Anton of Cetto

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Anton of Cetto (1817)
Gravestone in the old south cemetery in Munich

Anton Freiherr von Cetto (born March 7, 1756 in Zweibrücken , † March 23, 1847 in Munich ) was a Palatinate-Zweibrücken and Bavarian administrative lawyer and diplomat .


Anton von Cetto was a son of the businessman and banker Franz Anton Cetto. After studying law and political science in Würzburg and Göttingen , he entered the civil service in 1776 at the age of 20 under the government of Charles II August von Zweibrücken as a government advisor. Cetto was installed in the Department of Foreign Affairs and in 1777 was promoted to government secretary.

He became the private secretary of Johann Christian von Hofenfels , who was responsible for foreign affairs in the Zweibrücken Ministry. Cetto soon made another career there. In 1780 he was promoted to government assessor, 1781 to government councilor, 1784 legation councilor, 1785 real legation councilor and 1792 government and secret councilor.

After Hofenfels' death in 1787, Cetto and Maximilian Freiherr von Montgelas , who had entered the service of Palatinate-Zweibrücken as Legation Councilor in 1786, took over the actual management of the foreign policy of Palatinate-Zweibrücken under the formally responsible Ludwig von Esebeck .

In the summer of 1795, Max Joseph von Zweibrücken sent Cetto to Basel as envoy of the Pfalz-Zweibrücken to begin special peace negotiations with France . In September 1796 Cetto was sent to Paris as special envoy Palatinate-Zweibrücken . From 1808 he was the Bavarian envoy to the French court in Paris, where he stayed until 1813. In Munich he was appointed to the State Council, after Montgelas was ousted in 1817, he, Aretin and Count Taxis were decommissioned. Shortly thereafter, Cetto retired into private life.

In 1784 he married Marianne Cazin (1767-1811), a daughter of the Parisian bank director Cazin. In his second marriage, he was married from 1813 to the Wittelsbacher Ariane Freiin von Zweybrücken (1785–1857), daughter of Baron Wilhelm von Zweybrücken . On the occasion of his elevation to the hereditary baron class in 1812, he bought the Alteglofsheim castle and estate .

August von Cetto (1794–1879), Bavarian envoy in London, was his son, Anton Wilhelm von Cetto (1835–1906), Bavarian envoy to the Holy See , his grandson.


  • Karl Otmar von Aretin:  Cetto, Anton Freiherr von. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 3, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1957, ISBN 3-428-00184-2 , p. 185 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Hans Ammerich : Anton Freiherr von Cetto (1756–1847) . In: Kurt Baumann (ed.): Pfälzer Lebensbilder, Third Volume, 1977, pp. 203–225
  • Daniela Neri: Anton Freiherr von Cetto (1756–1847) a Bavarian diplomat of the Napoleonic period; a political biography . (Supplements of Francia ; 36). Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1993, ISBN 3-7995-7335-6 ( online )
  • Kurt Stuck: Administrative staff in the Duchy of Zweibrücken . Ludwigshafen am Rhein 1993, p. 14.
  • Ernst Klitscher: Anton Freiherr von Cetto - citizen son, diplomat, statesman . In: Saarpfalz. Sheets for history and folklore . tape 2000,3 , 2000, pp. 5-14 .

Web links

Commons : Anton von Cetto  - collection of images, videos and audio files