Camilla (first name)

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Camilla is a female given name .

Origin and meaning

The name comes from Latin and means "The Honorable". He is the feminine form of Camillus ("sacrificial servant"). The name day is celebrated on March 3rd .


In the 19th century , the name gained its greatest attention through the novel and drama The Lady of the Camellias by Alexandre Dumas the Elder. J. , who was the basis for Giuseppe Verdi's opera La traviata and various films including Greta Garbo's Camille . Camilla is the name of a heroine from Roman mythology .


  • Camée, Camella, Camila, Camilah, Camile, Camille, Kamila, Kamilah, Kamilla
  • French : Camille (male and female)
  • male forms: Camillo , Kamil , Kamillus

Short forms

  • Milla
  • English: Cammy
  • Slovak: Kamilka
  • Italian: Cami

Well-known namesake


