Abundius Maehler

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Abundius Maehler

Abundius Maehler (born June 1, 1777 in Ehrenbreitstein ; † February 18, 1853 in Niederheimbach ) was Lord Mayor of Koblenz from 1818 to 1847 .

Life and work

Maehler was born as the son of Franz Josef Maehler and Anna Johanna, nee Vacano. After studying in Giessen , he became a court clerk in Virneburg in 1798 . He then worked as a secretary for the municipal administrations in Cochem and Mayen . After its dissolution in 1800 he took a position as Mairie secretary in Mayen until he moved to the prefecture in Koblenz in July 1803 . From 1805 to 1814 Maehler was a notary in Mayen. In October 1814 he became the official administrator of the Koblenz district administration under Austrian-Bavarian administration. After the Rhineland was taken over by Prussia , he took up a position as a district police inspector at the General Government Commissioner in Koblenz. When setting the Prussian government he was Secretary of Government with a view to the Governing Council to be promoted. In this capacity he was also one of the directors of the Koblenz pawn shop from June 2, 1817 .

Acting as the Lord Mayor of Koblenz

On March 26, 1818 Maehler was appointed Lord Mayor and Police Director of Koblenz. The almost 30-year term of office was characterized by diligence and loyalty. During this time, he personally recorded every meeting of the city council. His willingness to help is also passed down, as he mediated in conflicts between citizens and the Prussian state. In 1819 he warned his schoolmate and supporter of the French Revolution , Joseph Görres , of the impending arrest.

During his term of office the construction of the ship bridge over the Rhine (1819), the construction of the main cemetery (1820), the donation of the ruins of Stolzenfels Castle to the Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm IV. (1823), the establishment of a public library (1827), the establishment of a chamber of commerce (1834) and the conclusion of a gas supply contract for the city (1845).

Since 1843 there have been complaints that Maehler was inadequately supervising the administration and thus there were irregularities in the city budget. The reason may lie in Maehler's previous illness since 1837. Government Commissioner Halm confirmed this in the summer of 1845 after examination. As a result, Maehler was retired in 1847. Successor in office was on March 6, 1847 Friedrich Wilhelm Alexander Bachem .


  • 2004: Designation of a place in Ehrenbreitstein in "Maehlerplatz"


  • Max Bär : From the history of the city of Koblenz. 1814-1914. Krabbensche Buchdruckerei, Koblenz 1922.
  • Wolfgang Schütz: Koblenz heads. People from the city's history - namesake for streets and squares. Verlag für Werbung Blätter GmbH Mülheim-Kärlich, Ed .: Bernd Weber, 2005 (2nd revised and expanded edition).
  • Energieversorgung Mittelrhein GmbH (ed.): History of the city of Koblenz . Overall editing: Ingrid Bátori in conjunction with Dieter Kerber and Hans Josef Schmidt
    • Vol. 1: From the beginning to the end of the electoral era . Theiss, Stuttgart 1992, ISBN 3-8062-0876-X
    • Vol. 2: From the French city to the present . Theiss, Stuttgart 1993, ISBN 3-8062-1036-5