Wielkie Drogi

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Wielkie Drogi
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Wielkie Drogi (Poland)
Wielkie Drogi
Wielkie Drogi
Basic data
State : Poland
Voivodeship : Lesser Poland
Powiat : Kraków
Gmina : Skawina
Geographic location : 49 ° 58 '  N , 19 ° 42'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 57 '38 "  N , 19 ° 42' 3"  E
Height : 213-250 m npm
Residents : 1149 (2012)
Postal code : 34-051
Telephone code : (+48) 12
License plate : KRA

Avenue in Wielkie Drogi

Wielkie Drogi is a village with a Schulzenamt of the municipality of Skawina in the Powiat Krakowski of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship in Poland .


The place is on the brook Sosnówka (locally Wielkodroska Rzeka ).

The neighboring towns are Pozowice in the north, Facimiech in the northeast, Paszkówka and Sosnowice in the south and Jaśkowice in the west.

Hamlets: Chałupy, Kanowskie, Koło Gościńca, Nowina, Trzebol (in the southwest), Zagrody (in the east), Zawalina.


The older settlement within today's village was Trzebol, now just a hamlet of Wielkie Drogi. In the 13th century Trzebol was one of the oldest and most important villages in the area. At that time the village belonged to the so-called Radwanite Corridor . The villages in this corridor were commonly referred to as Trebol in the 1274 document . The Radwanite Corridor belonged to Poland and connected the Duchy of Auschwitz , the feudal rule of the Kingdom of Bohemia , in the west with its exclave in the east.

In 1356 Trzebol belonged to Janusz Radwańcewicz, then to Jakub Radwan. In the 15th century, the settlement na wielkich drogach ( along long roads ) slowly developed next door . In the 16th century at the earliest, it became larger than Trzebol.

During the first partition of Poland , Wielkie Drogi came to the new Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria of the Habsburg Empire in 1772 (from 1804).

In 1918, after the end of the First World War and the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, Wielkie Drogi came to Poland. This was only interrupted by the occupation of Poland by the Wehrmacht in World War II . It then belonged to the General Government .

From 1975 to 1998 Wielkie Drogi was part of the Krakow Voivodeship .


The state road DK 44 runs through Wielkie Drogi and connects Gliwice with Kraków through Oświęcim .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Julian Zinkow: Wokół Kalwarii Zebrzydowskiej i lanckorona . Wydawnictwo "CALVARIANUM", Skawina 2000, ISBN 83-8739541-2 , p. 95-106 (Polish).
  2. Dz.U. 1975 no 17 poz. 92 (Polish) (PDF file; 783 kB)