Antje Wagner

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Antje Wagner (born February 3, 1974 in Lutherstadt Wittenberg ) is a German writer .


Antje Wagner grew up in Wartenburg and studied German and American literature and cultural studies in Potsdam and Manchester , later she worked as a waitress and speaker. She writes novels and short stories for adults and young people and translates from English. She has received numerous awards for her work. In 2012, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung included her in the canon of the 20 best German-speaking writers under 40 years of age. Antje Wagner lives in Hildesheim and in the summer months in Mecklenburg .

Since 2018 Antje Wagner has been writing fantastic youth novels together with Tania Witte under the pseudonym "Ella Blix" . Since 2019 Wagner has also been publishing under the pseudonym "Laura Lay".


Lie me (2001)

"This is what Werther's writing femininity should sound like - a bow to Antje Wagner."

- Dietmar Dath : FAS . October 7, 2012

Moth Light (2003)

“[...] laconic records of repressed horrors that are incessantly trying to crawl to the surface, factual reports of uncontrollable fears that are always lurking where you are actually most secure: in your own four walls, in your family, in bed or in own head. In short-winded, sometimes choppy-looking sentences, she leads us onto the black ice, which is slippery at first, then gets thinner and thinner and finally, often only in the very last sentence, collapses. "

- Sebastian Domsch : taz . October 8, 2003

Unland (2009)

“The book is dramaturgically refined and a truly gripping read. With its shadow-world theme, it also raises the question of real vs. unreal, and normal vs. abnormal, thus automatically touching upon issues of identity and personality. "

“The book is dramaturgically sophisticated and a really engaging read. With its shadow world theme, it also raises the question of real vs. unreal and normal vs. abnormal, and in this way it automatically touches issues of identity and personality. "

Shadow Face (2010/2012)

"Antje Wagner tells cautiously, reduced, remains consistently in the perspective of her first-person narrator without dodging into an authorial narrative position . Because she doesn't want to comment, dramatize or evaluate anything, not the two murders with which her main character punishes people who do injustice, and certainly not the existence of Polly. It's just there because it's needed. Until the end, even in prison, if she comes as soon as the steel door closes. “Because they don't know you, Polly. They don't know anything about you. "

The hardcover version of the text was published two years ago by the small Berliner Querverlag , Germany's first lesbian and gay book publisher. Bloomsbury has now published it in its “All Age” format as a paperback, making it more accessible to a young readership. The boundaries between the various literary areas are becoming more and more permeable. What is very welcome in the case of "Schattengesicht" - exciting and literarily convincing texts that are able to captivate young readers are what the world needs. "

- Karin Haller, Institute for Youth Literature : ö1 , Ex Libris series

Vacuum (2012)

“That (the figure design) is the great strength of the author in addition to the wonderful and richly pictorial language. She can draw really believable characters with a lot of depth and sharpness and also go through such amazing changes with them. And that makes her one of the most talented authors of books for young people currently in Germany. "

- Katrin Faludi : ERF Evangeliums-Rundfunk

The Ticket (2018)

Despite all the tension, the appearance is also a silent story that has a long-lasting effect; he addresses his readers by accurately picking up problems and questions that are part of growing up, of being human, but that do not provide simple answers or blanket solutions. "

Hyde (2018)

“Antje Wagner is an undisputed master of atmospheric design. With a keen sense for injured souls, she creates a gripping novel with “Hyde”, over which a breath of fantasy hovers from the start. She skilfully interweaves different storylines and creates a narrative pull that makes it impossible to put the book aside. "

- Maren Bonacker : Book & Mouse. 3/2018, ISSN  1660-7066 , p. 35.


Individual publications

Audio book

  • Moth light. A musical-literary tightrope walk. With compositions and improvisations by Ingo Höricht (viola and violin) and Michael Berger (piano), concert reading. Guanako Audio, Wuppertal 2006, ISBN 3-9807289-7-8 .



Awards for individual books

  • for Unland: ver.di Literature Prize (2010); The White Ravens -Prädikat (2010), children's and youth book list of SR and Radio Bremen (winter 2009/10); The best 7 books for young readers by Deutschlandradio and Focus (October 2009); Nomination in the top 20 of the Moers youth book jury from all international youth books 2009/2010, children's book favorite of the Reading Foundation (autumn / winter 2009/2010)
  • for Schattengesicht: "Crime of the Year" from gay bookstores in Germany (2010), "Youth Book of the Month" (June 2012) on ExLibris, ö1 / ORF, "Schauerliste" (April 2019, list of recommendations for the German Horror Literature Prize Vincent Preis )
  • for vacuum: “Leipzig Reading Compass” (2013) from the Leipzig Book Fair and the Reading Foundation; Shortlist for Seraph (2013) in the category "Best Fantastic Book"
  • for unicorns don't swim: recommendation list of the canton of Zurich "Gender-sensitive books for children and young people" (winter 2016), recommendation list of the canton of Basel "books for children and young people without role clichés" (spring / summer 2017)
  • for Hyde: Fantastic best list December 2018 (6th place), January 2019 (4th place), February 2019 (2nd place), nomination for the youth book prize Wi (e) derworte of the city of Monheim / Rhein, Fantastic prize of the city of Wetzlar 2019 .
  • for Der Schein: Nomination for the Golden Leslie 2019
  • for flamingo fires : nomination for the HOTLIST 2019

Awards in general

Web links


  1. "Bücherdoktor": Twenty German authors under 40. In: bü December 20, 2012, accessed March 1, 2017.
  2. About me. In:, accessed on July 19, 2018.
  3. Who is Ella? In:, accessed May 15, 2018.
  4. Antje Wagner. In:, accessed on February 15, 2019.
  5. When laying love trails. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. October 7, 2012, column: Feuilleton Spezial, p. 44 (limited preview; full text subject to charge).
  6. Sebastian Domsch: Wait until it gets dark ( Memento from February 4, 2017 in the Internet Archive ). In:, accessed on March 1, 2017 ("No more play room comfort: Antje Wagner shows in her volume of stories 'Mottenlicht' that the monsters are not under the bed, but have long been in our heads").
  7. 104 - Wagner, Antje: Unland (Un-Land) ( Memento from May 17, 2010 in the Internet Archive ). In:, accessed on March 1, 2017.
  8. Karin Haller: Antje Wagner: Schattengesicht ( Memento from June 4, 2013 in the Internet Archive ). In:, accessed on March 1, 2017.
  9. Children's and young people's book tip: Vacuum ( Memento from March 1, 2013 in the Internet Archive ). In: October 17, 2012, accessed March 1, 2017; quoted n .: Press comments on vacuum. In:, accessed on March 1, 2017.
  10. Ella Blix: The bill. (PDF; 377 kB) In:, December 19, 2017, accessed on November 28, 2018.
  11. Quoted after review. In: Swiss Institute for Children's and Youth Media , accessed on December 12, 2018.
  12. Phantastik best list December 2018. In: Literature shock , accessed January 9, 2019.
  13. Phantastik best list January 2019. In: Literature shock, accessed January 9, 2019.
  14. Fantastic best list February 2019. In: Literature shock, accessed February 1, 2019.
  15. Seven novels have been nominated for the youth book award. In:, June 19, 2019, accessed on June 25, 2019.
  16. Fantastic Prize goes to Antje Wagner. Press release. In:, June 28, 2019, accessed on July 2, 2019.
  17. News. In: Deutscher Literaturfonds, accessed on December 1, 2019.