Zacharias Stampeel

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Zacharias Stampeel (born August 24, 1654 in Salzwedel , † May 9, 1731 in Lübeck ) was a German Lutheran theologian, educator and librarian.


Zacharias Stampeel was the son of Christoph Stampeel († 1669), the treasurer in the Neustadt Salzwedel and of Anna, geb. Herlitz, the chamberlain’s daughter in the old town of Salzwedel Christoph Herlitz. His paternal grandfather was Stephan Stampeel, a lawyer and councilor in Salzwedel; his uncle was Georg Stampelius , theologian and later superintendent in Lübeck. He attended Latin schools in Salzwedel, in 1670 in Güstrow , 1671 in Quedlinburg and 1672 in Magdeburg . At the same time, he taught the son of the lawyer Sebastian Gerken, who later became mayor of Lübeck Sebastian Gercken , as a private tutor . From 1674 he studied at the University of Jena , from 1676 at the University of Frankfurt / Oder and in 1680 at the University of Königsberg . From 1681 to 1683 he taught as court master some noble young Poles. In March 1683 he was in Danzig , from where he was appointed rector of the Latin school in Dirschau . Two years later, in 1685, he was back in Salzwedel at the request of his mother, but then went to Lübeck in 1687 at the instigation of his former student Sebastian Gercken. In 1693 he became vice principal at the cathedral school in Schleswig . In 1708 he returned to Lübeck and worked here as sub-rector of the Katharineum , with which the management of the city ​​library was connected. At the age of 75 he received a substitute in 1728, Karl Heinrich Lange , who became his son-in-law in 1729 and, after Stampeel's death in 1731, his successor.


Since December 10, 1693 Stampeel was with Catharina Möller, the daughter of arithmetic master and notary Arnold Möller jun. († 1693) and granddaughter of Arnold Möller , married. At that time she was the widow of Hinrich Gammelin, a teacher at the cathedral school in Schleswig.

The couple had the following children:

  • Anna Catharina Stampeel (born September 22, 1694; married April 23, 1714 with Paul Hey, teacher at the Katharineum, † June 19, 1730)
  • Magarethe Elisabeth Stampeel (born November 1, 1696; married October 19, 1724 to Christoph Hermann Rhodomann, pastor in Berkenthin )
  • Johann Friedrich Stampeel (* / † March 20/21, 1698)
  • Zacharias Stampeel (born April 30, 1700 in Schleswig; † May 9, 1729 in Rieseby ), visited the Katharineum; studied from 1717 at the University of Wittenberg , from 1719 at the University of Kiel with Johann Lorenz von Mosheim , March 19, 1724 Preacher Rieseby, 1725 married to Dorothea Schmidt, the only daughter of his predecessor Magister Johann Schmidt
  • Arnold Christoph Stampeel (born November 2, 1701 in Schleswig), studied pharmacy at the University of Copenhagen , in Stockholm , Lüneburg and other places in Germany, in 1727 in Lübeck as a citizen and brewer, married. September 3, 1727 with Anna Catharina, the only daughter of the merchant in Schleswig Nicolaus Bock, she died in childbirth on October 16, 1728 after the birth of their only daughter Anna Catharina Stampeel (* October 15, 1728 - † October 16, 1728), He then married in second marriage on July 18, 1729 Magaretha Dorothea Löper († September 1, 1729)
  • Maria Hedwig Stampeel (born June 10, 1703; married to Karl Heinrich Lange since May 5, 1729 )
  • Cornelia Stampeel (* May 12, 1705; † February 1, 1711 in Lübeck)



  • Karl Heinrich Lange: Last memory of fame and honor, designed with a sad pen at the funeral ... In: Fritz Roth : Complete evaluations of funeral sermons and personal documents for genealogical and cultural-historical purposes. Vol. 7, p. 196, R 6307
  • Johann Henrich von Seelen : Memoria viri praecellentissimi, clarissimi doctissimique domini Zachariae Stampeelii, subrectoris Lubecensis meritissimi, literis consignata. Lubecae: Typis Io. Nic. Greenii 1731