Office Lindow (Mark)

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coat of arms Germany map
The Lindow (Mark) office does not have a coat of arms
Office Lindow (Mark)
Map of Germany, position of the Lindow office (Mark) highlighted

Coordinates: 52 ° 58 ′  N , 12 ° 59 ′  E

Basic data
State : Brandenburg
County : Ostprignitz-Ruppin
Area : 124.07 km 2
Residents: 4561 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 37 inhabitants per km 2
License plate : OPR, KY, NP, WK
Office key : 12 0 68 5804
Office structure: 4 municipalities
Office administration address
Strasse des Friedens 20
16835 Lindow (Mark)
Website :
Office Director : Danilo Lieske
Location of the Lindow (Mark) office in the Ostprignitz-Ruppin district
Wittstock/Dosse Heiligengrabe Rheinsberg Neuruppin Lindow (Mark) Vielitzsee Herzberg (Mark) Rüthnick Fehrbellin Kyritz Breddin Stüdenitz-Schönermark Zernitz-Lohm Neustadt (Dosse) Sieversdorf-Hohenofen Dreetz Walsleben Dabergotz Storbeck-Frankendorf Temnitzquell Temnitztal Märkisch Linden Wusterhausen/Dosse Sachsen-Anhalt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Mecklenburg-Vorpommernmap
About this picture
Template: Infobox community association in Germany / maintenance / coat of arms

The Lindow (Mark) office is an office established in 1992 in the Ostprignitz-Ruppin district of the state of Brandenburg , in which nine municipalities in the former Neuruppin and Gransee districts were initially combined into an administrative association. As a result of community mergers and integrations, the number of officially affiliated communities was reduced to four. The seat of the office is the city ​​of Lindow (Mark) .

Geographical location

The Lindow (Mark) office is located in the east of the Ostprignitz-Ruppin district and borders the city of Neuruppin in the west, the city of Rheinsberg in the north, the Oberhavel district in the east and the municipality of Fehrbellin in the south .

Municipalities and districts

Four municipalities belong to the office:


The Minister of the Interior of the State of Brandenburg approved the creation of the Lindow / Mark Office on June 24, 1992. July 1, 1992 was set as the date on which the office was established. The office is based in the city of Lindow and initially consisted of nine municipalities in the former Neuruppin and Gransee districts:

  1. Herzberg
  2. Klosterheide
  3. Schoenberg
  4. Seebeck-Strubensee
  5. Rüthnick
  6. Vielitz
  7. Banzendorf
  8. basement, cellar
  9. City of Lindow

The municipality of Hindenberg was assigned to the Office Lindow / Mark according to Section 1, Paragraph 4 of the Office.

On December 31, 2001, Banzendorf, Keller and Klosterheide were incorporated into the town of Lindow (Mark). At the same time, Vielitz and Seebeck-Strubensee merged to form the new community of Vielitzsee.

The communities of Hindenberg and Schönberg (Mark) were incorporated into the city of Lindow (Mark) on October 26, 2003.

Population development

year Residents
1992 5 031
1993 5 021
1994 5 095
1995 5 122
1996 5 139
1997 5 152
1998 5 243
1999 5 276
year Residents
2000 5 263
2001 5 222
2002 5 197
2003 5 178
2004 5 081
2005 5 059
2006 4,941
2007 4 896
2008 4,865
2009 4 817
year Residents
2010 4,800
2011 4 691
2012 4 643
2013 4 620
2014 4 553
2015 4,538
2016 4 634
2017 4 641
2018 4 643
2019 4,561

Territory of the respective year, number of inhabitants: as of December 31, from 2011 based on the 2011 census

Office Director

  • 1992–2008: Peter Hortig
  • since 2008: Danilo Lieske

Lieske was born on November 9, 2015 by the Office Committee confirmed for a further term of eight years.


Web links

Commons : Amt Lindow  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Population in the State of Brandenburg according to municipalities, offices and municipalities not subject to official registration on December 31, 2019 (XLSX file; 223 KB) (updated official population figures) ( help on this ).
  2. Main statute of the Lindow Office (Mark) from November 17, 2008 Archive link ( Memento of the original from February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 104 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Service portal of the state administration of Brandenburg: Municipality of Herzberg (accessed on November 9, 2015)
  4. ^ Service portal of the state administration of the state of Brandenburg: City of Lindow (Mark) (accessed on November 9, 2015)
  5. Service portal of the state administration of the State of Brandenburg: Rüthnick municipality (accessed on November 9, 2015)
  6. Service portal of the state administration of the state of Brandenburg: Vielitzsee municipality (accessed on November 9, 2015)
  7. ^ Formation of the Lindow Office. Announcement of the Minister of the Interior of May 29, 1992. Official Gazette for Brandenburg - Joint Ministerial Gazette for the State of Brandenburg, Volume 3, Number 52, July 24, 1992, p. 950/1.
  8. Amendment of the announcement of the Minister of the Interior of June 24, 1992 formation of the Lindow / Mark office. Official Journal for Brandenburg - Joint Ministerial Gazette for the State of Brandenburg, Volume 4, Number 42, May 21, 1993, p. 158.
  9. Incorporation of the communities of Banzendorf, Keller and Klosterheide into the town of Lindow (Mark). Announcement of the Ministry of the Interior of December 19, 2001. Official Gazette for Brandenburg Common Ministerial Gazette for the State of Brandenburg, Volume 13, 2002, Number 1, Potsdam, January 4, 2002, p. 7 PDF
  10. ^ Formation of the new community of Vielitzsee. Announcement of the Ministry of the Interior of December 19, 2001. Official Gazette for Brandenburg Common Ministerial Gazette for the State of Brandenburg, Volume 13, 2002, Number 1, Potsdam, January 4, 2002, p. 7 PDF
  11. Fifth law on state-wide municipal reform concerning the districts of Barnim, Märkisch-Oderland, Oberhavel, Ostprignitz-Ruppin, Prignitz, Uckermark (5th GemGebRefGBbg) of March 24, 2003 (Law and Ordinance Gazette for the State of Brandenburg, I (Laws), 2003 , No. 05, p. 82), amended by the law of July 1, 2003 (Law and Ordinance Gazette for the State of Brandenburg, I (Laws), 2003, No. 10, p. 187)
  12. ^ Historical municipality register of the state of Brandenburg 1875 to 2005. Landkreis Ostprignitz-Ruppin . Pp. 12-13
  13. Population in the state of Brandenburg from 1991 to 2017 according to independent cities, districts and municipalities , Table 7
  14. ^ Office for Statistics Berlin-Brandenburg (Ed.): Statistical report AI 7, A II 3, A III 3. Population development and population status in the state of Brandenburg (respective editions of the month of December)
  15. The old boss is the new one . In: Märkische Oderzeitung , November 10, 2015