Wilhelm Foellmer

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Wilhelm Föllmer (born October 21, 1908 in Berlin ; † June 7, 2007 in Niendorf (Timmendorfer Strand) ) was a German gynecologist.


Föllmer's mother came from a landowning family and was a kindergarten teacher and teacher. The father of the same name was a teacher and chairman of the German Colonial Association . After taking part in the First World War as a lieutenant, he was Secretary General of the German National People's Party .


At his high school in Berlin, Föllmer won many first prizes in rowing . He graduated from high school as the youngest of his class. In 1927 he enrolled at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena to study medicine . He became a fox in the Corps Saxonia Jena , which reciprocated him in 1928. After graduating in 1934, he went to the Philipps University of Marburg as a medical assistant , where he mainly worked in the women's clinic. In 1936 he switched to internist training at the Berlin-Westend hospital . In 1938 he followed his mentor Robert Schröder to the women's clinic at Leipzig University . When the attack on Poland began, he was employed as a naval assistant doctor. R. called up for the Navy . He served with minesweepers in the Weser Exercise Company (Kirkenes, Lofoten) and in the Kiel and Stralsund naval hospitals. In 1940 he married Lenore Pusch . During the Allied air raids on Berlin , he was transferred to his hometown as a soldier's family doctor. Dismissed as a naval staff doctor in February 1945, he was able to continue his training as a gynecologist in Leipzig. He completed his habilitation in Leipzig in 1944 .


When it became clear in early summer that Leipzig would belong to the Soviet zone of occupation , Föllmer fled to the American zone of occupation . As a private lecturer , he was senior physician and acting chief physician at a women's clinic in Wiesbaden . In 1947 he went to the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz as a senior physician . On October 3, 1948, the reshabilitation for gynecology from the University of Mainz to the medical faculty of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main took place . As managing senior physician at the University Hospital Frankfurt am Main , he was appointed associate professor at the Goethe University on June 7, 1951 . The last entry in the archive of the Goethe University is “Umhabilitation nach München” (undated).


After his wife had survived a serious illness, he accepted the offer of the Libyan government in 1953 to lead the health service as general director. As chief physician at a gynecological clinic in Tripoli , he became Queen Fatima el-Sharif's personal physician . He was held in high regard by King Idris and the Libyans . He rendered valuable services to the German embassy. With the increasing instability of the country, Föllmer, his wife and three children left Libya after 15 years in the autumn of 1968. He never overcame the separation.


Accordingly, it was difficult for him to get used to the saturated Federal Republic of Germany with its bureaucratic health system. With a doctor's practice in Munich he failed after a year. In 1969 he took over the management of the gynecological department in the Oldenburg district hospital in Holstein . On January 11, 1970, he succeeded in re- qualifying at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel . Retired for reasons of age, he opened a practice in Timmendorfer Strand . When he had given up on it, he was still working in a Warnsdorf health clinic when he was more than 80 years old . He died at the age of 99. His wife preceded him on May 25, 2007 at the age of 86.


  • The behavior of the ketone bodies during the cycle and pregnancy . Thieme, Leipzig 1950.
  • Special features of obstetrics and gynecology in developing countries . In: Archives for Gynecology. 198: 594-609 (1963).
  • Frequent births and childish fate. Early childhood in Libya . In: Christine E. Gottschalk-Batschkus, Judith Schuler (Ed.): Ethnomedical perspectives on early childhood. VWB, Berlin 1996, pp. 15-18.
  • The life of women in Arab-Islamic countries. Gynecologist considerations . In: Christine E. Gottschalk-Batschkus, Doris Iding (ed.): Women and health. Ethnomedical Perspectives. VWB, Berlin 1997, pp. 21-28.
  • ed. with Judith Schuler: Culturally challenged or medically indicated? Gynecological experiences from geomedicine (= Curare . Special volume 15). VWB, Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-86135-566-3 .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Baethmann: Obituary for Wilhelm Föllmer SJ, volume awarded SB 1985 . Sachsenspiegel [des Corps Saxonia Bonn / Jena], vol. 89 (August 2007), pp. 58–65.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 146/755; 141/600.
  3. a b c Information from the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine at Goethe University.
  4. ^ Ernst Klee : The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945? S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2003, ISBN 3-10-039309-0 , p. 157.
  5. SpringerLink
  6. Special features of obstetrics in Libya (Birth from an ethnomedical perspective, pp. 225–228)
  7. CAU course catalog ( Memento from September 11, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  8. Information from the Office of the Federal President