Wolfgang Aly

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Wolfgang Aly , completely Friedrich Eduard Wolfgang Aly, also Wolf Aly (born August 12, 1881 in Magdeburg , † September 3, 1962 in Phaistos on Crete ), was a German classical philologist .


Wolfgang Aly, son of the classical philologist and school director Gottfried Friedrich Aly , a great-grandson of the Chamberlain Friedrich Aly , studied in Magdeburg and Bonn and received his doctorate in Bonn in 1904 with a thesis on Aeschylus . During his studies in Marburg he became a member of the Academic-Musical Association Fridericiana . After a research stay in Crete in 1905, he became an assistant in Freiburg in the same year . In 1908 he completed his habilitation there on the Cretan cult of Apollo . From 1913 on, Aly was an extraordinary associate professor in Freiburg and since 1928 a lecturer. Aly dealt with numerous topics in the field of Greek literature (including Aeschylus, Hesiod , Herodotus , Homer and Strabo ). Among the Latin authors he dealt mainly with Titus Livius . From 1914 he worked for Paulys Realencyclopadie der classical antiquity . During the First World War he was deployed as battery chief on the western front and witnessed the battle for Verdun , among other things . The historian Götz Aly is his grandson.

In the time of National Socialism

Aly was a staunch National Socialist: on December 1, 1931, he became the first Freiburg university member to join the NSDAP . He also became a member of the SA , in which he rose to Hauptsturmführer . In March 1933 he signed the declaration of 300 university lecturers for Adolf Hitler . After 1933 he became a NSDAP training speaker. He also had contacts with the SD and is said to have worked for them. In 1936 he published the treatise German Revolution in Classical Classes .

"When he joined the NSDAP on December 1, 1931, he was the oldest party member at the university and tried in this way to promote his career inside and outside Freiburg." Together with the other representatives of Classical Philology in Freiburg, Hans Bogner and Hans Oppermann , both also National Socialists, tried to enforce a system-compliant orientation of the subject. After the two left for Strasbourg in 1941, however, he was in a losing position; all of his efforts did not lead him to a full professorship.

After the end of the war

After the end of World War II , Aly was dismissed as a university professor in 1945 and retired in 1949. He then belonged to the association of ousted university teachers . His writings Homer (1937) and Titus Livius (1938) (volumes 2 and 4 of the series On the Way to the National Political Gymnasium ) were placed on the list of literature to be sorted out in the Soviet occupation zone .


  • Hans-Dieter Reeker: Bibliography Wolfgang Aly . Tübingen-Derendingen 1967
  • Ernst Klee : The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945 . Updated edition. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2005, ISBN 3-596-16048-0 , p. 14 ( Fischer 16048).
  • Jürgen Malitz : Classical Philology. In: Eckhard Wirbelauer (ed.): The Freiburg Philosophical Faculty 1920–1960. Members - structures - networks. Alber, Freiburg (Breisgau) et al. 2006, ISBN 3-495-49604-1 , pp. 303–364 ( Freiburg contributions to the history of science and universities NF 1), online (PDF; 410 KB) .


  • Index verborum Strabonianus, Bonn, Habelt, 1983
  • Folk tales, legends and novels in Herodotus and his contemporaries, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1921
  • Titus Livius, Frankfurt a. M., Diesterweg, 1938
  • Homer, Frankfurt a. M., Diesterweg, 1937
  • Livius and Ennius, Leipzig, Teubner, 1936
  • New contributions to the Strabo tradition, Heidelberg, Carl-Winter, 1931
  • Problems of form in early Greek prose, Leipzig, Dieterichsche Verlh., 1929
  • The Strabo Palimpsest, Heidelberg, Carl Winter, 1928
  • History of Greek Literature, Bielefeld, Velhagen & Klasing, 1925
  • Memorandum on the Batschka and the southern Banat, Berlin, Verein fd Deutschtum abroad, 1924
  • Literary pieces, Heidelberg, Carl Winter, 1914

Web links

Wikisource: Wolfgang Aly  - sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Catalog of the German National Library. Retrieved November 13, 2017 .
  2. According to Malitz, p. 307, note 17, there are unpublished memoirs by Aly in family ownership.
  3. ^ Association of Alter SVer (VASV): Address book. Membership directory of all old men. As of October 1, 1937. Hanover 1937, p. 122.
  4. Götz Aly: "One Hundred Years First World War, Part 2" . In: Berliner Zeitung , August 11, 2014.
  5. Malitz, p. 307.