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upper course: Bösenheckengraben, Ochsengraben
middle course: Külsheimer BachCommon parlance
: Talbach ( fem. )
Middle course of the Amorsbach in Schönert

Middle course of the Amorsbach in Schönert

Water code DE : 246996
location Sandstone Spessart


River system Rhine
Drain over Tauber  → Main  → Rhine  → North Sea
origin Confluence ox / trenches for Külsheimer Bach :

in Külsheim at the junction of the L 504 from the L 509
49 ° 40 ′ 4 ″  N , 9 ° 30 ′ 41 ″  E

Source of the Ochsengraben :
approx. 1.2 km south of the outskirts of Steinbach on the edge of the Upper Forest
49 ° 39 ′ 56 ″  N , 9 ° 28 ′ 21 ″  E

Source height approx.  390  m above sea level NHN 
source of the ox ditch
329  m above sea level NHN
Zsfls. Ochsengraben / trenches
muzzle about 1.6 km south of Wertheim - Bronnbach from the left and south-west in a loop running in the opposite direction of the lower Tauber Coordinates: 49 ° 41 ′ 53 ″  N , 9 ° 33 ′ 2 ″  E 49 ° 41 ′ 53 ″  N , 9 ° 33 ′ 2 ″  O
Mouth height approx.  155  m above sea level NHN
Height difference approx. 235 m
Bottom slope approx. 29 ‰
length 8 km 
with the upper reaches of Ochsengraben
4.9 km
from Zsfls. Ochsengraben / trenches
Catchment area 20.463 km²

The Amorsbach is a 8 km long creek in the Main-Tauber district in the northernmost part of Baden-Württemberg , with its main upper reaches , which after an eastern and then north-eastern course predominantly through the area and settlement area of ​​the city of Külsheim in the area of ​​the city of Wertheim from the left in the lower Tauber opens.


The Amorsbach has various names on its 8.0 km run. The uppermost course of the main line is called Bösenheckengraben after a gain name, up to the inclusion of the Breitenfeldgraben , then follows a section Ochsengraben to the edge of the center of Külsheim, then the brook through further Külsheim and then Külsheimer Bach is called, finally, here last part far Grenzbach to Wertheim, as Amorsbach flows into the Tauber.

In the local Tauber Franconian dialect, in which the word Bach generally has a female gender, the water is called the Talbach .



The Amorsbach rises south of Külsheim - Steinbach on the eastern edge of the Great Forest near the L 508 to Külsheim- Steinfeld at about 390  m above sea level. NHN . It initially flows in an easterly direction towards Külsheim and takes on some streams on this route - the Breitfeldgraben , the Schmollertsgraben and the Schützengraben - which all arise in a similar location on the same edge of the forest and the last of which even exceeds it in length. This is where the L 509 comes to his side, which follows him on the middle slope almost to the mouth.

With the inclusion of the trench after about two fifths of its course on the outskirts of Külsheim, it turns on a north-east course, which it then maintains until the mouth. Still in the fountain rich town it runs the recently of two branches in the old town united Frankenbach from the right and his longest tributary Reute tufts digging from left further north to.

Here it already has a striking valley basin , which, after the confluence of Dorzengraben and Häckersbach on the left, turns into a wooded Kerbsohl valley. From this it flows after another two and a half kilometers, now lying more than 120 m below the right upper edge of the slope forest, from the left and southwest a good one and a half kilometers south of Wertheim - Bronnbach at about 155  m above sea level. NHN in an opposing loop of the forest valley of the lower Tauber just within the Wertheim city area in the Tauber .

Catchment area

The Amorsbach drains an area of 20.5 square kilometers in northern Baden-Wuerttemberg as the northeast to the lower Tauber , the natural area seen part of the Wertheimer plateau of sandstone Spessart is, most recently in Unterlauftal also the sub-natural space Lower Tauber .

The region is geologically shaped by the red sandstone . The higher source streams all arise west of Külsheim in a wide loess derivative layer on the Upper Buntsandstein , into which the stream enters in its valley, which only deepens from Külsheim to the northeast. Around where the forest begins to cover the bottom of the Unterlauftal, it changes to the middle red sandstone . It ends in an alluvial sediment band around the Tauber.

