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Chitan ( Arabic ختان, DMG ḫitān ) or Chatna (ختنة, DMG ḫatna ) is the Arabic name for religious and traditional circumcision in Islam . Islam is the world's largest religious group that performs circumcision , but it is also practiced by other religions and cultures such as Judaism . Comparable, but not identical, is the Brit Mila practiced by the Jews . Circumcision is not explicitly mentioned in the Qur'an , but is considered a so-called Sunnah and is mentioned in the hadiths (usual way of doing things, custom, handed-down norm) and is therefore a "tradition to be imitated" of the Abrahamic prophets, which must be followed. The reason for this is the fact that all of these prophets , with the exception of the prophet Muhammad , were Jews and, according to Jewish custom, were subjected to the Brit Mila. According to tradition, the Prophet Mohammed was born without or with a very short foreskin, or was circumcised by his grandfather ʿAbd al-Muttalib ibn Hāschim , according to the old Arab tradition, as was common in pre-Islamic Arabia .

A circumcision carried out in Central Asia (possibly in Turkestan ) (around 1865–1872)

Legal situation in Islam

The Islamic Schools of Law ( Madhhab ) and their view on them:

The Hanafis and Malikites see the removal of the man's foreskin as an act of worship that goes beyond compulsory standards, on the grounds that it is a sunna.

The Shafiʿites and Hanbalites see circumcision as an absolute religious duty ( Fard ), but at least the Shafiites do not distinguish between boy and girl.

None of the four Sunni Madhhahib (Sg. Madhhab, Islamic school of law) prohibits female genital mutilation; instead, FGM is assessed by them as Sunna (tradition to be imitated) or Makruma (honorable) under Islamic law.

The Shiites also regard circumcision as a religious duty (wāǧib; farḍ), but the Dawudi Bohras also consider the " Chatna " (cf. Chitan; to: chatana, to cut) of all (seven-year-old) girls.

  • This custom is also carried out by the following religious minorities: Alevis , Yazidis and Druze .

Accordingly, male converts to Islam must follow this custom. However, if one is already circumcised, unlike in Orthodox Judaism , one does not have to undergo a symbolic second circumcision ("Tippat Dam", "Hatafat Dam"). In contrast to the Jewish tradition, where circumcision is a covenant between God and man, in Islam it is understood as a part of the Sunna of the Prophet Mohammed, which symbolically expresses belonging to Islam.


According to Islamic tradition, the ancestor Ibrāhīm ( Abraham ) was the first to hear the circumcision order from God and to carry it out at the old age of 80 years. A number of other prophets followed who followed this ordinance, including:

At the time of the Prophet Mohammed, circumcision was practiced by most Arab tribes, including pagan Arabs. According to tradition, the Prophet Mohammed was asked whether an uncircumcised man could make a pilgrimage to Mecca ( Hajj ). The answer to that was: "Not as long as he is not circumcised". This is confirmed by Ibn Qudāma al-Maqdisī in al-Mughni (1/115), where it was narrated that there is no Hajj and no valid prayer for uncircumcised men. ʿAlī ibn Abī Tālib is quoted as saying, "If a man becomes a Muslim, he must undergo circumcision even when he is 80 years old". While circumcisers without medical training or barbers took over this activity in the past, nowadays circumcisions in the form of operations are more and more often performed by doctors with local anesthesia.


"Abraham was indeed a model of virtue, obedient to Allah, upright, and he was not of the idolaters" ( Quran , 16: 120)

"Abraham was circumcised at the age of eighty." ( Saheeh al-Buchari , volume 4, book 55, number 575)

“Abū Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: The Prophet, may Allah bless him, said: Fitra (natural disposition) includes five things: circumcision (of men / boys), shaving off pubic hair, cutting (Finger and toe) nails, plucking (or shaving) the armpit hair and trimming the mustache. "( Saheeh Muslim , Book 2, Numbers 495, 496)

According to tradition, Ibn Qudāma al-Maqdisī affirmed in al-Mughni that there is no hajj and no valid prayer for uncircumcised men. ( Ibn Qudāma al-Maqdisī in al-Mughni (1/115))

Customs and Practice

There is no regulation as to whether the surgeon to be performed must be a Muslim himself or not, and circumcision can also be performed by women (this is not uncommon in countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia ). The point in time when circumcision takes place depends on the region and culture and varies greatly. While in Turkey circumcision is often performed in childhood (4–12 years), boys in Arab countries are often circumcised shortly after birth. The general rule is that the boy must be circumcised from the seventh day of life by the time he reaches puberty at the latest . In which style is cut is also not prescribed, mostly the styles "high and tight" and "low and tight" are used.


In Turkey there is usually a big celebration on this occasion, which is often referred to as a "wedding celebration". Elaborately made circumcision costumes (Sünnet Kıyafetleri) are usually worn with shirts, trousers and embroidered vests. In addition, headgear, ties and long capes can be added if desired. A scepter or a dagger symbolizes that the boy is celebrated as a prince on this day. Similar celebrations can be celebrated in the Maghreb .

East asia

A traditional circumcision ceremony (sunat) of a boy. Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia, around 1915–1918).

In some countries in Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia , Malaysia and the Philippines , it is quite common to celebrate the circumcision ceremony as a mass event. It is not uncommon for several boys to be circumcised in a large hall at the same time. The Philippines, along with South Korea, belong to states in Southeast Asia or East Asia with a low proportion of Muslims, but which have a circumcision rate of over 80 - 90%. In the Philippines this is known as pagtutuli or tuli. Although the vast majority of Filipinos are Roman Catholic Christians, all boys (regardless of religion) are generally circumcised. Usually this takes place at school age (during the summer holidays) between 6 and 10 years. Historians believe that the practice of circumcision in the Philippines dates back to Islam. Islam reached the southern regions of the Philippines from the end of the 14th century and spread to the entire archipelago by the 16th century.

Techniques and Methods

There are a number of different methods that can be used to perform this operation. Examples of this are the freehand technique, the use of clamps such as the Mogan clamp or Gomco clamp as well as the pliers technique, and the Plastibell method (a kind of plastic bell is pushed over the glans, the foreskin above is separated with a thread ). The foreskin can also be removed with a laser.

Other names

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The bee (An-Nahl) . Koran in German online. Retrieved February 8, 2019.
  2. SAHIH BUKHARI ( English ) SAHIH BUKHARI. Retrieved February 8, 2019.
  3. circumcision . - CFS Consulting For Success GmbH. Retrieved February 8, 2019.