Autoestrada A23

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Autoestrada A 23 in Portugal
Autoestrada A23
 Tabliczka E802.svg Tabliczka E806.svg
Course of the A23
Basic data
Operator: scutvias
Overall length: 217 km

Districts :

Auto-estrada A 23.JPG
The A23 near Torres Novas
Course of the road
node (1)  Torres Novas A1 E1 E80
Toll booth Area de portagem Torres Novas
Junction (2)  Zibreira N 3 N 243
Junction (3)  Torres Novas N 43
Junction (4)  Entroncamento
Junction (5)  Atalaia IC 3 N 110
Junction (6)  Tancos
Junction (7)  Praia do Ribatejo
bridge Ponte de Rio Zèzere
Junction (8th)  Constância N 3
Junction (9)  Amoreira N 3
Junction (10)  Abrantes -Oeste N 3
Junction (11)  Abrantes -Norte N 244-3
Gas station Rest stop Area de Serviço de Abrantes
Junction (12)  Mouriscas N 358
Junction (13)  Ortiga N 3-12
Junction (14)  Domingos da Vinha
Junction (15)  Envendos N 359
bridge Ponte de Rio Ocreza
Junction (16)  Guards IP2 E802
Gas station Rest stop Area de Serviço de Fratel
Junction (17)  Juncal do Campo IP2
Junction (18)  Fratel
Junction (19)  Tavila N 241
Junction (20)  Sarnadas de Ródao N 18
Junction (21)  Castelo Branco -SulIP2
Junction (22)  Castelo Branco -Oeste N 233
Junction (23)  Castelo Branco -NorteIP2
Gas station Rest stop Area de Serviço Castelo Branco
Junction (24)  Alcains N 352
Junction (25)  Lardosa N 18 N 18-7
Junction (26)  Soalheira N 18
Junction (27)  Castelo Novo
tunnel Tunnel de Gardunha 1580 m
tunnel Tunnel de Gardunha-2 300 m
Junction (28)  Fundão -Este
Junction (29)  Fundão -Norte N 18
Gas station Rest stop Area de Servicio Covilhã
Junction (30)  Covilhã N 18
Junction (32)  Malpique
Junction (33)  Belmonte
Junction (34)  Benspera N 18 N 18-2
tunnel Túnel de Ramela 300 m
tunnel Túnel de Baracao 355 m
Junction (35)  Guarda -Este
Gas station Rest stop Area de Serviço Guarda
node (36)  Guarda -Oeste N 221A25

The Autoestrada A23 or Auto-Estrada da Beira Interior is a motorway in Portugal and part of the European route 802 and European route 806 . The motorway starts in Zibreira and ends in Guarda .

Bigger cities on the highway

Web links