofen, Wilhelmshaven 1974, ISBN 3-7959-0087-5 , p. 159.
  • Adrian Gaster (Ed.): International Who's Who in Music and Musicians' Directory . 8th edition, Melrose Press, Cambridge 1977, p. 219.
  • Vera Grützner: Musician in Brandenburg from the 16th century to the present . Jaron, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-89773-507-5 , p. 52f.
  • Walter Habel (Ed.): Who is who? The German Who's Who . 14th edition of Degeners Who's It? Arani, Berlin 1965, p. 54
  • Hans Rudolf Jung: Walter Draeger on his 75th birthday . In: Musik und Gesellschaft 13 (1963), pp. 742f.
  • Horst Seeger : Music Lexicon. In two volumes . Volume 1: A-K . Deutscher Verlag für Musik VEB, Leipzig 1966, p. 238.
  • Association of German Composers and Musicologists , Music Information Center (Ed.): Composers and Musicologists of the German Democratic Republic. Short biographies and catalogs of works . 2nd expanded edition, Verlag Neue Musik, Berlin 1968, pp. 45f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Hans Rudolf Jung: Walter Draeger on his 75th birthday . In: Musik und Gesellschaft 13 (1963), pp. 742f.
  2. a b Walter Habel (Ed.): Who is who? The German Who's Who . 14th edition of Degeners Who's It? Arani, Berlin 1965, p. 54.
  3. Walter Draeger: The old Luebian city law and its sources . Berlin dissertation, 1913, no p.
  4. a b c Vera Grützner: Musicians in Brandenburg from the 16th century to the present . Jaron, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-89773-507-5 , p. 52f.
  5. ^ Gilbert Stöck: New music in the districts of Halle and Magdeburg at the time of the GDR. Compositions, politics, institutions . Schröder, Leipzig 2008, ISBN 978-3-926196-50-7 , p. 174.
  6. Thomas Buchholz (Red.): Hallische Musiktage 1955-2005 . Published by the Saxony-Anhalt State Association of German Composers eV, Halle (Saale) 2005, p. 5 ( PDF ).
  7. ^ A b Association of German Composers and Musicologists , Music Information Center (ed.): Composers and Musicologists of the German Democratic Republic. Short biographies and catalogs of works . 2nd expanded edition, Verlag Neue Musik, Berlin 1968, pp. 45f.
  8. ^ A b Adrian Gaster (Ed.): International Who's Who in Music and Musicians' Directory . 8th edition, Melrose Press, Cambridge 1977, p. 219.