In the catchment area, however, there are also Triassic layers above the red sandstone. The greater heights on the right at the edge of the catchment area are all built up from the Lower Muschelkalk : from the elevation Am high Herrgottsberg ( 401.9  m above sea level ) south of the barracks in the Külsheimer west over the wide Taubenloch mountain forest , in which the ( 428.4  m above sea level) . NHN ) is the highest altitude in the catchment area, then over the Great Heidberg ( 405.2  m above sea level ) east of Külsheim to the Kapellen- or Stahlberg ( 377.4  m above sea level ) this higher layer stretches. And to the left of the lower reaches the ridge of the Schweizerberg (summit over 380  m above sea level ) to the northeast of the Red Rain homestead with its vineyards on the southeast slope is covered by a layered island of the lower shell limestone.

The highest watershed is as already mentioned on the southern border, where at the southeast corner short of Brehm Bach to Tauber further up in Tauberbischofsheim competes, the longest and highest part to the southwest corner but the west ongoing Katzenbach , who on there Erfa called Erf in drains the Main . Behind the northwestern border, the Schönertsbach drains like the Amorsbach to the northeast, a little further down from its mouth, now back into the Tauber, which also takes up the Maisenbach , which is largely collecting the runoff on the other side of the southeast border .

The catchment area lies almost entirely in the area and even the suburb of the small town of Külsheim , only on the last half kilometer of the lower reaches the middle town of Wertheim on the left . The only place on the run is Külsheim itself, in the catchment area the only other settlement area is a part of the Red Rain Aussiedlerhof group.


List of tributaries from the source to the mouth. Length of water, catchment area and altitude according to the corresponding layers on the LUBW online map. Other sources for the information are noted.

Origin of the Amorsbach at about 329  m above sea level. NHN in a retention basin in Külsheim opposite the junction of the L 504 to Tauberbischofsheim from the L 509 running in the valley, where the right Ochsengraben and the left trenches , both coming from the west, converge; the unified brook is initially and for the greater part of its course called Külsheimer Bach . He immediately turned to the northeast course, which he maintained up to the mouth.

  • Ochsengraben , right and finally west-southwest upper reaches of the Amorsbach / Külsheimer Bach, 3.2 km with the Bösenheckengraben and 2.6 km². Arises at about 358  m above sea level. NHN west of Külsheim at the confluence of two field paths followed by the upper reaches.
    • Böseheckengraben , left and western main line upper course of the Ochsengraben, 1.6 km and approx. 0.3 km². Arises at about 390  m above sea level. NHN in the tip of a field wedge, Gewann Eichsee , in the north-eastern Upper Forest , district Heidenbuckel .
    • Breitfeldgraben , right and western upper reaches of the Ochsengraben at about 358  m above sea level. NHN , 1.1 km and approx. 0.5 km². Arises at about 384  m above sea level. NHN near the origin of the Ochsengraben, also on the edge of the field, now from the Breitfeld to the Upper Forest
    • Schmollertsgraben , from the right and west-southwest to just under 350  m above sea level. NHN next to the L 509 opposite the stadium on the western edge of Külsheim, 1.4 km and approx. 0.7 km². Arises at about 381  m above sea level. NHN on the edge of the Flurgewann Zigeunerstock to the Upper Forest near the junction of the L 509 from the L 508 Steinfurt - Steinbach .
    • Taubenbaumgraben , from the left and northwest to about 340  m above sea level. NHN opposite the barracks area, 0.6 km and approx. 0.2 km². Arises at about 355  m above sea level. NHN in the tub .
  • Trench , left and finally west-north-western side branch upper course, 3.6 km and 1.5 km². Arises at about 393  m above sea level. NHN west of the shorter Ochsengraben in a corridor of the Hinteren Grund into the Heidenbuckel forest .
    From here the main line is called Külsheimer Bach .
  • Hennlochgraben , from the right and south-southeast to over 300  m above sea level. NHN in Külsheim at the brook crossing of the main road, 1.8 km and approx. 1.8 km². Arises at about 353  m above sea level. NHN southeast of the barracks area. Verdolt only in the core city area.
  • Frankengraben , from the right and southeast to about 295  m above sea level. NHN on the northern edge of the core town of Külsheim below Külsheim Castle , 1.8 km and approx. 5.4 km². Arises at about 345  m above sea level. NHN on the L 504 from Tauberbischofsheim at the southwest foot of the Great Heidberg ( 405.2  m above sea level ). Mostly runs in urban areas and verdolt.
    • Gießgraben , from the left to below 310  m above sea level. NHN in the area of ​​Rathausstrasse, 0.4 km. Before that, branches off to the left of the Frankengraben in the area of ​​the Römerbadweg. Completely ruined city stream.
  • Reutenbüschelsgraben , from the left and west to about 280  m above sea level. NHN through northern Külsheim, 4.4 km and 2.1 km². Arises at about 377  m above sea level. NHN near the origin of the trench on a forest ledge. Runs through the middle and Rabertsgrund on the upper reaches .
    • Rabertsgrundgraben , from the left and west-northwest to about 359  m above sea level. NHN just before Steinbacher Weg, 0.8 km and approx. 0.3 km². Arises at about 370  m above sea level. NHN about 0.7 km east of the outskirts of Steinbach.
    • Zehntgraben , from the right and west-southwest to about 321  m above sea level. NHN on the western edge of the settlement of northern Külsheim, 1.0 km and approx. 0.3 km². Arises at about 342  m above sea level. NHN at the dividing corner of three fields west of Külsheim.
  • Dorzengraben , from the left and west to about 257  m above sea level. NHN right after the Külsheim sewage treatment plant, 2.1 km and 0.9 km². Arises at about 358  m above sea level. NHN in the Gewann Hafengrube west of the Külsheimer Galgenberg ( 350.7  m above sea level ).
  • Häckersgraben , from the left and west to about 240  m above sea level. NHN in the area of ​​the parking loop to the left of Talstrasse L 508, 2.3 km and 0.8 km². Arises at about 360  m above sea level. NHN southwest of the Aussiedlerhofgruppe Roter Rain on a dirt road from Hundheim to Külsheim.
    The valley, which is already wooded on the opposite slope, is soon on the left, at the end of an outer tube, the forest begins on the ground.
Kneipp facility in the Amorsbachtal at a source between Häckersgraben and Schlangengraben
  • Schlangengraben , from the right and southeast to about 240  m above sea level. NHN in the valley forest about 1.1 km before the Amorsbach estuary, 0.7 km and about 1.5 km². Arises below 280  m above sea level. NHN in its forest sounded west of Uissigheimer chapel hill ( 377.4  m above sea level. NHN ).
    From this inflow, the stream is now called Amorsbach .
Amorsbach shortly before the confluence with the Tauber

