Adolf Josifowitsch Rabinowitsch

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Adolf Josifowitsch Rabinovich ( Russian Адольф Иосифович Рабинович ; born March 24 . Jul / 5. April  1893 . Greg in Odessa ; † 19th September 1942 in Kazan ) was a Ukrainian - Russian chemist , physical chemist , colloid chemist and university lecturer .


Rabinowitsch, son of a lawyer , graduated from the 2nd Odessa grammar school in 1911 with a gold medal. He then studied chemistry at the New Russian University in Odessa, graduating in 1915. He then worked in a chemical factory in Odessa as a laboratory assistant. In 1917 he became a lecturer at the Department of Chemistry at the Neurussian University. In 1920 he received his master's degree.

In 1923 Rabinowitsch moved to the Karpov Institute for Physical Chemistry in Moscow , where he was head of the laboratory for colloid chemistry . He examined together with its employees WA Kargin the stability and mechanism of coagulation lyophobic colloids, the reaction mechanism of two colloidal systems and the then unexplored class of metal - organosols . Rabinowitsch was co-editor of the Russian journal Journal for Physical Chemistry and other journals. From 1930 he also taught as a professor at the Lomonossow University in Moscow . In 1933 he became a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) . From 1938 he headed the chair for colloid chemistry at Lomonossow University. After the start of the German-Soviet War , he was evacuated to Kazan , where he died.

Rabinowitsch's research focused on the stability of colloidal systems and photochemistry . He examined colloid coagulation by adding electrolytes . He developed the adsorption theory of photographic development . He explained the sensitization by dyes as well as the effects of adsorption on absorption spectroscopy .

Individual evidence

  1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia : Rabinovich, Adol'f Iosifovich (accessed September 3, 2016).
  2. ^ Adolf Iosifovich Rabinovich physical chemist (accessed September 3, 2016).
  3. Ю.Г. Богданова: член-корреспондент Рабинович Адольф Иосифович (accessed September 3, 2016).
  4. Рабинович Адольф Иосифович (accessed September 3, 2016).
  5. В. А. Каргин, А. И. Рабинович: Об активности компенсирующих ионов в коллоидных системах . In: Журнал физической химии . tape 6 , no. 9 , 1935.
  6. В. А. Каргин, А. И. Рабинович: Об изменениях в коллоидных системах при взаимодействии их с электролитами . In: Журнал физической химии . tape 6 , no. 9 , 1935.
  7. ^ Adolph J. Rabinovich: On the adsorption theory of photographic development . In: Transactions of the Faraday Society . tape 34 , 1938, pp. 920-926 , doi : 10.1039 / TF9383400920 .