Köllnisches Gymnasium
The Köllnische High School was the first Berlin grammar school . The school building was erected in 1868 in the Berlin suburb of Neu-Kölln at the corner of Inselstrasse and Wallstrasse, based on plans by city building officer Adolf Gerstenberg . Today the Fanny Hensel music school is located in the listed building complex.
School history
As early as the 14th century there was a Kölln Latin school on the western bank of the Spree. In 1540 Heinrich Knaust , a student of Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon , took over the management of this school.
After the Seven Years' War , the upper level of the Berlin Gymnasium was merged with the Köllnisches Gymnasium to form the Gray Monastery . The educational institution was now called the Berlinisch-Köllnisches Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster . In 1824, however, the separation took place again. The students of the Kölln school used the premises of the town hall of Kölln . However, due to the increasing number of pupils in the 1860s, the municipal administration commissioned a new school and made the property on Inselstrasse 2-5 available. Between 1865 and 1868 the schoolhouse of the new Köllnisches Gymnasium was built according to plans by Adolf Gerstenberg, who at the same time also built the school complex of the Sophiengymnasium in Weinmeisterstraße.
The modern language profile of the school was expanded to include a humanistic one , and special sports such as fencing were taught. Once traded as an elite institution, it was made accessible to the lower classes by the 1920s at the latest. The educational institution was given after the takeover of the Nazis the name Altköllnische school . The grammar school was moved to Czechoslovakia in 1943; Pupils who could not or did not want to come also visited schools in the Berlin fringes.
The Germanist and publicist Rüdiger Loeffelmeier dealt extensively with school life, including at the Köllnisches Gymnasium, as an exam paper.
The school building complex
The new building was officially opened in November 1868. These were Paul Schnöpf and Ernst Ferdinand August (headmaster 1827-1868) composed their own music. Berlin's then mayor Heinrich Philipp Hedemann also took part in the event. Gerstenberg had designed a three-storey clinker facing building, which was adorned with a central projectile and a variety of terracotta ornaments. On the side of the Köllnischer Park, a house designed in the same style and with the same materials was added for the teachers of the educational institution, but only two floors high.
The school was badly damaged in World War II . Two thirds of the school building and the gymnasium were destroyed. The high school was not continued. In the 1950s, the remaining parts of the building were repaired in a simplified manner and served as a special school. After the fall of the Wall , the district administration had extensive renovation work carried out and the Fanny Hensel music school then moved into the schoolhouse.
The building with the attached teacher's house is a listed building.
Various brick stamps visible in the facade still refer to the origin and manual production of the bricks used today.
Teachers and graduates of the school

- Alphabetical -
- Hermann Aron , electrical engineer
- Theodor Bergmann , agricultural scientist and publicist
- Paul Isaac Bernays , mathematician
- Heinrich Brugsch , Egyptologist
- Theodor Brugsch , physician
- Eugen Dühring , philosopher and economist
- Paul Günther , physical chemist
- Adolf Gurlt , mining engineer and geologist
- Emil Haentzschel , mathematics teacher from 1896
- Siegfried Kawerau , teacher and school reformer
- Werner Klemke , book designer and graphic artist
- Hermann Kohlmetz , actor, theater director and author
- Anton Balthasar König , historian and genealogist
- Hermann Krojanker , entrepreneur
- Willi Layh , writer and songwriter
- Walter Ledermann
- Hermann Maron
- Leonor Michaelis , biochemist and physician
- Erich Mielke , politician
- Karl Philipp Moritz , professor at the Köllnisches Gymnasium in the 18th century
- Adolf Rosenberg , art historian
- Johann Friedrich Ruthe senior teacher, botanist
- Julius Schmundt student from 1824 to 1834, German military doctor
- Oscar Ferdinand Siegfried landowner and member of the Prussian House of Representatives
- Alfred Wegener , polar explorer, for whom a plaque was placed
- Horst Wessel
- Johann Joachim Winckelmann , archaeologist and art writer
A website contains the names of a further 21 graduates from the Köllnisches Gymnasium in 1909 and 1910.