Mouth of the Amorsbach from the left and from its northeast running middle and lower valley to around 155  m above sea level. NHN in the southwest loop of the lower Tauber between Werbach -Eulschirben and Wertheim - Bronnbach . The stream is 8.0 km from the source of its uppermost part of the Böseheckengraben , from the confluence to the Ochsengraben 6.5 km from the inlet of the trench , where it is initially called Külsheimer Graben , 4.9 km and finally on its short lower course below his own name only 1.1 km long. It has a catchment area of ​​20.5 km².

Tauber river system

nature and landscape

The Amorsbach drains mostly open corridors, most of which are under the plow. In addition, there is forest in the southeast corner of the catchment area in the large Taubenloch forest area , in the Upper Forest , at the edge of which the source streams arise, and Unterlauftal, where the far-reaching forest area Schönert borders on the left.

The upper reaches of the Amorsbach are mostly ditches, which run alongside dirt roads and fields with a thin and exposed row of trees as an accompaniment. In the northern part of Külsheim, a gallery begins to accompany the now more naturally flowing Amorsbach. From here on the valley basin is more pronounced and rows of trees run partly one above the other on the slope. Dorzengraben and hackers trench then lead from short underflow sound with partial or total forestation, the last inflow Schlangengraben traverses over its entire flow line its steep torn forest talc compacts. The small section of the Wertheim area on the left at the bottom run is in the Wertheim nature reserve .

Individual evidence


Official online waterway map with a suitable section and the layers used here: Course and catchment area of ​​the Amorsbach
General introduction without default settings and layers: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) ( notes )

  1. a b c d e Height according to the contour line image on the background layer topographic map .
  2. a b c Length according to the waterway network layer ( AWGN ) .
  3. a b Catchment area summed up from the sub-catchment areas according to the basic catchment area layer (AWGN) .
  4. a b c d e f g Height according to black lettering on the background layer of the topographic map .
  5. ↑ Catchment area according to the basic catchment area layer (AWGN) .
  6. a b c d e f g h i Catchment area measured on the background layer topographic map .
  7. Name H ä cker dig after the entry on the background layer Topographic Map . The layer Hydrography (AWGN) calls the Bach H e cker dig .
  8. Landscape protection area after the layer of the same name. The biotope layer, which can also be activated, offers partly ecological descriptions of the sub-areas covered here.

Other evidence

  1. ^ Horst Mernsching, Günter Wagner: Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 152 Würzburg. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1963. →  Online map (PDF; 5.3 MB)
  2. Geology according to: Mapserver of the State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining (LGRB) ( notes )


  • Topographic map 1: 25,000 Baden-Württemberg, as single sheet No. 6322 Hardheim and No. 6323 Tauberbischofsheim West

Web links

Commons : Amorsbach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files