White Band Day

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The White Band Day was celebrated for the first time on 1 July 2005 worldwide. On that day, many people wore a white ribbon and buildings were wrapped with a white ribbon. The white ribbon should be a message to the representatives of the G8 countries , who met on July 6, 2005 for a G8 summit in Scotland .

The white ribbon is the symbol of the common global campaign to overcome poverty. It is supported by supporters of the Your Voice Against Poverty campaign around the world.


Three main points are required from the supporters of the campaign:

  • Debt Relief for Third World Countries
  • better help for the people in these countries
  • free trade for all states (no restrictions: high tariffs)

White Band Day - promotions

July 1, 2005

  • Wearing white ribbons
  • Wrapping of buildings

July 2, 2005

July 6, 2005

  • Meeting at the G8 summit in Edinburgh - 1 million people are expected

October 17, 2006

The next White Band Day took place on October 17, 2006, International Poverty Day. This day was a highlight of the month of action that began on September 16.

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