Anton Walli

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Franz Anton Walli (born November 8, 1816 in Rastatt ; † January 8, 1898 in Karlsruhe ) was a lawyer from the Grand Duke of Baden . Walli was a member of the second chamber of the Baden state parliament from 1859 to 1864 .


After attending high school Walli studied 1834-1838 jurisprudence at the Universities of Freiburg and Heidelberg . At the end of 1838 he passed the state examination in law with distinction (grade: excellent ). He completed his further practical training at the Baden offices of Rastatt and Rheinbischofsheim . In 1842 he settled as a lawyer, first in Boxberg and later in Gerlachsheim .

In 1849, Walli re-entered the Baden judicial service, was appointed assessor at the Buchen district office that same year and appointed bailiff there in 1851 . In 1852 Walli became assessor at the court in Bruchsal . In 1854 he received the title of Ministerial Assessor and in 1855 that of Ministerialrat at the Baden Ministry of Finance.

In 1859 he was elected by the voters of the 41st electoral district, he comprised the offices of Wertheim and Walldürn , in the second chamber of the Baden Estates Assembly, the 19th ordinary state parliament. He exercised the mandate until 1864 and was re-elected until the 21st state parliament. Although he was an avowed Catholic , as a member of the state parliament he sided with the liberal majority, which rejected the concordat negotiated between the Grand Duchy of Baden and the Vatican for political and legal reasons.

In 1866, Walli was permanently transferred to the Baden Ministry of Finance as Ministerialrat. In 1868 he received the rank and title of a secret trainee and in 1874 that of a secret council . Due to his poor health, he asked for retirement in December 1880, which was granted in January 1881 in recognition of his many years of service. Anton Walli died after a brief illness on January 8, 1898, at the age of 81 in Karlsruhe. He was the holder of high Baden, Bavarian and Hessian awards.


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