Abbreviations / musical instruments
The following is a list of the abbreviations for musical instruments , such as those used in musical scores and in notations for jazz pieces .
In practical use, the abbreviations are not always clear (see above all with regard to “tb”), in case of doubt the context must be interpreted.
acc | Accordion (ger .: accordion) |
acl | Alto clarinet |
afl, oldfl | Alto flute |
arr | arrangement |
as | Alto saxophone |
b, bg | Bass (instrument) (English: bass guitar) |
bar | Baritone saxophone |
bck | pool |
bcl, bkl | Bass clarinet |
bj, bjo | banjo |
bars | Baritone saxophone (ger .: baritone saxophone) |
bl | Band leader |
bo | Bongos |
bpos, btb | Bass trombone |
br | Viola (viola) |
bs, bss | Bass saxophone (English: bass saxophone) |
btba | Bass tuba |
btp | Bass trumpet (ger .: bass trumpet) |
bwtba | Bass Wagner tuba |
c, cor | Cornet (ger .: cornet) |
cor | Horn (ital .: corno) |
cl | Clarinet (ger .: clarinet) |
clo | cello |
comp | Composition (ger .: composition) |
cond | Conducting / conductor |
dr | Drums (ger .: drums) |
eb | E-Bass (English: electric bass) |
eh | English horn |
ep | Electronic piano (English: electric piano) |
fg | bassoon |
fl | Flute (ger .: flute) |
flh | Flugelhorn (ger .: flugel horn) |
early | Waldhorn (ger .: french horn) |
gisy | Guitar synthesizer |
g, git | Guitar (ger .: guitar) |
gl, glsp | Carillon |
gl | Bells |
g1 | 1st violin ( violin ) |
g2 | 2nd violin (violin) |
grtr | Big drum |
har, harm | Harmonica (English: harmonica) |
harp, hrf | Harp (ger .: harp) |
hrn | horn |
hrp, hrps | Harpsichord (English: harpsichord) |
kb | double bass |
kb, keyb | Keyboard |
kbpos | Double bass trombone |
kbtba | Double bass tuba |
kfg | Contrabassoon |
kl | clarinet |
kltr | Small drum |
ld | Band leader |
lyra | Lyre |
mand, mando | Mandolin (ger .: mandolin) |
mar | Marimba |
whether, obo | oboe |
op | Ophicleide |
org | Organ (engl .: organ) |
p | Piano (Engl .: piano) |
perc | Percussion instruments (ger .: percussion) |
picb | Piccolo bass |
picc | Piccolo |
pictp | Piccolo trumpet |
pkn | Timpani |
pos | trombone |
reeds | Woodwind instruments (reeds) |
stirred | Agitator drum |
sax | saxophone |
ss | Soprano saxophone |
st | Strings |
syn, synth | synthesizer |
tamb | Tambourine |
tb, trb | Trombone (ger .: trombone) |
tb, tba, tub | tuba |
th | Tenor horn |
timp | Kettledrum |
tp, trp | Trumpet (ger .: trumpet) |
trgl | triangle |
ts | Tenor saxophone (tenor saxophone Engl .:) |
dd | Turntables |
dd | Hoopla |
twtba | Tenor Wagner tuba |
v, vl | violin |
va, viola | Viola (ger .: viola) |
vb, vib | Vibraphone |
vc | violoncello |
voc | Singing (ger .: vocals) |
vtb | Valve trombone |