Wolfgang Klien

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Wolfgang Klien

Wolfgang Klien (born September 14, 1907 in Leipzig ; † November 12, 2006 in Pinneberg ) was a German administrative lawyer, carpenter, painter and art historian.


Klien's parents were the lawyer and notary Dr. Georg Klien and his wife Gertrud geb. Hasse.Wolfgang Klien attended the Citizens' School in Leipzig and the Dreikönigschule in Dresden. After graduating from high school in the spring of 1927, he enrolled at the University of Leipzig in the summer semester of 1927 . In the winter semester of 1927/28 he switched to stud. iur. to the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . Admitting to Corps Suevia Munich on November 27, 1927 , he was reciprocated on June 23, 1928 . In the summer semester of 1929 he went to the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel . In the 4th semester he became active in the Corps Saxonia Kiel . He fought a total of 13 unobjectionable lengths . As an inactive he finished his studies in 1931 with the legal traineeship in Leipzig. In 1933 he was promoted to Dr. iur. PhD. After the assessor examination (1936) and two years as an attorney assistant and assistant judge, in 1938 he transferred to the Reich Finance Administration as a finance assessor . The Reich Minister of Finance appointed him government assessor on July 20, 1939. During the Second World War , Klien worked for years on the Arctic Ocean front in northern Finland.

post war period

As a lieutenant in the infantry , he was taken prisoner by the Americans in 1945. When it ended after a year, he was not released to his hometown of Leipzig, which was under Soviet occupation, but to the American zone of occupation . His corps brother Hardy Zimmer took him in Düsseldorf . His “honorary boy” ran a paper mill there with his sisters “to pass the time”, which his father, General Manager at Persil , had bequeathed to him. He didn't have a legal job for Klien; but Klien wanted to - "without political coercion" - do a carpentry training in an attached carpenter's shop. Zimmer agreed, but made Klien promise to give the men in the carpenter's workshop his Dr. iur. to keep quiet in order to avoid social tensions. After six years, Klien passed the master's examination with "very good". From 1952 to 1956 he worked as a technical draftsman and site manager in Düsseldorf and Tübingen architecture offices. His knowledge of thermal insulation and the problem of flat roofs distinguished him from many architects. He wrote interesting articles about it in architecture newspapers. The owner of an institute for sound and heat protection in Essen offered him the position of head of his architecture department. Nevertheless, he returned to his legal profession out of concern about the pensions of relatives in the GDR. He went to the financial administration of Hesse . In 1970, at the age of 62, he retired as a senior councilor in Kassel .


Attracted by the north German landscape and Hamburg, he moved to Pinneberg (probably for economic reasons). In search of an artistic future, he studied art history and archeology at the University of Hamburg . In 1983 - at the age of 76 - he got his Magister Artium with "good". The master's thesis dealt with the marble group “Der Fischer” by the Altona sculptor Johannes Uhde (1858–1893), today in the vestibule of the Jenisch House . Klien devoted himself to his old passion for drawing and painting . He attended painting courses and traveled through Europe with an easel and painting equipment. Many paintings were created , most of which were auctioned off after his death in favor of a children's foundation in Pinneberg. In the last ten years of his life he turned to literature . As a respected member of the Goethe Society , he wrote a book on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's 250th birthday. It dealt with Goethe's effect on his contemporaries and his importance as a lawyer. It was set to music as an audio book with Christoph Lindert . In addition, Klien wrote a (good) art guide on the history of landscape painting and a collection of ballads with their historical background.

From a small stature, Klien lived a very healthy life. He kept a special diet, practiced cross-country skiing and tennis well into old age, became an honorary member of the Pinneberg tennis club and managed 20 rallies at the age of 90. In the Pinneberger judo club he won the brown judo belt in the 8th decade of life . He ran in figure skating , the 8 back and loved the ballroom dancing . In his final years he realized his “utopia” - knowing and knowing Faust I by heart. Evidently from memory, he had four compact discs recorded in an Eppendorf recording studio in September 2005 - not only Goethe's text, but also comments and the description of the stage sets that he had sketched with charcoal pencil. Klien's voice was bright and carried by a lovable, melodic Leipzig tone. His audience were high school classes. His life ended after 99 years with a heart attack. He was buried on November 24, 2006 in the Pinneberg city cemetery. The eulogy was given by his nephew Markus Winkler , professor of German and comparative literature at the University of Geneva. Klien was an active member of the Academic Club in Hamburg from 1979 until the end of his life .


  • 15 ballads and their historical background . Jahn & Ernst, Hamburg 1988. ISBN 978-3-92524-258-8 .
  • The triumphant advance of landscape painting: a history of the development of landscape painting in Europe , with 150 illustrations. Jahn & Ernst, Hamburg 1990. ISBN 978-3-92524-290-8 .
  • Trees - our friends . Jahn & Ernst, Hamburg 1990 (Kliens pen and pencil drawings with quotes from forests and trees).
  • Goethe's natural poetry and all feeling: a compilation of particularly poetic parts in Goethe's work . Fouqué Literaturverlag, Egelsbach Frankfurt am Main Munich Bremen New York 1999. ISBN 978-3-82674-401-3 .
  • “He spoke a lot and drank not a little” - Goethe. How famous contemporaries experienced it . Langen Müller Verlag, Munich 2000. ISBN 978-3-78442-703-4 .


  • Hans-Bernd Herzog: Wolfgang Klien . Die Trausnitz, Corpszeitung der Suevia Munich, No. 1/2007, pp. 65–70.

Web links

Commons : Wolfgang Klien  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 159/1820; 148/280
  2. Dissertation: The guardianship according to § 7a of the Bank Depot Act .
  3. ^ A b Gert Henning: Wolfgang Klien . Lecture at the AC on October 19, 2017.
  4. The 4 CDs are available from the CSC Tonstudio Hamburg.