Principals of the school
- Heinrich Knaust (1520–1580), 1540–1543
- Paul von Eitzen (1521–1598), 1544–1547
- Sebastian Brunnemann († 1579), 1548–1577
- Peter Hafftiz (Petrus Hafftitius, around 1530–1601), 1577–1579
- Jakob Sommerfeld (around 1553–1618), 1579–1585
- Nikolaus Albert, 1585–1586
- Daniel Wehrmann, 1586
- Andreas Geiersberg, 1587–1595
- Samuel Gervesius, 1595–1600
- Martin Greiffenhagen, 1600–1603
- Johann Fischer († 1608), 1603–1608
- Martin Willich , 1609-1612
- Adam Romanus († 1643), 1612–1640
- Samuel Müller († 1674), 1640–1674
- Johann Bödiker (1641–1695), 1675–1695
- Christian Rotaridis († 1723), 1696–1723
- Christian Rubin (1668-1727), 1723-1727
- Friedrich Bake (1686-1742), 1728-1741
Christian Tobias Damm (1699–1778), 1742–1767
- From 1766 to 1824 the Kölln High School was combined with the Berlin High School to form the Gray Monastery.
- Valentin Heinrich Schmidt (1756–1838), co-director 1824–1827
- Ernst Ferdinand August (1795–1870), 1827–1868
- Adalbert Kuhn (1812-1881), 1870-1881
- Franz Kern (1830-1894), 1881-1894
- Heinrich Meusel (1844–1916), 1895–1909
- Hermann Gilow (1852-1922), 1909-1918
- Emil Haentzschel (1858-1948), 1921-1924
- The architectural and art monuments of the GDR , Berlin, I. Ed. Institute for Monument Preservation at Henschelverlag, Berlin 1984, p. 244
- Two reports about the KG in the Tübingen University Library, database “Tübinger Zeitschriften”: (1) invitation to a public examination in 1871 and (2) school year report 1879/1880
- Further school publications of the KG from the years 1870-1876, 1878-1879, 1881-1886, 1887-1912 and 1914 in the holdings of the Research and State Library Gotha, call number: S Berlin Köll. G.
- Documents in the Berlin State Archives on the KG: A Rep. 020-09
- School programs of the Köllnisches Gymnasium 1882–1902, Beil. 1902, p. 15 f. ( Memento from February 20, 2005 in the Internet Archive )
- Kristiane Lichtenfeld: Homer and Socrates as guardian spirits. 130 years ago: The Kölln High School moves into its most beautiful building . In: Berlin monthly magazine ( Luisenstädtischer Bildungsverein ) . Issue 11, 1998, ISSN 0944-5560 , p. 16-19 ( luise-berlin.de ).
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ Information about a 300th anniversary celebration in 1817 in the Gray Monastery; Retrieved December 30, 2009
- ↑ The architectural and art monuments of the GDR , ... p. 278
- ^ Information about the fencing club Ravenna des KG in an old newspaper from 1924, auctioned at e-bay; Retrieved December 30, 2009
- ↑ Page no longer available , search in web archives: Memories of former student Reinhard Hentze, here. P. 18/19; Retrieved December 30, 2009
- ↑ Memories of a former student (online); Retrieved December 30, 2009
- ^ Information from Hennickendorf local researcher R. Hentze
- ↑ Loeffelmeier's homepage, accessed on December 30, 2009 ( Memento of the original from June 9, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ↑ Architectural monuments Wallstrasse 42–48 / Inselstrasse 2–5, Köllnisches Gymnasium and teacher's house, 1865 and 1868 by Adolf Gerstenberg
- ↑ Mario Kessler: Theodor Bergmann 85 years (PDF; 60 kB). In: Utopie Kreativ , March 2001, pp. 271–273.
- ↑ Paul Günther's biography
- ↑ Homepage about Walter Ledermann, later professor (English). Retrieved December 30, 2009.
- ↑ Copy of the certificate. (Jena University Archives, stock M, No. 362)
- ^ L. Michaelis, DA MacInnes, S. Granick: Leonor Michaelis. 1875–1949 (PDF; 2.4 MB). National Academy of Sciences, Washington 1958 (English).
- ↑ Biography Mielke in Archiv.DDR ( Memento of the original from September 3, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Retrieved December 30, 2009.
- ^ Website German literature with information about Moritz (English). Retrieved December 30, 2009.
- ^ Otto Franz Gensichen: Adolf Rosenberg, a memorial sheet. Insert in Zeitschrift für Bildende Kunst 41 (1905/06), p. 273.
- ^ Paul Ascherson : Johann Friedrich Ruthe: Obituary In: Negotiations of the Botanical Association 1 (1859) pp. 211-216.
- ↑ A. Krech : Memories of Johann Joachim Winckelmann . Unger brothers, Berlin 1835, p. 34.
- ↑ Information on completed maturity exams in the KG. (PDF; 7 kB) accessed on December 30, 2009
Coordinates: 52 ° 30 ′ 46.1 " N , 13 ° 24 ′ 43.8" E