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Yael (Hebrew יעל) is a female given name of Hebrew origin taken from the Bible . The spelling mainly used in the German-speaking area is Jael or Jaël .

Meaning and origin

Yael is the Hebrew word for the Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana) and is mentioned as such several times in the Bible (e.g. Ps 104.18  EU , 1 Sam 24.3  EU , Job 39.1  EU ). From the root of the word, the word means to ascend, to seek refuge in the highest, to bring benefit . In the Orient the name is considered a flattering name for a beautiful woman. It is also the name of a biblical figure who appears at the time of the judges ( Ri 4.17-22  EU , Ri 5.6  EU , Ri 5.24  EU ).

Yahel also means "he will put up a tent". ( Isa 13.20  EU )

Biblical figure

The biblical narrative in the Book of Judges tells of Jaël , the wife of the Kenite Heber ( Ri 4,11  EU ): According to Ri 4,17–24  EU she killed an enemy of the people of Israel, the Canaanite general Sisera from Hazor . After a lost battle against the Israelite Barak and the judge Debora, he fled to Heber's tent. There Jaël covered him with a rug (supposedly to hide him) and then drove a tent peg through his temple with a blacksmith's hammer .

The prophet Deborah had foretold the deed, and she praises Jaël in the song of Deborah . It is considered to be one of the oldest surviving seals in the Old Testament . In the song Jaël is seen as a heroine for the people of Israel ( Judges 5,24–31  EU ). Like Mary, the mother of Jesus , she receives a Magnificat (hymn of praise): “ Praise be to Jaël among women ” (verse 24). By her deed, Jaël brought forty years of peace to the people of Israel; she loved the Lord of Israel and is compared to the rising sun and its power (v. 31).


  • Jael
  • Jaël
  • Yaël
  • Yaelle
  • Yaëlle
  • Yeah
  • Yaella
  • Jaélle

Well-known namesake

Yael / Yaël

Middle name

Jael / Jaël

  • Jaël Bestue (* 2000), Spanish sprinter
  • Jael Dajan (* 1939), Israeli writer and politician
  • Jael Koller (* 1989), Swiss floorball player
  • Jaël Malli (* 1979 as Rahel Krebs , also known as Jaël Krebs ), Swiss musician and lead singer

Jaele / Jaela / Jaelin

Individual evidence

  1. Duden - The great first name dictionary. Mannheim, 2007
  2. ^ Biblical Name Lexicon. Pfäffikon, 1991
  3. Article Jaël. In: Lexicon of the Bible. R. Brockhaus, Wuppertal 1998.