André Chastagnol

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André Chastagnol (born February 21, 1920 in Paris ; † September 2, 1996 there ) was a French ancient historian and epigraphist . He is considered one of the outstanding representatives of his field in France in the 20th century.

André Chastagnol came from a humble background. From 1937 to 1941 he studied history and geography at the Sorbonne . One of his teachers was in particular André Piganiol , who introduced Chastagnol to Latin epigraphy . In 1946 he passed the examination for teaching and became a high school teacher in Châteauroux , and in 1950 in Versailles . In 1956 he moved to the Center national de la recherche scientifique as a research assistant , and a year later he became a lecturer in ancient history at the University of Algiers . In 1960 he went to the University of Rennes in the same position and became professor of Roman history there in the same year after completing his dissertation at the Sorbonne on the late ancient Roman city ​​prefects and their fasting . In 1965 he went to the relief university of the Sorbonne, University of Paris-Nanterre, founded the previous year . As the successor to Hans-Georg Pflaum , Chastagnol also taught at the École pratique des hautes études . In 1969 he was appointed to the Sorbonne , where he retired in 1984.

Chastagnol's main work is his dissertation on the late ancient Roman city prefects and their fasting, which was published in two volumes. The work not only made him well-known in international specialist circles, but was also to have a strong influence on his further research, in which he continued to devote himself in particular to administrative structures, state administration, offices and Roman law . In his research on the administrative elite, he repeatedly dealt with individual personalities and their careers as well as the Roman Senate . Chastagnol put his research focus on the third to sixth centuries AD, i.e. late antiquity , geographically, he dealt primarily with the regions of Gaul, Italy and North Africa. He was considered an outstanding expert on Roman law, numismatics and especially epigraphy. He also researched the Historia Augusta .

Chastagnol's work is still considered topical today, especially his research on late antiquity paved new paths for research and helped to fundamentally reassess this period in the last third of the 20th century. He published a large number of publications that are still received today, including 200 monographs, essays and contributions. From 1974 to 1990 he was co-editor of the Année Epigraphique , from 1977 to 1979 President of the Société Française de Numismatique . Chastagnol was honored for his scientific achievements. He was knight of the Ordre national du Mérite , commander of the Ordre des Palmes Académiques and a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute , the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia . His academic students included Stéphane Benoist , Roland Delmaire , Ségolène Demougin and Patrick Le Roux , while at the École pratique des hautes études he heard among others Michel Christol , Xavier Loriot and François Jacques . His extensive library is now called Bibliothèque André Chastagnol part of the Bibliothèque Serpente of the Maison de la recherche of the University of Paris-IV-Sorbonne.

Fonts (selection)

  • La préfecture urbaine à Rome sous le Bas-Empire (= Publications de la Faculté des Lettres d'Alger. Volume 34). Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1960.
  • Les Fastes de la Préfecture de Rome au Bas-Empire (= Études prosopographiques. Volume 2). Nouvelles Éditions Latines, Paris 1962.
  • Le Sénat romain sous le règne d'Odoacre. Recherches sur l'épigraphie du Colisée au Ve siècle (= Antiquitas . Series 3, Volume 3). Rudolf Habelt, Bonn 1966.
  • Le Bas-Empire. Armand Colin, Paris 1969. 2nd edition 1981.
  • Recherches sur l'Histoire auguste (= Antiquitas. Series 4, Volume 6). Rudolf Habelt, Bonn 1970.
  • La fin du monde antique. De Stilicon à Justinien (V siècle et début VI). Recueil de textes présentés et traduits. Nouvelles Éditions Latines, Paris 1976.
  • L'Album municipal de Timgad (= Antiquitas. Series 3, Volume 22). Rudolf Habelt, Bonn 1978.
  • L'évolution politique, sociale et économique du monde romain de Dioclétien à Julien. La mise en place du régime du Bas-Empire (284-363) (= Regards sur l'histoire. Volume 47). Société d'édition d'enseignement supérieur, Paris 1982. 2nd edition 1985.
  • L'Italie et l'Afrique au Bas-Empire. Études administratives et prosopographiques. Scripta varia. Presses universitaires, Lille 1987, ISBN 2-86531-028-0 .
  • Le Sénat romain a l'epoque imperiale. Research on the composition of the Assemblée et le statut de ses membres. Les Belles Lettres, Paris 1992.
  • Histoire auguste. Les empereurs romains des 2. et 3. siecles. Laffont, Paris 1994.
  • Aspects de l'antiquité tardive. Scripta varia II. L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 1994.
  • La Gaule romaine et le droit latin. Research on the history of administrative et sur la romanisation des habitants. Scripta varia III. De Boccard, Lyon 1995.
  • Le pouvoir impérial à Rome. Figures and commemorations. Scripta varia IV. Edited by Stéphane Benoist and Ségolène Demougin. Droz, Genève 2008.

A bibliography for the years 1950 to 1986 can be found in André Chastagnol: L'Italie et l'Afrique au Bas-Empire. Études administratives et prosopographiques. Scripta varia. Presses universitaires, Lille 1987, ISBN 2-86531-028-0 , pp. 11-21.
