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Brullsen coat of arms
Coordinates: 52 ° 9 ′ 5 ″  N , 9 ° 29 ′ 56 ″  E
Height : 100 m
Incorporation : 1st January 1973
Postal code : 31848
Area code : 05156
Brullsen (Lower Saxony)

Location of Brullsen in Lower Saxony

Brullsen is one of 16 districts of the city of Bad Münder am Deister in the Hameln-Pyrmont district in Lower Saxony . It is located in the southeastern corner of the urban area. The old village center is on a hill.


View of Brullsen from the B 442 from the west

Brullsen is located in the Weserbergland Schaumburg-Hameln Nature Park between Springe and Hameln . To the northeast lies the Saupark Springe nature reserve . The Deister begins six kilometers to the north, the Süntel five kilometers to the west.

The Gelbbach flows through the village.


Memorial stones in the town center on the occasion of the world wars and in memory of the 400th birthday of Martin Luther in 1883

The first documented mention of the village of Brullsen can be found around 1300 in a fiefdom register of the Bishop of Minden . In this document, the place is mentioned under the name "Borlevessen" as a fief of the Spiegelberg count . Another mention was made in 1435 in a complaint from Count Ludolf von Spiegelberg, who stated that the dukes of Braunschweig-Lüneburg burned down several villages, including Brullevessen.

In 1918 a flint dagger point was found in a field east of the village. This is kept in the Heimatmuseum Alfeld. With this single find, however, it cannot be proven that Brullsen was already settled in the early Stone Age.

From 1480, there are regular documents about taxes to be paid or changes in ownership in the village. From documents around 1545 it is known that six Meier and three Großkötner were resident in the village . In 1625 the imperial troops of Tilly invaded the region and devastated many villages; Brullsen also burned down in part.

The detailed ownership of 18 farms in the village is known from the house book and inheritance register of the county of Spiegelberg from 1660 . In 1745 Brullsen had 124 inhabitants, there were 22 thatched houses and 15 thatched barns, in 1781 the population rose to 157 people.

In a description by the Spiegelberg secretary JW Kehrer it is mentioned that a school house was built in Brullsen in 1782, the first evidence of a school operation in the village goes back to 1656. Kehrer mentions that the Brullsen plain is the most fertile part of the landscape. He complains about the inefficient way of farming and describes the way of life as very raw.

Since 1840, school fees have been paid for by the municipal treasury. Brullsen was connected to the electrical power grid in 1905.

The village of Brullsen was united on January 1, 1973 in the course of the regional reform as one of 16 districts to the municipality of Bad Münder.


The local mayor is Hartwig Möller (Free Voting Community). Brullsen has a joint local council with the neighboring town of Hachmühlen .

Economy and Infrastructure

Brullsen is on federal highway 442 between the core town of Bad Münder am Deister and Coppenbrügge . The place is served by the bus routes 15 and 52 of the Kraftverkehrsgesellschaft Hameln , which are mainly geared towards school traffic with connections to the core town of Bad Münder, the district town of Hameln and to Coppenbrügge and Salzhemmendorf .


  • Wilhelm Hartmann: The older land map of Feldmark Brullsen as a document of the village history . In: Niedersächsisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte 4 (1927), pp. 111-136

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm Hartmann: The history of the village Brullsen, Hildesheim 1952, revised reprint by Wilhelm Handrejk 1979, manuscript
  2. ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 196 kB)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Brullsen-Hachmühlen: local mayor praises club life. Retrieved March 29, 2019 .