Renovation of old buildings
The term old building renovation describes the renovation of an old building . In addition to building technology, this can affect the statics of the components as well as the floor plan and the outer shell.
After the Second World War , building activity in Germany was initially characterized by rebuilding , using the substance of the buildings that had been damaged until 1945. At the same time new buildings were built, including large housing estates in the outer areas of the cities. From the 1960s set policy and construction industry with the site remediation to the demolition of old neighborhoods without regard to historic structures.
Since the 1970s, the resistance to this "deforestation" has increased steadily and after careful urban renewal had prevailed in the 1980s , the renovation of old buildings now makes up more than half of the total building volume (so-called building in existing buildings ). The reunification also made it possible to renovate and preserve large stocks of old buildings in East Berlin and the former GDR.
The international building exhibition 1984/87 (IBA) with the director of the "Altbau-IBA", Hardt-Waltherr Hämer , set the pace in urban renewal .
The building fabric erected after the Second World War often and relatively quickly has defects; Buildings from the time before 1945 are in need of renovation due to their old age and the residents place higher demands on the building services . Due to the higher requirements in terms of hygiene , moisture and heat protection, there are also changed uses of the living space.
The average living space requirement per capita has risen sharply over the past 100 years.
In other European countries the building stock is on average older than in Germany; remedial measures are therefore also inevitable there.
Refurbishing old buildings can make economic and ecological sense: on the one hand, because the alternative (demolition and new construction) is often more expensive or time-consuming; on the other hand, because resources are conserved.
Definition of terms
Renovation of old buildings generally affects existing buildings, including those that are not worth protecting from a monument preservation point of view. The terms conservation and restoration are to be assigned to monument protection . A renovation of an old building usually requires the users to move out (temporarily) due to extensive construction work on and in all parts of the building . An important criterion for the question of the profitability of an old building renovation is the protection of existing buildings - including building methods that are currently inadmissible under building law .
Because of the comprehensive objectives, the work usually covers many different trades such as facade construction (especially thermal insulation ), plastering work , masonry and concrete repairs , drainage, carpentry work , roofing work , plumbing work , plumbing work , tiling work , electrical installation work , window renovation , window construction , interior construction , painting work .
Due to the diverse and extensive measures, the work requires coordination; it is advisable to monitor their progress.
environmental Protection
The aim of renovating old buildings is increasingly to reduce the heating requirement : to lower CO 2 emissions and to save heating costs . However, the usual facade insulation in building renovation reaches its limits in old buildings if the measures represent an “unreasonable expense” or if the facades or buildings are listed ; According to the current monument protection regulations, no thermal insulation may be applied to the facade, but it can be used as interior insulation - again taking into account the monument protection regulations that apply to this. The Energy Saving Ordinance according to § 24 EnEV does not apply to buildings that are under monument protection . Another focus is on the overall energy balance of building materials (environmentally friendly in production and processing on the building, later separable, reusable, recyclable or harmlessly degradable). According to § 25 EnEV and § 5 Energy Saving Act , exemptions from the EnEV are possible in the renovation of old buildings if the effort is "inappropriate". This means that the costs of the energy that have to be raised to save energy (e.g. energy consumption for production, transport, installation, but not subsequent dismantling and disposal or recycling of insulation materials), "within the normal useful life ... within a reasonable period “must be lower. At the same time, aspects of sustainability in construction are increasingly coming to the fore. Furthermore, the health of the residents must be guaranteed by using safe building materials.
When choosing the building technology, the use of regenerative energy sources and local, possibly regenerable material deposits should be preferred. In addition, decentralized, environmentally friendly supply and disposal systems must be included. The construction maintenance costs can be reduced by low-maintenance, climate-friendly and energy-generating building concepts.
The commissioning of local businesses and the creation of buildings that can be used flexibly in the future also have a positive effect on the environmental balance.
See also
- O. Frick, K. Knöll: Building construction theory 2 . Teubner Verl, Leipzig 2004, ISBN 3-519-45251-0 .
- Konrad Fischer: Renovating old buildings inexpensively. The strategy of planning and building in existing buildings . GD-Verlag, 2007, ISBN 3-939338-28-1 .
- Frank Frössel: Cracks in Buildings. So that a facade does not become a risk . BAULINO Verlag, Lauchringen 2009, ISBN 978-3-938537-22-0 .
- Wernr Riedel, among others: Thermal insulation composite systems. From thermal skin to transparent thermal insulation . BAULINO Verlag, Lauchringen 2007, ISBN 978-3-938537-01-5 .
- Uwe Wild: Lexicon of wood protection . BAULINO Verlag, Lauchringen 2008, ISBN 978-3-938537-07-7 .
- Kurt Schönburg: Natural substances on buildings, properties, application ,: Editor: German Institute for Standardization eV -DIN-, Beuth Verlag, 2010, 280 S. ISBN 978-3-410-17355-7
Web links
- Federal Working Group Old Building Renewal - Information on energetic renovation of old buildings
- Infoline old building modernization - online lexicon with basic knowledge, examples, dates, addresses, etc.
- Energetic renovation of old buildings - information on energetic renovation of old buildings (advantages, costs / benefits, typical weak points of houses and funding)