Albert Friehe

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Willy Gustav Albert Friehe (born July 13, 1904 in Mölme ; † April 5, 1956 in Langendamm ) was mayor of Bückeburg , the then state capital of Schaumburg-Lippe , racial activist of the NSDAP and author of several books that were widely used in the Third Reich for nine years about heredity and eugenics (" racial hygiene ").

Life path

Friehe was the son of a "family farmer". He attended the village school in Mölme near Hildesheim , then until 1921 the higher agricultural school in Hildesheim, where he obtained the secondary school leaving certificate. At the secondary school in Braunschweig he passed the Abitur in 1924 . In the same year (1924) Friehe became a member of the Bismarck Federation , which was close to the German National People's Party (DNVP). He joined the NSDAP on September 7, 1925, at the age of 21 (membership number 18.097), and from 1925 to 1931 he was also a member of the Sturmabteilung (SA). After graduating from high school, he worked on his father's farm for a year and then began studying history , economics , political geography and biology . He actually wanted to do a doctorate at the University of Marburg , but fell out with his intended doctoral supervisor for political reasons. According to his own account, he had to give up his second dissertation project with the racial theorist Hans FK Günther in Jena , because Günther's examination authorization had been withdrawn. Friehe then gave up his studies without a formal degree. In 1926 he participated in the establishment of the NSDAP local group in Tübingen . In 1928 he became an employee of the Völkischer Beobachter , on September 1, 1931 editor of the youth supplement to the "National Socialist Landpost" (NS-Landpost). Friehe led in July 1931 a Nazi farmer training course in Wabern by who was so successful from the perspective of his party that the later "Reich Minister of Food" ( Reich Minister for Food and Agriculture ), Walther Darré , then him in conducting similar courses throughout the German Reich commissioned and appointed him in January 1932 as the NSDAP's technical advisor for peasant education. In 1932 Friehe was a specialist in rural training in the Office for Agricultural Policy of the NSDAP. Friehe was a candidate for the NSDAP in both Reichstag elections in 1932, in July and November 1932 . After the National Socialist " seizure of power " in the summer of 1933, he headed the regional education office in Saxony for a few months, then he became regional chairman of the state farmers' association in Westphalia. In 1935 his book “What must the National Socialist know about inheritance?” Was published in the first edition by Moritz Diesterweg .

Karl Wiehe , the German national mayor of Bückeburg, who had been in office since the imperial era , was ousted in 1935 after he had campaigned for the protection of Bückeburg Jews. Albert Friehe became Wiehe's successor as mayor of Bückeburg, the then state capital of Schaumburg-Lippe . He distinguished himself by harassing political opponents and Jews. During the deportation of the Bückeburg Jews, Friehe planned to convert the building of the old synagogue in Bückeburg as a military music school . Friehe devoted himself intensively to the topic of "racial hygiene". In March 1936 z. B. in Bückeburg the exhibition "Genetic and Race in the German People" opened. During the nine-year period in office, more than 60 residents of Bückeburg were persecuted and most of them were killed. Friehe was head of the "Working Group for Biodynamic Economy " in Bückeburg.

Friehe was arrested on May 17, 1945 and was interned in Staumühle , from which he was released in December 1945 because of his health - he suffered from tuberculosis . On August 21, 1948, he applied to the city of Bückeburg "to carry out denazification proceedings against me" and appealed against the impeachment issued by the district administrator with effect from December 21, 1945 on the instructions of the British occupying power. With a decision of April 20, 1950, Friehe was classified in Category III as “less exposed”. Early contradiction and the changed legal situation led in 1952 to its classification in category IV (“fellow travelers”). From 1948 onwards, Friehe worked as a newspaper advertiser for the Deutsche Bauernzeitung and then as a freelance advertising consultant for the pharmaceutical factory Dr. med. Friedrich Hey worked in Bückeburg until he retired from work in 1952 for health reasons.


Friehe had been married to Elisabeth Temming since April 13, 1936. The children Albert (* February 22, 1937), Eckhardt (* April 22, 1939), Helgard (* July 23, 1944) and Norbert (* January 13, 1951; † November 2007) emerged from the marriage.

Publications (selection)

  • What does the National Socialist need to know about inheritance? The basics of inheritance and its importance for man, people and state. Verlag M. Diesterweg, Frankfurt am Main, 1934 ( PDF, or ).
  • What ieder van de erfelijkheid weten moet: the fundamentals of the erfelijkheid en hun beteekenis voor people en people. Volksche Uitg. Westland, Amsterdam 1943 (Dutch translation of: “What does the National Socialist need to know about inheritance?” ).
  • What must German youth know about inheritance? The basics of inheritance and its importance for man, people and state. Verlag M. Diesterweg, Frankfurt am Main, 1935, school edition of the text: "What must the National Socialist know about inheritance?"
  • What does the National Socialist need to know about inheritance? Frankfurt a. M., Diesterweg 1935.
  • What German youth must know about inheritance! Frankfurt a. M., Diesterweg, 1943.
  • What every German must know about inheritance! The basics of inheritance and its importance for man and the state Verlag M. Diesterweg, Frankfurt am Main, 1943
  • National Socialist farmer training courses. Their tasks and guidelines for their implementation (= library for research on the history of education . [BBF] 97). 1333.


  • Hans-Christian Harten, Uwe Neirich, Matthias Schwerendt: Racial hygiene as an educational ideology of the Third Reich: Bio-bibliographical manual. edition education and science, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2009, p. 191 ( reading sample in the Google book search) and p. 377 (not part of the reading sample).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Langendamm death register, 9/1956.
  2. a b Janet Biehl: Ecofascism Revisited - Lessons From The German Experience. Footnote 276 on p. 121 (English, Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  3. Albert Friehe . In: Lower Saxony Yearbook for State History . tape 62 . Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1990, p. 38 , with reference to StAB L 4 No. 2379 ( - restricted view).
  4. Blog: Traces of History: Reichs Militär Musikschule Bückeburg (accessed on July 17, 2020).
  5. ^ "Racial hygiene" in the Schaumburger Land - between forced sterilization and child euthanasia: On the prevention of "life unworthy of life" by law, by Stefan Brüdermann In: Deister and Weser newspaper (DeWeZet), April 17, 2009 ( , accessed on July 17 2020).
  6. Wilhelm Gerntrup: The power of blood is stronger. In: Schaumburger Zeitung and Landeszeitung. (SZ | LZ), September 10, 2010 ( , accessed on July 17, 2020).
  7. Wilhelm Gerntrup: "One cannot get at sub-humans through humanity". Albert Friehe - Mayor of Bückeburg. In: Frank Werner (Hrsg.): Schaumburg National Socialists. Perpetrators, accomplices, profiteers. Bielefeld 2010, ISBN 978-3-89534-737-5 , p. 273.