Andrei Nikolajewitsch Markowitsch

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Andrei Markowitsch

Andrei Nikolayevich Markovich ( Russian Андрей Николаевич Маркович , Ukrainian Андрій Миколайович Маркевич Andriy Markewytsch ; born November 9, jul. / 21st November  1830 greg. In Turiwka , Ujesd Pryluky , Poltava Governorate , Russian Empire , † March 11 jul. / 24 . March  1907 greg. in St. Petersburg , Russian Empire) was a ukrainian -Russian ethnographer , lawyer , philanthropist and musician .


Andrei Markowitsch came as the son of the Ukrainian historian, ethnographer, poet and musicologist Mykola Markewytsch (Russian: Nikolai Andrejewitsch Markewitsch , 1804-1860) and his wife Ulyana Alexandrovna Rakowitsch (1809-1893), whose sister was the wife of the famous Russian writer Pawel An Wassiljewitsch was born in Turiwka in what is now the Ukrainian Shuriwka Raion in Kiev Oblast .

After studying at the Imperial Law School ( Императорское училище правоведения ) in Saint Petersburg, he worked there as a lawyer, became head of the Petersburg Chamber of Justice, privy council and finally state secretary of the Russian emperor Alexander II and senator .

He was also deputy chairman of the Imperial Russian Music Society and deputy chief curator of the Imperial Philanthropic Society . On his initiative, the music society in St. Petersburg and 20 branches, including in Kharkov , Kiev and Odessa, were founded, the main aim of which was to spread music education in Russia. Together with Anton Grigoryevich Rubinstein was the founder of the Saint Petersburg Conservatory , which, thanks to an application from Markowitsch , received the status of a music academy in 1866 and was recognized as a primary educational institution.

Markovich also was an excellent cellist , had the first man in Russia, a cello by Stradivari and participated in charity concerts with Anton Rubinstein, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov , Anatoly Lyadov , Alexander Glazunov , Mily Balakirev and Modest Mussorgsky part.

In 1858 he met Taras Shevchenko in Moscow , with whom he corresponded from then on and also provided financial support. From 1898 he was chairman of the Taras Shevchenko Society in St. Petersburg and tried successful that Shevchenko's manuscripts from the archives of the Museum of Ukrainian antiquities in Chernigov Kahmen. He succeeded in being the first to get permission to publish the complete works of Shevchenko in the Russian Empire.

Andrei Markowitsch was married to Nadezhda Grigoryevna Kartaschewskaja and had their sons Nikolai, Dmitrij, Jurij and Michail together.

Markowitsch died in Saint Petersburg at the age of 76 and was buried in the Tikhvin cemetery at the Alexander Nevsky Monastery .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Birthday of the Ukrainian public figure and ethnographer Andrij Markewytsch Article in the information agency of the culture industry ; accessed on April 27, 2018 (Ukrainian)
  2. a b Markowitsch on the website of the Sheremetev Museum ; accessed on April 27, 2018 (Russian)
  3. a b Entry on Andrei Markowitsch in the Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine ; accessed on April 27, 2018 (Ukrainian)
  4. ^ Entry on Mykola Andrijowytsch Markewytsch in the Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine ; accessed on April 27, 2018 (Ukrainian)
  5. a b Entry on Andrei Markowitsch in Brockhaus-Efron ; accessed on April 27, 2018 (Russian)
  6. . Markovich VII generation on ; accessed on April 27, 2018 (Russian)